
After the Party and Big Ma’s Future Plans

"What do you want, Blood Eagle?" (Katakuri)

"Well I called you all here because you all have something similar to each other."

"Don't you dare say what your about to say Eagle."

"Ahh right you can already see what I'm gonna say ahead of time, so knowing what I would say, and let me guess you getting offended by what I say next, so in response to it all will you help?"

"Why should I?"

"You and Brûlée should know the pain of being made fun of because of your looks right?"

Brûlée began to feel her old scar and Katakuri brought his scarf higher onto his face as they remembered the pain they felt back then because of the bullying because of there looks…

"And Pudding here, just because she has a 3rd eye is hated by children with them tormenting her, all I ask is that you 2 watch after her, and make her feel she's not alone in this world when I'm not around since Mama knows I can't stay locked up in ToTo land as I have other things I must do out in the world after all."

"…. This is troublesome…"

"Katakuri there's barely anything you both need to do, if she's being bullied all you need to do is console her and be there for her to try and cheer her up, even Amande will help as well, even if she is the cold beauty she is." I say as I take her hand and rub it in my hands.

"…. *nods*…." She nodded in agreement at what I said with a slight blush on her face.

"…. You know neither of us can watch her all the time right?"

"That's why Brûlée will be the main person I want to be there for Pudding when she needs to be with someone."

"Wait what? Why me?!"

"Because out of all of us your the easiest for her to reach because of your mirror world after all, 2nd being Amande, then Katakuri and lastly Me since I'm gonna be out at sea traveling most of the time, though if my wife needs me she'll call me back here and I'll come back as fast as I can."

Both Katakuri and Brûlée look at each other and after a bit look at the little girl Pudding who was looking at the 2 of them while hiding behind my leg.

I then push her out in front of me and have them get a better look at her, then after a moment the two of them both kneel down in front of her to be closer to eye level with her.

They both look between the both of themselves before Brûlée decides to pat and rub her hair with a slight smile on her face, "… will be your friends if your alright with having us kiddo." She says with a gentle smile on her face, and Katakuri just nods in response before he takes his scarf, and surprisingly shows off his face too her and showing her why he hides his face, not cause of the scars but because he could rapidly expand his mouth well beyond the normal size that his head should be able to handle before putting it back in place and pulling his scarf back up.

"…. That's more weird to see than a kid that was born with 3 eyes don't you think?" (Katakuri)

"I don't think it's weird Big Brother Katakuri! I think it's cool! I mean now you can eat anything of any size you want!" She says all excited like.

He was stunned for a second after hearing that, even if he already saw what she was gonna say it still stunned him a little, he chuckled and began to rub her head as well.

"If you don't mind my looks then I don't mind watching over you like your big brother should."

After hearing that Pudding genuinely got all excited that she finally had some friends that she jumped at brûlée and hugged her, which surprised her but she just smiled and hugged her back.

Even with Katakuri's mean looks deep down he really cares about everyone in his family, including the younger ones, and seeing a lot of himself in the young Pudding he came to look at her lovingly just as he looked after Brûlée when they were young.

After giving Brûlée a hug, she then turned and ran over to me and gave me a big hug as well, which I just laughed and hugged her back, "Remember no matter what happens we will be there, we're a family after all."

"Yeah…. I just wish Lola was still here…"

"Don't mention that traitor, she betrayed the family and left us for good, she's dead to us now." Katakuri said in a slightly angered voice.

"Why what did she do?"

"She was set to marry Prince Loki of Elbaf so that Mama could get back in the good graces of the giants, but she ran away from the marriage which made the giants even more mad at here, that's why you don't see any giants living in ToTo land, there's more reasons besides that as to why they don't like mama but she doesn't like to talk about it."

"I'm just gonna go out on a whim here and say it was arranged and there was no love involved right?"


"Yeah that's what I thought, if that happened to me, even if she was beautiful I would do everything to stand against it, running from home being the easiest option."

"*sigh* we know but mama's orders are absolute, even if it would be bad for her, the pros would outweigh the cons of having a good relationship with the giants again…"

"Well… all we can do is hope that she is happy with her choice… even if she betrayed us all we can do is hope for the best."

"Unless mama finds her, but if she does…." From hearing his words Lola wouldn't have a happy end.

*sigh* is all I could say in response as I kept rubbing Puddings head as I saw her sad look.

"It will be alright, everything will work out in the end." I say with a slight smile on my face. (He's only wearing the upper half of his mask right now btw)

She just nods as she holds me tighter, burying her face in my jacket, *Big Bro sure smells nice, like a campfire roasting s'mores*

"Big Bro…. When I'm older….. can we go on a date?" She asks with an innocent look.

The rest just stopped and looked at me, with rather questionable looks.

"Uhhh…" I look over to Amande who just shrugged and left me to decide.

"Tell you what….. how about you wait 10 years and if you still feel the same now then sure I'll go on a date with you…" that's the best I could come up with, Brûlée looked at me in disgust while Katakuri just grabbed his head and shooked it at the thought of it, all I could do was smile wryly as I rubbed my mischievous little sisters head.

And she had a real genuine smile on her face, *10 years maybe a long time, but I can wait…*


Back at Whole Cake Chateau, in Big Ma's Throne room.

Besides Big Ma sitting on her throne she has invited several of her precious daughters here them being, Smoothie, Cinnamon, Custard, Gallete, Broye and one that he hasn't met in any official setting the 15 year old Myukuru.

"Mama why did you call all of us here?" (Custard)

"Well it's a very important matter that will affect the whole family after all, and you girls are integral to help with it." (Big Ma)

"Is it related to what we talked about during the party Ma?" (Smoothie)

"That is part of it, but first is that since you girls are integral to this mission that I'm gonna be giving you, you'll need to know some intel that I have on your new to be brother in law Eagle."

"What is it his true identity or something?" (Broye)

"Right on the money my dear, yes it's the true identity of your new 'brother' of course." You see at the party she asked him if she could tell others his true identity, he agreed on the condition that she knew for a fact that none of them were likely to tell anyone outside the family the truth, which she agreed to as well.

"But if you girls tell anyone…. You should know the consequences of when I'm angry…" she says as she begins to release her haki into the room, that nearly knocks out a few of them and causes the rest to kneel in fear.

"Our lips are sealed Mama!" They all say in unison.

She just smiles, "Mama Mama, I was also surprised when I found out who he truly was under that mask and his disguised face as well."

"He hid his identity that severely that even the face underneath was fake too?" Smoothie said slightly shocked as from what she could see under the mask he wasn't that bad looking, she was slightly hoping that he wasn't extremely ugly or something under all that cover up.

"Yep that he did, but for good reason, after all even if he's the most wanted man under us emperors, he's also working for the government right under there noses, MAMA MAMA!" She bursts out into laughter at remembering when she found out for the first time.

Now all the girls were intrigued, someone who is most wanted and hated by the government, under the 4 emperors, is also working for them without knowing his identity as Eagle, they really wanted to know now.

"He is after all, the youngest Warlord of the Seas, Firebrand Vargas."

"…" almost everyone of them was stunned at the revelation, except of course…

"EIIIIIIIIII! I can't believe it one of the hottest guys in the seas is Eagle!!!!" Myukuru squeed as she started to fan girl about him, because surprisingly she was actually a fan girl of his because of his young age, him being 19, his strength for his age and his ability to be a huge threat to the government if he ever felt like it that they had to make him into a Warlord just so they could manage him after all.

"Mama mama, I knew you'd be excited Myu so that's why I decided to include you as well in this plan of mine."

"So what's the plan exactly? I feel like we're not gonna blackmail him about knowing his identity." (Cinnamon)

"Stupid girl! Of course not! He is the key to increasing everyone's strength with his power after all, but I can't get into details about it, all I need you girls is to say to him that you know who he is and that you want to sign the contract that will help you get stronger."

"You also want us to do more right Mama?" (Smoothie)

"Yep, after all I want him to have as many links to this family as possible, after all he said he wants to be like me and make a huge family of his own."

"Wait… does Amande know?" (Custard)

"Of course she was there when he revealed his identity to me."

"... But doesn't he have 3 wives already? And she's alright with it?" (Myukuru)

"Oh heavens no! Both of us were pissed at the time but, that boy has a way with words, and the power that he offers was what made me not mind him having as many women as he wants, and yes Amande was fine with it as well, so long as she can fight to be main wife after all."

"Wait….. you want us to get together with him Mama? But what will everyone else in the family think about us doing this?"

"Oh that hardly matters, after they sign the contract themselves and start to get the power from it they will be fine with my decision of there own free will and if they have issues, I'll shut them up personally…" she says with a look on her face that causes the girls to shiver.

"But I won't force you girls to try and get with him off the bat after all some of you might not be ok with your special someone having multiple wives, just think about it, if you say you can't I promise I won't hold it against you." She says as she leans back in her throne.

"…. I'll try and see what happens… after all he owes me for what he did to me back on the boat…" Smoothie said with a slight blush on her face.

"I'll give it a shot too, after all he's totally my type!" Myukuru says all excitedly.

But for the rest of the girls said they needed to think about it after all this was all a bit much for them to take in, and they didn't know if the power he offered was really worth it since Ma wouldn't go into specifics, they decided to do a wait and see tactic, if Amande, Smoothie and Myukuru do get stronger as a result of him they'll take on the contract.

"Good, now go off and do your things girls."

"Yes Mama." And with that they all left with Smoothie with Myukuru going off to find Vargas with the rest going off to there own thing.

"Mama mama…." She leans back on her throne and grins as she sees her dream of becoming The Pirate Queen of the seas getting closer and closer all thanks to her new son in law.

Today was extremely dead at work, probably cause of all the sales ending and all the good stuff sold off so I was able to upload this earlier than normal, and I know it’s a bit early but the poll was about more than 90% in favor of Pudding having the Brother complex on Vargas so I decided to go ahead with it early even though the poll has yet to end, also look at my profile if you want the link to my discord on this story.

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