
Punk Hazard: A Fight Between Geniuses

As we approached the Island of Punk Hazard, Noel Came up to me, "So this guy is supposed to be at the level where he rivals Dr.VegaPunk in scientific intelligence? Hmph will see about that…" (Noel)

"What are you trying to develop a rivalry with this Caesar guy or something?"

"No I just want to see his skills as a scientist… and if he's lacking putting him in his place…."

An hour later we finally reached PunkHazard, the island itself looked like any other island you'd see in the tropics, covered in palm trees and other jungle variety's of trees and plants with one large facility in the center of the island, this is Caesar clowns base of operations where he does his experiments, and where I'll start raking in the money from his works, while he gets funding by everyone else, all I just need to do is provide Noel to help him out or the other way around if what Noel believes of his skills actually being lack luster in his eyes, and if so I may make more profits in the end.

While I was thinking those things we finally came upon the docks where we were greeted by the man himself, Caesar Clown, he was a very odd looking fellow, very pale skin long purplish black hair with horns coming out of his head and wearing a lab coat that seemed to be made out white gas/smoke of some kind.

"Shurororororo! Welcome to my island and research facility Mr. Donquixote and Mr. Firebrand it's wonderful to start a business relationship with the two of you!" (Caesar)

"So long as what your doing brings in the profits, then supporting you financially and offering protection is the least I can do." (Doflamingo)

"And giving you some support in your experiments as well such as my scientist Noel here." I say as I wave Noel over to meet Caesar, as they both look at each other both me and Doflamingo grin at each other, I had told him of the possibility that Noel would test Caesar to see if he's as good as he says he is, and with me telling Doflamingo that I put Noel through my personal training that made both Monet and Sugar stronger we both knew that this was gonna be a good show.

"So your the famous Caesar Clown, the rival to VegaPunk himself…. Hmmm you don't really give off the feel of a great scientist though…." (Noel)

"HAAH?!? Your questioning the great me of my skills as a scientist you little shit! I've been in this field of study while you were still playing in the sand as a kid!"

"Ohh and when did you get your degree as a scientist then?"

"At the prime young age of 20 so I've been in this field of work for 14 years now, let me guess you just became one I'd say at best 18 and looking at you your only in your early to mid twenties so you've only been in this field for a few years while I have a decade under my belt…"


"…. I'm sorry, what did you just say?"

"I got my degree in science at the very young age of 10, I have photographic memory after all, so by age 5 I already knew more than all the teachers in the country that I grew up in combined, by 8 I was already working on my doctorate and by 10 I had my masters degree majoring in the field of science, and me being 25 now I've actually been a scientist longer than you have…." He says while stroking his chin looking at the completely flabbergasted Caesar Clown.

"That's a load of Bullshit! If you are as good as you say, the world government would have snatched you up when you hit the age of 10 then!"

"Oh it's very true, but since I didn't want to become the governments lap dog I decided to sneak on a ship and flee the country, and since I wasn't a criminal or anything at the time they couldn't put a bounty on my head so they couldn't keep chasing me, sure CP0 through CP9 kept on tracking me down to force me to join the government, but a few knock out bombs, and a couple of dead agents later they decided it wasn't worth it to keep chasing me as they didn't want more agents, that they have to train from such an early age keep dying just from chasing after me, so they gave up and I was a free man hoping from one crew to the next helping them or if they piss me off harming them in the process, all the way till I joined up with my current Captain here, who has let me get my hands on such interesting toys that if he wanted to could absolutely cause mass destruction on a very large scale, but let's say the world is lucky that he only uses them as counter measures after all." Noel says as he goes on about his fake backstory that we both came up together.

He just stunned for a minute as he processes all of this information he has just gotten, until he realizes the last part he heard, "Ooooo A weapon of Mass Destruction huuuh? How powerful are we talking about here?" He says all excited like while looking towards me.

"Hmmmm…" I then start to release absolute pressure on the entire area as I release my conquers haki, which makes everyone besides me and Doflamingo kneel who just grins even wider at feeling this power, "…. It would make you ask, 'PunkHazard? There was an island called PunkHazard?' Kind of weapon of mass destruction." I then ease the pressure off everyone else besides Caesar, who is now trembling in fear, before I walk up beside him and kneel before him with my face only a few inches away, "So this is a warning, don't fuck with me or I'll make you regret living." I then remember that he has a penchant to have many women around him, so I pull out two walnuts and having them point towards his crotch as I absolutely crush them into fine powder making him instantly hold his legs together while bringing his hands to cover his crotch, "Got it?" He just nods furiously before I pull my conquers haki off of him so he can breath.

"I-I-I p-promise t-to d-do a good j-job sir…." He says with fear in his voice.

"Good, Noel will be working with you as a colleague, he will help you speed up your work and improve upon it, I don't care how you spend the money you get, so long as you do the job your being paid to do there will be no problems, but say you fuck either me or Doflamingo over, or kill any of our crew since we will have Monet also helping you out along with Noel, that your life is forfeit, and I will personally torture you to death, am I clear?"

He just nods and nods as tears are now coming out his eyes as he's now scared for his life because he was gonna just slack off and only slightly work on the project for these cash cows (Doflamingo/Vargas) but they look like they'll just take his life works and kill him so they can do it on there own if he doesn't keep his end of the deal, he needs to prove his usefulness or else he's a dead man.

So with shaky legs he gets up and then points at Noel, "Alright you so called prodigy! If your as good as you say you are I want to see you skills in the field of science! If you can improve on my formula for making Devil fruits work more than 10% of the time with giving people Devil fruits powers with the other 90% being forced to smile and never show bad emotions on there faces for the rest of there lives then I'll be extremely diligent in my work and only slack off on the weekends, but if you can't improve upon my formula then I can work on it in between my personal projects and me partying with women at my own pace!" He says while declaring that to Noel while looking between me and Doflamingo.

Both me and Doflamingo just stare at each other for a moment before we both nod, "Fine if Caesar wins, he'll still work on it but at his own pace, but if Noel wins then you'll have to mainly focus on the Devil Fruit project and only work on other projects in your free time on the weekends." I say and Doflamingo nods in agreement.

"Good! Good! Then let's stop wasting time here at the docks and head to my facility and show you some of my other projects as well!" He says as he begins to lead us back to his laboratory.

After awhile of walking we finally reach the main building that Caesar calls both his lab and his home.

"Now that we are here I'm gonna give you my SMILE formula on how I mass produce my Devil fruits, I'll give you 3 hours, and if you can improve it by even 1 percent I will reluctantly admit defeat." He says as he goes over to an extremely secured locked safe that takes him around 10 minutes just to unlock it before pulling out a file and handing it over to Noel to look at

As he looked at it he began to stroke his chin, "Fascinating… maybe I was wrong about you in questioning your intelligence as a scientist Caesar, your fame actually does proceed you…"

"I'll take that as a compliment." He says as a blush come upon his pale cheeks.

"However, it seems you carried the two wrong here, and put the decimal in the wrong area for the amount of chemicals needed here….. actually looking at this a bit closer this is looking like more and more of a mess I'm surprised you even got 10% with these amounts from these chemicals, in 3 hours let alone 1% increase I'll be able to make it up to 25% from 10% just by fixing all of your errors…" Noel says as he looks over everything and marking the areas that are completely off or just down right wrong with a pen, just like a teacher marking a students homework.

Caesar was extremely infuriated at hearing all of this, but as I and Doflamingo were watching him like a hawk so he doesn't do something he'd regret he just bit his tongue and held back his anger, "Hmph, I bet your all talk, if you can make it up to 25% like you say you can I'll bow my head and ask you to be my teacher then!"

"Will see about that if I even want a student like you, but you have a lot of untapped potential and I think I can unlock it but only if you really want it that is." He says as he goes to work correcting everything wrong with the formula.

This just made him grind his teeth extremely hard in return, but was also conserved if he actually could do it because then Noel would have every right to claim that he's just as good as VegaPunk, and as much as he hates to think this if he has Noel's help he'd probably be just as good or even better than VegaPunk in the near future under his tutelage.

So 3 hours had passed and about 15 minutes before the 3 hour mark Noel already finished make adjustments to the formula and started making the new and improved version before finishing with time to spare, "Done, now bring me some fruit, and 100 test subjects and I'll show you how good the new and improved formula is." Noel says with absolute confidence.

So taking the chemicals with in combination of one specific Animal Lineage Factor, this time Noel Choosing specifically the Wolf Lineage Factor to turn the chemical Sad and using it on 100 apples which not long after gaining there spots much, much faster than it normally would take the test was now completely ready.

Just seeing the apples turn right into Wolf Smiles both shocked and scared Caesar, I mean it's possible to do if the fruit is absolutely submerged in Sad for several hours to a day even, but within minutes, minutes! They took on the final version of what Smile fruits should look like.

After completing we all went up to the viewing platform while both Caesar and Noel went down to see the 100 prisoner/test subjects and putting a smile before them.

"Alright subjects! We will be testing this new formula of Sad on these newly made Smile Devil fruits, if this is a success 25 of you will gain Devil fruit powers specifically related to Wolves, the other 75 of you will be less lucky unfortunately, you won't die but as you've must have seen with previous failed test subjects you'll lose your ability to swim and be forced to constantly only show happy emotions no matter the situation your in for the rest of your life." Noel explains to the test subjects who are all scared but still would love the chance to get there own Devil fruit ability of there own, so they all reluctantly ate there Devil fruits.

After they consume there Smile Devil fruits as he expected 25 of them got wolf like devil fruit powers while the rest unfortunately had perfects smiles on there faces that will stay with them for the rest of there lives.

Not long later both Noel and Caesar met up with the rest of us, and Caesar was genuinely depressed that someone besides VegaPunk himself is also better than him in his field of expertise.

"Well looks like Noel here won, and even kept his promise to make it up to 25% better than before, so now Caesar looks like your gonna have to take this project more seriously than how you wanted to originally."

Caesar just looks up to me with a saddened face, before sighing and walking to his lab to keep working on the new and improved SAD formula.

I then stopped and turned to Noel, "Make him even better than VegaPunk if you can, but if he looks stressed out let him have fun every once in awhile ok?"

"You got it boss and don't worry, I'll try not to break his fragile pride to much." He says with a grin before going off after Caesar with Monet following him as she will be there assistant from now on.

Both me and Doflamingo, with no real reason to stay decided to head back to our ships where the rest of our crews were currently waiting.

"You know we could just cut out Caesar from the equation and take PunkHazard from him, I mean after all your scientist is clearly much better than Caesar ever could be…" (Doflamingo)

"We could do that, but I feel it's better to keep him, Noel maybe good at what he does, but he can't do everything alone, and having someone nearly as smart as him working alongside him makes what he wants to do and get done much faster with extra hands, after all the old saying goes, two heads are better than one and four arms are better than two."

"Hmmmm…. I guess your right, but now I'm gonna have to start developing my area that will grow these Smile Devil fruits for us to ship out to the underworld to let it spread around the new world and start making us both money."

"Speaking of the underworld, do you think you can give me some contacts that I can talk to if I want to make some purchases or sell somethings."

"Your talking to one of the best brokers of the underworld right now you know? But I know having multiple contacts is beneficial, though if you want to get into this business your gonna need a nickname so you can do your dealings anonymously after all, like I'm called the Joker, but what will you call yourself? I will say something besides Fire would be a good name for yourself."

I then ponder thinking about a good name for my underworld nickname should be.


"…. You know what I'm not surprised you'd choose that for an alias, but it fits, here take this, it has a few of my contacts you can talk to and what they trade in exactly, obviously not all my contacts but these are a few that I'll give you info on for free after all." He says as he pulls out a sheet of paper and writes down a few names which are as follows…

Stussy- Underworld Empress of the Pleasure District.

Kyoshiro- Leader of the Yakuza of Wano.

Gum- Part of the Organ Dealing Assassination Group.

Germa 66 Mercenary group.

Those were the people he gave to me as contacts to look into free of charge, besides the organ dealers I was interested in meeting and making business deals with the rest of these people, though I'll have to look into more information on these people although…

*System, if it isn't a part of a mission can I just use you to purchase information on certain people of the world?*

System- Yes you can but using me as your personal information bank on certain individuals doesn't come for free after all, so based on the level of intel you are asking will cost you either not that much, to learning certain individuals there deepest darkest secrets but making that info extremely expensive in the process, but getting the picture and profile of who your looking into is free of charge of course.

The system says this while giving me profiles on Stussy, Kyoshiro and Germa 66 as I could care less about Gum and his assassination group.

I whistle internally as I see Stussy's picture in my head, because she's hot but looking at the cost for her info was expensive when it came to finding out her deepest darkest secrets, which being an empress of the underworld isn't surprising but since I have the money for it I buy her info anyway.

As we go our separate ways and get on my ship before setting off back towards home I begin to take on a smile eerily similar to Doflamingo's signature smile as I look over her information.

"…. CP0 huh?…. I think I can have some plans with her when she comes face to face with a monster after all…" I quietly say to myself while we head for home.

"But first lets see if the invite will be there for us to go off and party at Grand Tesoro."

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