
Consequences & Encounter

The woman screamed in pain as Destiny bashed through her mental shields only after a few seconds of relentless mental assault. The woman's mental defences tried to fight off Destiny's intrusive probe but Destiny bashed through all of them with sheer brute force. The woman could only grimace as Destiny started to rummage through her memories. 

Destiny finally found why the Aurors were attacking her. A Witch was coincidentally there at the port when Destiny had arrived. The witch had seen Destiny break the Statute of Secrecy by casting a Patronus which was noticed by the Muggles and the Witch had also seen Destiny attacking a defenceless Muggle and leaving him in a vegetable state afterwards. 

Obviously the Witch had informed the Auror department. They didn't believe that Destiny had used the Patronus Charm as it was a pretty advanced Charm and even a lot of adults couldn't cast that particular Spell but they did find the Muggle. Once again, the Aurors didn't consider the use of Legilimency as it was a very obscure form of Magic. 

The Aurors believed that Destiny had used some sort of Obliviation Spell or something similar to that. So, the Auror department gathered a team of seven Junior Aurors and gave them Destiny's description and told them to search for the girl. Destiny subconsciously clenched her fists, once again Muggles were being given more priority than Magical Population. 

Though Destiny didn't know why the Auror Department didn't ask for the Witch's memory. 'Maybe it's because of some stupid law' Destiny mused with shrug but it was a good thing that the Auror Department didn't ask for the Witch's memory. Destiny finally pulled out of the woman's mind and closed her eyes in regret. 

The woman was still breathing but her eyes were bloodshot. The woman had lost a lot of blood and it was pretty clear that the woman was going to die soon. Destiny carefully sat down beside the woman and pulled the woman's head into her lap. The woman was slightly bewildered at the gesture but she didn't have any energy to speak. 

Now that the adrenaline rush was finally gone, Destiny finally understood what she had done. Destiny caressed the woman's head. "I am sorry… I know, a sorry won't change anything and I will always carry the sin of killing all of you" Destiny said softly as tears started to roll down her eyes. 

This was the first time Destiny had killed Magical People and it had a huge impact on her. 'If I wasn't careless then they wouldn't have lost their lives…' Destiny thought sadly as she kept caressing the woman's head. Destiny knew that the Witch who reported her was the reason the Aurors came after her but Destiny was careless, she couldn't deny that fact. 

"I am sorry…" Destiny mumbled as the woman finally closed her eyes for the final time. Destiny closed her eyes in sadness and regret. Destiny couldn't leave them lying around, they didn't deserve that. So Destiny started to Transfigure them into wooden staffs. Carrying them like this would be much easier. 

Since all of them were already dead, Destiny didn't need to be an expert on Human Transfiguration as all of them were no longer animated. In this country, it was the tradition to burn their dead and spread their ashes in some lake or river so Destiny was going to do the same. She could also leave them lying here but she would basically be disrespecting them and Muggles would find them. 

Destiny bound the staffs together with a binding rope and started to erase her Magical Signature from the place. Gellert has taught her how to do that, this way the Auror Department won't be able to trace her using her Magical Signature. After a few minutes, Destiny was done. She grabbed the bundle of staffs and Apparated to the village where she stayed last night. 

Destiny had no plans of returning here tonight but the situation had changed. She Imperiused a group of Muggles and told them to collect wood and bring them to the village Soshan (A place where people burn their dead). Destiny made her way to the Soshan and Transfigured the staffs back into the human bodies. After an hour, the Imperiused villagers gathered back with the wood. 

After another hour, everything was prepared and Destiny set fire on the bodies. Destiny sent away the Imperiused Muggles after Obliviating them, usually, she would have killed them but she wasn't in the mood. Her whole mind was a mess. She silently sat down at the edge of the Soshan as she kept watching the burning bodies. Destiny didn't even sleep throughout the night… she simply kept watching the flames. 

It was already morning when the flames finally went off. Destiny quickly collected the ash in a pot and walked away from the Soshan. Destiny's stomach rumbled due to hunger… 'I should eat before leaving the village' Destiny thought and Imperiused a family. She asked the woman to cook something for her. Destiny quickly devoured the food and left the village after Obliviating the family. 

'Hah… I can't sulk forever. I killed them in self-defence, but I could have also knocked them out… I guess I have to accept my sins and keep moving forward' Destiny thought as she clenched her fists tightly. This was a life-changing event for her but that didn't mean that she would give up her ambition or anything. 

'From now on, I need to be careful' Destiny thought seriously. She knew that the Indian Auror Department would be hunting her more seriously as soon as they would notice the disappearance of the group of seven Junior Aurors they have assigned to look for Destiny. That meant Destiny needed to use a disguise. 

Destiny hated that… but only her carelessness led her to this predicament. For now, Destiny decided to use Glamour Charms until she could become proficient in Human Transfiguration. For that Destiny needed subjects. '...I am sure that I will find more Muggle villages on the way' Destiny thought with a nod as she kept walking down the dirt road… 

~~May, 1921 (Bulgaria)~~

Gellert opened Destiny's letter and couldn't stop himself from smiling. Since his last attack, not much has happened but that was also fine as there was no need to hurry right now. The families involved in the massacre had decided to join his cause and they were currently looking for more allies… discreetly. 

Gellert had been worried about Destiny since he didn't receive anything from Destiny in two months. She had told him that she would be travelling to India but did something happen on the way? Did she get captured or something like that? A lot of questions were popping inside Gellert's mind. Hopefully, he will get the answers in the letter. 


You won't believe it, but I decided to travel the Muggle way. I had decided to board a Muggle merchant ship. It was a whole new experience for me and I really loved the journey even though I was surrounded by Muggles. 

It took me two months but I finally arrived in India. The culture and traditions are a lot different in the country, it would take me some time to get used to it. I haven't entered any Magical Settlements but I am sure that there will be a lot of new things to explore. 

Gellert, did you receive my messenger Patronus? If you haven't then please tell me. The book didn't mention anything about distance but I still decided to give it a try. Yes, Gellert, I have a fully Corporeal Patronus. Do you have a Patronus? If you don't then I have an upper hand… Umu. 

By the way, can you send me a Bulgarian Newspaper? I want to see how everyone reacted to that traitor's death. I have looked for anything related to Desislov Krum in the newspapers but I didn't find anything. Bye… take care… 



Gellert read through the letter and couldn't stop himself from smiling with a proud look on his face. 'Destiny can cast a fully Corporeal Patronus? Wow!! That's impressive…' Gellert mused internally. He would have cheered loudly but that would have ruined his image. 

"Ah… good news it is. I know that!!" Annabell Ismail cheered loudly and started to clap with a cheerful look on her face. Gellert could only nod his head in agreement. 

Kaloyan Ismail had taken his wife to a lot of mental healers after they had dealt with Desislov Krum but it was too late for his wife. The woman has gone around the bend. The healers had proposed using a modified Obliviation Charm, it would remove all of her memories related to their son. Only after that, they could start fixing Annabell Ismail's mind. 

Annabell Ismail fought back vehemently, she would never allow someone to erase the memories of her son from her mind. That was all she had of her son… even Kaloyan wasn't spared from the woman's wrath. Kaloyan Ismail could only give up after that display. It was pretty clear that the woman wouldn't hesitate to kill him if he ever dared to bring up that topic again. 

"So, who is it from?" Annabell asked curiously while making puppy dog eyes. 

"Someone special" Gellert said and Annabell started to pout. 

"You are being a meanie…" Annabell practically whined and Gellert couldn't stop himself from chuckling. 

"You have to promise me that you won't tell anyone if I tell you" Gellert said and Annabell immediately perked up and placed her hands on her chest. 

"I promise! I won't tell anyone, ever. Your secret will be safe with me" Annabell whispered in a serious tone and with a determined glint in her eyes. Gellert felt really bad for the woman, she lost her son and that led her to this condition. 

"Her name is Destiny, she is like my daughter… practically my daughter" Gellert said and stars appeared in Annabell's eyes and started to cheer loudly. 

"Calm down, Annabell. Secret, remember" Gellert reminded her and the woman immediately became silent and stopped cheering. Annabell did a zipping gesture in front of her lips. 

"Secret. I will keep that in mind" Annabell whispered in a serious tone and gave Gellert a thumbs up before she returned to her initial spot. Moments later, Annabell started to rock her chair with a giddy look on her face. Gellert simply rolled his eyes with an amused look on his face… 

<Line Break>

~~June, 1921 (India)~~

A couple of weeks have passed since Destiny had killed the Aurors. Destiny was yet to pay another visit to the Magical side of the city. Destiny was no longer bothered by the deaths of those Aurors. Denying the reality wouldn't have helped her, she could only keep moving forward while accepting everything she had done. 

Destiny has been travelling through Calcutta while looking around. She was using a Glamour Charm for her hair. Destiny hated doing that, she loved her crimson hair but she had no other options. Her hair was a beacon anyone would recognize with a single glance. Sometimes you have to make hard choices, and Destiny didn't have anyone to blame but herself. 

If she had been careful then the Witch wouldn't have noticed her and Aurors wouldn't have come after her. Destiny was also reading the healing related books she had found in the market along with the ritual book. The ritual book was filled with a lot of basic rituals. Destiny had already marked a few of them she wanted to perform. 

Destiny was walking through a small forest while nibbling on an apple. All of a sudden Destiny froze in her tracks. Destiny was pretty sure that someone was watching her and it wasn't an animal… Destiny turned around and Wandlessly petrified the person. Destiny didn't go for the kill since she knew that only a Squib or someone Magical could see her. 

Destiny was also sure that it wasn't an Auror as they would have probably attacked her. Destiny approached the downed figure. It was a girl, no older than 15. The girl was dressed in a red saree which was smeared with dirt and mud. The girl also had a few pieces of jewellery on her body. But one thing about the girl stood out the most… her hair. 

The girl had white hair… just like snow. 'That's pretty odd…' Destiny wondered as everyone in this country she had seen far had black hair. Only old people had white hair. 'Maybe she is special like me' Destiny concluded as the girl's hair was unique just like her own. 

Destiny unfroze the girl and the girl immediately scurried away from Destiny with fear in her eyes. "Calm down… I am not going to hurt you. Sorry for attacking you… you surprised me" Destiny said softly trying to placate the other girl but Destiny didn't approach the girl.

"...Who are you?? What are you??" The white-haired girl stuttered out after a few moments. Her voice was quivering in fear.

"My name is Destiny and I am a Witch like you" Destiny said softly and the girl's eyes narrowed in anger. 

"No! I am not a Witch!!" The girl spat out angrily. Destiny was taken aback by the venom in her voice. 

(A/N: Remember they are talking in Bengali. Witch in Bengali translates into Chudail, it's an evil spirit or evil ghost who would curse children and men for their amusement and stuff like that). 

"Calm down" Destiny said in a firm tone and once again the white-haired girl froze in fear. Her anger vanished into thin air and Destiny finally understood her mistake. 

"Let me explain… we aren't the Witches from the tales of your country. We are Witches because we have Magic and we are women. Men with Magic are called Wizards" Destiny calmly explained. The girl wanted to protest again but Destiny's pointed glare made her flinch. 

"...There is no such thing as Magic" the girl retorted weakly and Destiny simply Conjured herself a chair and sat down. The white-haired girl had to pick her jaw up from the ground. 

But before either of them could say anything, the white-haired girl's stomach rumbled loudly. The older girl grimaced in pain but she was shocked when Destiny threw her an apple. The older girl instinctively caught the apple and stared in disbelief. 

"Go ahead, you should eat. I have a lot more with me" Destiny said and showed the older girl her pouch which was filled with apples. For a few seconds, the older girl kept staring at the apple in her hands with an unsure look on her face. She wasn't sure if she should eat something like that or not. 

Moments later, once again the older girl's stomach rumbled loudly. She couldn't hold back anymore and devoured the apple in only a matter of seconds. Destiny levitated a few apples Wandlessly and put them near the older girl. For a second, the older girl kept staring at the apples suspiciously but she couldn't stop herself and devoured all of them one by one. 

Destiny Conjured a large bowl and used the Aguamenti Charm to fill the bowl with water. Destiny was sure that the older girl would be thirsty after devouring so many apples. Destiny could clearly see a lot of herself in the older girl.

The older girl froze for a moment when she saw Destiny create water out of her Katana. "...How are you doing all this? Is this also Magic?" The older girl asked slowly in a somewhat interested and fearful tone. 

'Pretty understandable reaction with everything going on…' Destiny thought. "Yes, Magic is a wonderful thing. I am still trying to find everything Magic is capable of" Destiny said excitedly and the older girl couldn't stop herself from smiling. 

The older girl grabbed the bowl and started to drink the water hurriedly. The older girl finally put down the bowl when it was almost empty. As soon as she put down the bowl, she burped loudly. A small blush appeared on her face due to embarrassment. Destiny couldn't stop herself snickering after she saw the sight. 

"...Are you one of the Britishers? Your hair is just like theirs" the older girl asked curiously. With a small wave of her hair, Destiny's hair colour started to change and moments later, her blonde hair completely transformed into crimson hair. 

"Your hair is so beautiful…" the older girl said in a cheerful tone.

"I am not from Britain… I was born in the Austro-Hungarian Empire" Destiny said with a shrug as she started to caress her hair. 

"Austro-Hungarian Empire?" The older girl asked curiously as she tilted her head in confusion. 

"Well, it's gone now. Now it is called Austria… haven't you read about the World War?" Destiny asked and the older girl froze. After a few moments, she shook her head with an embarrassed look on her face. 

"...I don't know how to read or write" the white-haired girl said with a downcasted look on her face. 

"Oh…" Destiny mumbled. "So, what are you doing in the middle of the Forest? Are you lost?" Destiny asked, successfully changing the topic. 

The older girl looked reluctant to answer. "Why did you give me food and water?" The older girl retorted with a completely different question. Destiny was kind of expecting this question but she didn't think that it would come this quickly. 

She remembers asking a similar type of question after Gellert had saved her and fed her. She also remembers what Gellert had answered her and she was going to answer something similar. "Do I really need a reason to? You are a Witch just like me… and that was enough for me. We must stick together and take care of each other in this cruel world" Destiny said in a firm and determined tone. 

The older girl couldn't stop herself from nodding her head when she saw how determined Destiny's words were. For a minute, the girl simply kept fiddling while she started tracing lines on the dirt. "...I ran away and yes, I am lost" the girl finally answered Destiny's question. Destiny nodded her head in understanding. 

"What's your name?" Destiny asked as she remembered that she didn't know the girl's name. 

"Ambika Rajat" the older girl answered. 

"Can I call you Ambika?" Destiny questioned and Ambika nodded her head. "Ambika, my name is Destiny Grindelwald, you can call me Destiny" Destiny said and once again Ambika nodded her head. 

"So do you want me to take you back to your home?" Destiny questioned and Ambika's eyes flickered in fear. Destiny immediately understood that there was something wrong with her home or whatever. 

Ambika rose up from the ground and vehemently shook her head. "I can't go back there…" Ambika gasped in horror. 

"Why?" Destiny asked softly as she didn't want to scare Ambika. The poor girl was already shitting bricks type of scared. After a few moments, Ambika muttered something. 

Her voice was so low that Destiny couldn't hear anything even though she was close to Ambika. "I am sorry, I didn't get that" Destiny urged and Ambika started to shoot fearful glances towards Destiny. 

"...I killed someone" Ambika said in a fearful tone and immediately her eyes grew wide in fear. "Please… please… I didn't want to do it but it kind of happened. I didn't have any other options. I needed to get away from him…" Ambika started to wail fearfully and Destiny pulled the poor girl into her arms and hugged her tightly. 

'It seems that I am the older one among us' Destiny mused amusingly inside her mind. "Shh... Shh... It is okay. I won't take you to any type of authority… I understand that you had a reason for doing something like that" Destiny said while rubbing the older girl's back. 

Destiny kept whispering kind words into Ambika's ear. Ambika finally calmed down after a few minutes. Destiny finally let her go and stared into Ambika's eyes. "The one that you killed, was he a Muggle?" Destiny asked and Ambika slightly frowned at the question. 

"Muggle?" Ambika asked curiously. 

"Someone who doesn't have Magic like us…" Destiny said and gestured between them. Ambika understood what the word meant. 

"Yeah, I suppose" Ambika said and Destiny smiled. 

"Then you did a good thing. Muggles don't matter" Destiny said in a dismissive manner. 'The only good Muggle is a dead Muggle' Destiny thought inside her mind as she didn't know what Ambika thought about other Muggles. 

"Can I do everything you are doing with Magic?" Ambika asked excitedly when she noticed that Destiny wasn't bothered in the slightest even after knowing that she had killed someone. 

"Yes, but you would need to learn everything and you would also need a Wand" Destiny answered honestly. 

"What is a Wand?" Ambika questioned and with a slight twitch of her hand, Destiny got her kiddie Wand in her hand.

"This is a Wand. You need this to learn magic" Destiny said and Ambika tilted her head in confusion. 

"But you weren't using that" Ambika pointed out and Destiny nodded her head. 

"Yes, I could use simple Magic without a Wand or a Magical Focus but I use this instead of a Wand" Destiny said gesturing towards Neptune in her hand. 

"Oh… so can't I learn Magic using them?" Ambika asked and Destiny shook her head. 

"You can't. You see, a Wand or a Magical Focus must be fitting for their user. Like this Wand is made of Yew and its core is made of a dragon heartstring. Your Wand might be made of something different with a different type of core…" Destiny said with a shrug and Ambika nodded her head. 

Destiny noticed that Ambika was dejected but she hid it very well. "So, where did you learn Magic? There must be schools, right? It must have been great" Ambika gushed out with an excited look on her face. It was quite clear that she wanted to change the topic. 

"I never went to school… I was taught Magic by my saviour" Destiny said, not wanting to delve into the topic of Gellert. 

"Oh…" Ambika said not knowing what to say after hearing that. Destiny simply smiled as she could understand what the older girl was feeling. 

"If you agree then I could teach you Magic and everything" Destiny said and Ambika was shocked by the generous offer. Ambika was immediately on guard, she knew that there was nothing free in this world. 

"...What do you want in return? There is nothing free in this world" Ambika said in a low tone. 

"You are right but in this case I want nothing… I simply want to teach you Magic. As I said previously, we must stick together in this cruel World" Destiny answered honestly. She couldn't stop herself from comparing herself with the white-haired girl. 

"Well… enough about that. It's almost noon, we must get going or we won't be able to reach the nearest village before the sun sets down and I don't want to spend my night inside a forest" Destiny said in a cheerful tone as she got up from her seat and with a flick of her hand, she vanished the chair. 

"You can always think about the offer if you decide to come with me" Destiny said as she started to walk towards the dirt road leaving behind a thoughtful Ambika. Moments later, Ambika started to follow Destiny but she was deep in her thoughts. 

She really wanted to learn Magic. She wanted to learn more about their culture but she also knew that there was no free food in this world. But the girl had said that she didn't want anything from her but could she trust the words of the crimson-haired girl. 

It was true that the girl had given her food and water but she could have also done that for some ulterior motive. 'Don't be stupid, if she had any ulterior motive then she would have already acted on it… I am completely powerless in front of her' a traitorous voice resounded inside Ambika's mind.

'She also knows that I killed someone but she doesn't look at me like I am a monster' Ambika thought as she remembered that she had told the crimson-haired girl about that. Ambika had a hard life, and it was very hard for her to trust someone but she decided to trust Destiny for now. 

"I have made a decision…" Ambika began to speak in a determined tone. Destiny turned her head so that she could look at Ambika. 

"I have decided to accept your offer" Ambika said and a genuine smile appeared on Destiny's face. She knew that there was a huge chance that Ambika would accept her offer but she couldn't say anything for sure. 

"Good… tonight we rest. Tomorrow I will get you a Wand so you could start learning" Destiny beamed at the older girl but she could only smile wryly. 

"...How much does a Wand cost? I don't have much money… maybe I could sell these things to get some money" Ambika asked worriedly and started to gesture towards her jewellery. Destiny had a suspicion that they were made of gold.

"Don't worry about money for now and you don't need to sell those. I guess they are quite important since you are wearing them" Destiny said and Ambika started to laugh mirthlessly. Her laughter was completely hollow so Destiny understood that her conclusion must be off the mark. 

"I wish… I guess I could tell you since you already know that I have killed someone" once again Ambika laughed mirthlessly. "All of this was given to me by my 56 years old husband… he has a reputation to uphold. After all, I was going to be his 4th wife" Ambika said with a grim look on her face. 

Destiny nodded her head in understanding. Polygamy wasn't something uncommon in the Magical Society. But a 56 year old husband marrying a 15 year old?? Destiny didn't know what to say. 

"I needed to look prim and proper… so he demanded that I wear all of these during the ceremony. I wanted to run away but I couldn't… so, after our so-called marriage, I was led to his bed chambers" 

"No one was around and that was my best chance to get away. I picked up a brass chest… I stood beside the door. Minutes later, the bastard finally arrived with a lecherous grin on his face. As soon as he entered the room I hit him on the head with the chest" 

Ambika said and started to fiddle with her fingers. "...I simply wanted to knock him out but he died. I was scared but I couldn't waste this chance… so, I ran. I kept running until I couldn't recognize my surroundings any longer. You know the rest" Ambika finally finished the story. 

Destiny smiled softly. "By killing him you did a good thing and anyone who blames you for that should be killed too" Destiny said like it was the most obvious thing in the World and once again Ambika didn't know how to answer that. 

"So… I just want to get rid of these but I don't know where to sell them. I didn't want to throw them away as they would sell for quite a bit of money" Ambika said with a shrug and Destiny completely agreed with Ambika. Gold is gold even if it is Muggle Gold. 

"Don't worry… I will help you if you want" Destiny said with a kind smile on her face. After a few moments, Ambika also nodded her head with a small smile on her face. 

It took the two of them a few hours to reach the nearest village. Ambika released a relieved sigh as she realized that it was not her village. "Where are we going to stay?" Ambika questioned as she noticed that Destiny was just walking around the village. Ambika also noticed that villagers couldn't see Destiny but Ambika was getting weird looks from time to time. 

Destiny entered a house like she owned the place and quickly knocked out everyone. After that Destiny cast an area-wide Obliviation Spell to remove the Ambika's memory from all of their minds. Destiny Wandlessly pulled Ambika inside the house and closed the doors. 

"What did you do?" Ambika asked with a bewildered look on her face. 

"I Obliviated them. It is a memory removal Spell" Destiny said in a dismissive tone and pulled out her trunk. With a wave of her hand, she enlarged her truck. Ambika kept watching what Destiny was doing with awe in her eyes. 

Destiny popped the hood of her trunk. Destiny's trunk was magically expanded on the inside. Destiny had done it herself. She rummaged through the trunk and pulled out a blank language vial. The girl needed to learn how to read and write first before she could start learning Magic. 

Destiny sliced her hand Wandlessly. Ambika saw that and her eyes grew wide in fear. "What are you doing??!" Ambika exclaimed in horror. Destiny didn't bother to answer the frantic girl and added her blood into the vial until it turned into something like mercury. With an Episkey, Destiny's hand was good as new. 

"What?! How? Oh… silly me. Of course, Magic" Ambika muttered and started to rub her face. It has been a long day for her. Destiny practically shoved the potion vial into Ambika's hand. 

"Drink that…" Destiny said hurriedly. Ambika gave Destiny an unsure look. 

"This has your blood in it" Ambika pointed out but Destiny gave her a 'So, what?' look. Ambika reluctantly drank the potion and she immediately grimaced due to the disgusting taste of the potion. 

Ambika was about to make a comment about the taste but she froze when she felt a stinging pain in her head. Foreign memories related to English started to appear inside her head and after a few moments, the stinging pain was gone but her head was still throbbing in pain. 

"That hurt… at least, now I know how to read, write, and speak English. This is amazing!! I already love Magic!" Ambika exclaimed loudly with a cheerful look on her face. Destiny also smiled after hearing Ambika's words. 

"Good… Let's wash ourselves before we can start relaxing. Do you have any jewellery you like? I can add the Muggle Repelling Charm on that" Destiny asked and Ambika pointed towards a plain-looking simple bangle on her left wrist. 

(Image Here) 

"This was something I bought using my own money… it was hard but I did it" Ambika said and took off the bangle and handed it to Destiny. "How long will it take?" Ambika questioned and Destiny tilted her head with a thoughtful expression on her face. 

"Since I am used to doing this… probably 10 minutes?" Destiny answered with an unsure look on her face and Ambika could only nod her head. Destiny had made one for Gellert too and she had also charmed her trunk using the same method. Not only that, but she had also charmed a lot of clothes using that method. 

While Destiny was charming the bangle, Ambika's eyes went towards the knocked out Muggles. At first, she had thought that Destiny had killed them but she realized that they were still breathing even though they were not moving. 'They are probably knocked out' Ambika concluded. 

But for a second she did consider that Destiny had killed them. She should be freaking out… she should have freaked but she didn't. Ambika knew that something had changed inside of her after meeting Destiny. 

'It must be because I have found that I am different. I am a Witch, not a Muggle' Ambika wondered. 

Ambika's life wasn't great. At the age of two, she was abandoned by her parents due to her hair. She never hated her hair as she understood that it wasn't her hair's fault. Throughout her whole life, she was abused and ridiculed by Muggles just because her hair was different and no matter how much she tried, she couldn't bring herself to care about them. 

Only a few minutes ago she was getting weird looks and fearful stares from the people of the village until Destiny Obliviated them. It has been long since she had learned how to deal with those stares. It no longer bothered her like it did before. Now she knew that she was special and that made her happy. 

"Ah… done!" Destiny exclaimed loudly, breaking Ambika out of her internal musings. Destiny handed Ambika the bangle who quickly put it on. "I will show you how to activate and deactivate the Charm… I will also show you how to recharge that thing with your Magic" Destiny explained and Ambika nodded her head in understanding. 

"What are you going to do with them?" Ambika finally questioned, unable to hold back her curiosity. Destiny closed the hood of her trunk but didn't shrink it. 

"I am going to use them to learn Human Transfiguration" Destiny answered as she plopped down on her trunk. 

"Human Transfiguration?" Ambika questioned curiously. 

"You will know when I start practising" Destiny answered dismissively as she pulled out her feet of her heeled boots. 

"Can they die?" Ambika asked and Destiny looked straight into Ambika's eyes. 

"Are you worried about them?" Destiny questioned and Ambika immediately shook her head in denial. 

"I was just curious… I don't know them and I don't care what you do to them" Ambika said honestly and after a few moments, Destiny gave her a satisfied nod. 

Destiny just used Legilimency to check Ambika's surface thoughts. She wanted to know if Ambika was telling the truth or just acting. Ambika genuinely didn't care about what happened to them, that was good. 

"Good… Let's wash ourselves" Destiny said as she started to unbutton her shirt. Ambika shrieked and covered her face. 

"What are you doing??!! Have you no shame?!" Ambika questioned loudly and Destiny gave the older woman a bewildered look. 

'Is this girl serious?' Destiny questioned herself. "Are you being serious? We are both girls…" Destiny said and rolled her eyes. 

"Even if we are girls, you shouldn't be stripping in front of me. It is indecent" Ambika said, she was still covering her eyes but Destiny noticed huge gaps in between them from where Ambika kept peeking. 

"Oh… come on. Don't be a prude" Destiny said and rolled her eyes. "And you don't have to peek at me like that… you can always watch me openly, I don't mind" Destiny said in a teasing tone as she finally stripped down to her underwear and made her way towards the washing area inside the house. 

Ambika's face lit up like a Christmas Tree after hearing Destiny's words. Ambika didn't know how to react. 'She is so shameless… if I spend time with her, then I will just become like her' Ambika thought while shaking her head. Ambika's eyes went towards Destiny. 

Destiny finally took off her corselet and threw it away revealing her bare back to Ambika. 'This shameless girl isn't going to stop… Urgh' Ambika groaned in annoyance. Ambika simply wasn't comfortable with the casual nakedness so she decided to busy herself with something else. She quickly made her way towards the kitchen…

<Line Break>

"You can cook? That's awesome!" Destiny said when she saw Ambika bringing out food from the kitchen. 

"You don't know how to cook?" Ambika questioned incredulously and Destiny simply shook her head. 

"No… is it something necessary in your country?" Destiny asked with a confused look as she noticed Ambika's incredulous tone. 

"Um… yes. I don't know about everyone but all the girls are taught how to cook from a young age" Ambika said with a shrug and Destiny grimaced after hearing Ambika's answer. 

'Sexist pigs' Destiny thought and decided to stop worrying about it. It wasn't her problem. After that, both of them started to eat. It wasn't dinner time but since both of them were slightly hungry neither of them complained. 

After Ambika finished eating she finally decided to wash herself but she remembered that she didn't have any clothes. So, she decided to take some from the house. 'It's not like they are going to miss them' Ambika thought as she grabbed a saree for herself. 

Ambika started to take off her saree and Destiny's eyes were immediately on Ambika. Destiny didn't know why but she simply couldn't move her eyes away from Ambika's figure. Ambika's intuition flared as she noticed Destiny watching her. 

'This shameless girl…' Ambika groaned but continued to take off her saree. She should have stopped but for some reason, she simply couldn't… it felt good to be appreciated by someone even though a part of her mind felt really uncomfortable. 

Destiny's mind started getting filled with lewd images. Destiny finally shook her head and averted her gaze from Ambika. 'I need to think about something else' Destiny concluded and decided to start practising Human Transfiguration. 

Ambika noticed that Destiny had stopped watching her. A part of her mind finally relaxed but another part of her mind was kind of disappointed. Ambika shook her head to clear her thoughts. Once again, she started to think about how amazing Magic was. 

Destiny took a deep breath as she decided to concentrate on the Muggles in front of her. She had no idea why her mind was being filled with the urge of watching Ambika undress or take a bath… something like this has never happened before… So why is this happening now? 

Once again, Destiny shook her head to clear her mind. 'I would need to research this later' Destiny decided to start with the hair… Transfiguring the hair was much easier than any other body part. Destiny started to morph their hair through various colours, it was pretty easy so Destiny decided to start changing the length of their hair. 

Only after a minute, Destiny got a hang of that too… it was slightly more difficult than changing hair colour as she also has to change the mass of their hair. When Destiny was finally satisfied with her proficiency, she decided to move onto their fingers. This is where things would start getting difficult. 

Human bodies are much more complex than anything else. Transfiguring a rat into a goblet is easy but to be able to Transfigure a Human into a ferret, you would need a lot of skills in Transfiguration. Destiny wasn't able to get desired results after a couple of tries but she could still return her subjects to the initial states. 

Ambika finally arrived after getting changed into the saree she had found inside the house. "So what is Human Transfiguration?" Ambika questioned curiously as she sat down on the ground in front of Destiny. 

Destiny stopped what she was doing and looked towards Ambika. "To understand what is Human Transfiguration, first you would need to understand what Transfiguration is" Destiny said and noticed that Ambika was paying rapt attention to everything she said. 

"Transfiguration is a branch of magic that focuses on the alteration of the form or appearance of an object, via the alteration of the object's molecular structure using Magic. There are obviously Spells and stuff like that to make things much easier" Destiny explained after a few moments, Ambika nodded her head in understanding. 

With a wave of her hand Destiny Transfigured Ambika's saree into a different colour. Ambika was awed at the sight and she immediately wanted to learn how to do that. "I know you want to start learning right away… I wanted that too… but before you could start you must have some basic knowledge" Destiny said and got up from her trunk. 

She popped the hood and once again she started to rummage through the thing and pulled out one of the first books Gellert had bought for her. 'Transfiguration for dummies' Destiny stared at the book with a melancholic look on her face and then she tossed it to Ambika. Ambika easily caught the book and read the title. 

'I am not a dummy…' Ambika thought internally but didn't complain out loud. "That is the beginner book for Transfiguration… you need to start with baby steps before starting something like Human Transfiguration"  Destiny said and Ambika easily understood what Destiny meant to say and she started to read the book. 

When Destiny saw that Ambika was busy with the book, she decided to resume her practice. She wasn't trying to master Human Transfiguration in just a day but it was still a start. She wanted to be at least able to change her hair colour and skin tone… she also needed to shrink Neptune or it would be a dead giveaway, if the Aurors were actively looking for her. 

Destiny had easily taken care of 7 Junior Aurors but that didn't mean that she could fight off 7 Senior Aurors… they would be stronger and a lot more experienced than Junior Aurors. First Destiny would take Ambika to get a Wand, then she would get the girl a trunk. After that, Destiny would need to check at Gringotts to see if Gellert had answered her letter or not. 

Destiny already knew that tomorrow was going to be a long day but she didn't care about that. That was the fun of travelling around, learning new things, experiencing new things and all. Destiny knew that it was going to be fun. Now, she has a companion so she wasn't going to get bored. 

Destiny didn't know if Ambika would stay with her or not but Destiny wanted to become friends with the older woman. She never had any friends and from the looks of it, it was the same with Ambika. Destiny finally decided to stop practising when it was late… Destiny noticed that Ambika was in the kitchen, making something for the two of them. 

"Destiny, dinner is ready? Do you want to eat outside or here in the kitchen?" Ambika questioned from within the kitchen and a soft smile appeared on Destiny's face. 

"Bring it outside… It's much more fun eating under the stars…" Destiny answered as she started towards the sky with a smile on her face. Her journey was going to be much more fun from now on… 

7265 words in this chapter.

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