
Making a Legend

In the east district, it was a slaughter house, mostly with the regular marines dead with the captains, vice captains, and a rear admiral just barely holding the fishmen off and taking some of them down in the process, but it was clear they were slowly but surely losing.

"GODDAMIT WHERE IS OUR SUPPORT?!????!!! WHAT ARE THOSE FUCKERS DOING?!!?!!!" The Rear admiral was saying out loud realizing that only a small amount of reinforcements have come to help hold the fishmen back while the rest were MIA.

"Oh them? It seems our ally has taken care of most of them after all." Tiger remarks while staring down the rear admiral he was currently facing off against.

"You fish fucks have even more of your crew running around causing havoc in Mary Genoise?!? Well no matter we just need to hold you off long enough for the Vice Admirals to come and take you all down!!!" He says with every ounce of confidence dripping from each word he said.

"Ohh but it's sad to say you won't live to see them arrive." A voice is heard coming from above as a man wearing a hoodie with a bird mask on his face while he held a katana over his shoulder.

"So you finally joined the party! what took you so long?!" Arlong shouts at me as he smashed some marines into each other.

"I had to take out some trash and put down some dogs to free some slaves." I say as I toss a world noble helmet into the air and letting it land out in the open for all to see.

This stunned everyone both fishmen and marines alike, all shocked a man would go around killing world nobles one of the most heinous crimes one can do.

"Y-you are a dead man! You will be hunted to the end of the world for killing world nobles!" The Rear admiral said while looking at my face in pure rage.

"Ahh that would be true, but you only know I'm a man, wearing a hooded overcoat with none of my skin revealing, wearing a bird mask who uses a Katana. That's all you got to describe me, with no tell tale signs of what I really look like under this outfit that if I wanted to hide you'd never be able to find me even if you wanted too." I say in a very relaxed manner while I rest up against a brick wall.

"So Tiger do you guys want my help? Or do you have it handled here? If not I'll be heading off to kill more nobles and free some more slaves then." I say as I begin to walk off, the rear admiral try's to go after me but Tiger stops him in his tracks.

"Where are you going? Our fight isn't done yet, and you bird head. Go give them hell, you got bigger balls than me if your willing to paint a target like that on your head," he says as he motioned me to leave.

I just shake my head as I head off towards the place I was originally going to before entering into the fray of this battle.

"Did you really need to do that? Just like fish head back there said you just painted a huge target on your head that you didn't need to do what so ever." Gild said questioning my decision to reveal myself to them.

"Because the Blood Eagle will be another symbol for people to stand behind, just like the revolutionary army is against the world government the Blood Eagle is the symbol of the freedom of all slaves from their owners, the Eagle will be hunted to the end of the world but just like the revolutionary army, they'll search and search but they'll never be able to find me even if they wanted too." I say as we keep going off to our next destination

"How are you so confident that it'll go the way you say?"

"For one thing I only use my real abilities, aka my flames against those I know for a fact I can kill right then and there, but against that rear admiral I'd have to go all out just to hope to put him down, and if he got away with the info that I can make flames then it would make anyone who can use flames as a target for the world government to hunt down and interrogate just under the suspicion they are me. Another thing is that I can alter my appearance if need be, but it would be pointless if they know about my flames abilities as I said earlier, but all you need to know is that I think through everything I do about 90% of the time and always think ways around everything, plus after we save this kid we're jumping ship and letting those fishmen clean up the rest and deal with the aftermath so they'll keep the rest of the marines off our backs." I said giving him a detailed reason for everything I do.

"Well I guess that makes sense but your fine with screwing them over like that?"

"They're not my friends I used them help me get vengeance on those fucks called nobles and steal all I can carry from them, and to help save the kid so after that we're out of here, it just being me, the kid and you as well because my small vessel has only enough room for the three of us to rest on it comfortably, I had no real plans to save all the slaves just who I felt like saving before leaving after I got my revenge."

"So we're making our escape after this?"

"Yep we're taking the way down to the paradise side of the grand line after this."

"Alright we'll let's get this job done then so we can be free men again."

I nod as we turn the corner reaching our destination.

Just like all the manors before it, it was guarded by marines and personal guards alike, but that was no problem for us to cut them down before we proceeded to free to set the slaves free, while Gild helped the rest I followed the compass to find a cell with a young kid huddled in the corner trying to keep themselves warm in these dank cold cells that these slaves live in.

"Is that the kid your after?"

"It appears so." I say as I cut the door down but the kid refused to even move.

"C'mon kid we're getting you out of you here to freedom, why aren't you getting up?"

"…. Is that an order?" The kid asked all scared like.

"Oh you got to be kidding me… this kid has already been broken by those bastards hasn't they?" Gild says in exacerbation at the sight of this extremely timid and scared kid.

"Looks like will have to do this the hard way, yes kid it's an order, we're getting out of here and your coming with us got it?"

The kid just nods and walks to me all scared like before I pick them up and begin to carry them on my back.

"Hang on tight, got that?"

"Yes sir." They tighten their grip on me as we all head out of here while taking the long route around the battlefield towards the red port on the paradise side of the grand line.

"Are we taking the Bandolas down?"

"Nope we're jumping."

".... WHAT?!!!?" Both the kid and Gild say to me in shock and horror.

"Don't worry with my fire abilities I can easily keep us from dying by hiring the ground from up here." I say to them and before either could protest I grab Gild and hold the kid tighter as we all jump off the edge down to the grand line below.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!" They both screamed as we all fell to the bottom but before we got to close I used my flames to slow our descent and shortly after we landed perfectly fine at the bottom of red port.

"N-never do that again you bastard!!!!" Gold said nearly pissing his pants in terror.

"I don't plan on it now I just have to call my ride." I say as I place the kid on the ground, who still can't stand after all of that excitement from earlier.

*OOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAMMMMM* I used the horn to call my Yuda back to me who arrived moments later.

"Alright big guy grab the ship and bring it out here so we can get the hell out of here."

The Yuda nods and leaves to grab our ship, I turn to see the shocked looks on both there faces, "you were able to tame a beast of that size?"

"No it's not even mine it's one of the many beasts that my family has domesticated and I'm just borrowing this one for the time being."

"Wow you must have a strong family then…"

"You can say that again." I said grinning behind my mask, a few minutes later Yuda comes back with my ship, "alright all aboard the the ship to freedom." I say as I hop on my small fishing ship.

"…. I didn't think it was this small…" (Gild)

"Well deal with it, we need to get out of here ASAP or else this place will be swarmed with marines in no time." I say as I help them in the ship, "Alright head straight north Yuda will use the North Calm Belt to follow it across before heading to Water 7 when we get relatively close to there, I'll leave you there for the time being while I go bring this kid home then I'll come back to help you get you a ship of your own from an old friend of mine before we officially part ways Gild."

"Alright seems fine by me, but we need to do something about our slave marks." He says as we start to set off north for the northern calm belt.

"Well I can just remove them completely since there originally caused by brands and burn marks leave a bit of the fire in the skin to make the mark permanent on the body and I can easily remove that flame energy still stuck in your body. Here show me your mark kid I'll get rid of it for you."

"…. Really? You can do that?"

"Yep just watch." I then lift up there shirt to see their back, and after rubbing my hand over the mark it begins to fade from their body and it disappears completely.

They feel their back and can't feel there old brand mark on there body and soon after this causes them to start crying, not of sadness but of joy at coming to the realization that they were finally free of being a slave, but when I went to help Gild he stopped me.

"No it needs to be a reminder for me of what happened to me and I don't want it to ever disappear but I will need a new brand to cover it." Gild says before thinking of what kind of brand he needs to cover it with.

"Hmmm why not a star, since you wanted to be in entertainment when you were younger right? Well now you got a chance to become a star now." I say my opinion to him.

"A star huh?….. Yeah that sounds like the perfect cover for it."

"Ok lucky you I have an oversized Star shaped brand just for this occasion." I say I pull a huge brand out of nowhere.

"... why do you just have that sitting in your personal space…."

"Hey you ask to many questions, hell I have so many random things in there that I don't even remember where I got these either, but I think it was one of the nobles houses if I remember correctly." I say with a perfect straight face as I lie right through my teeth, obviously I bought it from the shop so I was just bullshitting them.

"…. Fine whatever let's just get this done then." He says as he takes off his shirt and bites on it to bare the pain.

I nod and heat it up with my flames and when hot enough I press it over his slave mark burning in the new star mark that he will be known for from now on.

"There your a 'star' now man." I said while grinning at him.

"Hahaha very funny but this still hurts like a bitch." He says as he winced from the pain.

I just shake my head and toss him a cure bottle to help him ease the pain as we set off on our way to water 7.



3 days later

Since we have Yuda to drive us we don't need to follow log poses to get anywhere because sea monsters can move against the sea currents in seas easily so it only took a couple days to reach the calm belt and head west then turn south and finally reach water 7.

"Alright we made it, this is your stop for now, but here take some berries and go find yourself a inn to stay at while I head off and bring the kid to their home." I say as we reached an outcropping of land outside of Water 7, reason being is that I have a bounty on my head and I can't get out of this disguise till I deliver the kid home.

I then looked at 'my' bounty that was on my head…

Bounty for the mysterious man known only from his gruesome murders of world nobles, arson on the city of Mary Genoise with the aid of fishmen and the robbing of millions in valuables from the nobles he murdered and slaves he had released from captivity only known by the name of,

Blood Eagle



750,000,000 Berries

It then showed an artist representation of what I look like since they never got a good look of me.

It was my bird mask with my hood pulled up with Mary Genoise burning as the backdrop with my lenses reflecting the flames in my eyes.

It went into more detail to my atrocity's that I committed and how I tortured the world nobles that I killed, there was even a picture of my old master, face obscured of course but the whole blood Eagle torture in its full glory.

And you might be wondering why not change my look back to normal, well the reason is I can't trust the kid won't go blabbing my looks to friends and family ruining my cover so I'm stuck like this till I get rid of them, and I can't use the binding contract of secrecy on them is that the system doesn't count my looks as a secret like how my leveling system so I can't bind them to a soul contact just cause they know my looks.

So after we dropped of Gild I finally asked, "where's your home town?"

"….. Fool-shout island."

"Good then I'm gonna bring you home then."

With the map of paradise we began our journey towards what would be the beginning of the paradise side of the grand line so it took us about another 4 days following the northern calm belt then heading south again close to reverse mountain to finally reach Fool-shout Island.

I didn't park my boat at the docks but in a more secluded spot not to far from the town.

"Alright we're here this is where we part ways for good, will probably never meet again, well at least me being known as Blood Eagle that is." I said as I helped them off the boat.

"By the way I never got you name kid…"

"… it's Koala and thank you very much for saving me and bringing me back to my home island." She says as she bows at me.

"It was nothing kid, if anyone asks I was never here at least wait a few days so I'm long gone before you tell them it was me that brought you home. See you around kid." I waved at her as I led My Yuda back down the same way we came back to Water 7.

"…. I hope I can meet you again and see what you look like under the mask." Koala said to herself as she started to run towards her home.

It took another 4 days to get back, it's been almost 2 weeks since I left on this trip to burn Mary Genoise to the ground, now all I have to do is make a deal with Gild, sell my goods on the black market and convince Tom to build a ship for him with all the money we made with the goods we sold.


On the other side of the world in the new world a certain big boned woman was reading the papers of major events around the world, the thing the I treated her most was the burning of Mary Genoise and the 750,000,000 berry bounty on one of the primary culprits heads Blood Eagle, right next to the woman stood a tall, long necked, paled skinned woman with long blue hair and huge hat who was taking care of her mother for the day.

"Look here Amande, I think this kid might suit your tastes, you think if we found him and took him under our wing you finally be willing to get married and give me grandkids? After all your already in your 30's now you need to find a man to call your own." Her mother Big Ma said slightly concerned that her daughter just couldn't find a man who suits her tastes.

"...….. I'll think about it...…." Amande wasn't really known for her words more for her actions after all she was known to be extremely ruthless and sadistic, so if she was ever to find a man of her own he has to be similar to her in some way and this 'Blood Eagle' ticked all those marks so she actually said she'd think about it which in Big Ma's book means yes I'll marry him if you find him ma.

This made Big Ma all happy that she began to laugh joyously so she grabbed a microphone that could broadcast her messages across all of ToTo Land.

"Attention all family members I have a new mission for all of you! Hunt down the man called the Blood Eagle because he's gonna become a part of our family soon!!!" With that said on this day the Big Ma pirates started there search for the Blood Eagle, but they wont be able to find a scent of him for a very long time if he doesn't want to be found.


I finally returned to Water 7 in my normal attire and went to the inn that Gild was staying at, I found him drinking at the bar and eating to I took a seat next to him and ordered some food.

He looked at me with a look of surprise on his face, "This is how you really look like under all that? I thought you were a kid."

"I look old for my age I'm still only 14 after all."

*PFFFT!!!* he spits out his drink, "14?!? You look like your 19 or something?!?"

"Like I said I look older for my age."

"I can't believe I was saved by a kid more than 10 years younger than me…"

"Quit your crying, c'mon we're going to the black market to seek our goods then with the money go see an old friend of mine to see if he'll build you a ship with the money we made and when your all set I'll be on my way heading back for home."

"What's the rush?"

"I get the feeling my fiancées are going to start to worry about me if I don't go home soon." We're talking as we our walking down the streets to the black market.

"FIANCÉES!!!!! You have more than one?!?!"

"Remember the legend about me? Those others I saved in my escape? Welp it's actually those 3 went with me are my fiancées now."

"... you lucky bastard…."

"Hey when you start to get somewhere in your life you'll be swimming in women okay? So stop being a sad sap."

"Fine let's just get this over with I want to hurry then so I can be swimming in all the money and women I want in the future."

I just grin and nod at him so after we went to the black market selling our goods, changing them a bit to make them unrecognizable to there previous owners before selling them off of course, after the sale we were both several million berries richer so with our ew found wealth we went to Old Toms shop, when we went in Tom wasn't there but a certain Tropical shirt wearing blue pompadour guy was sleeping at the counter.

So I slammed my fist down on the to wake him up with a start.

Franky 21, "Oh welcome to Old T-" he then stops when he sees me, "AHH ITS YOU!! What are you doing back here in Water 7? You should have wrote if we're coming! Then Tom would have been here to greet you and thank you for the schematic you gave us years ago!" He says as he comes around the counter to grab my hand to do a handshake and hug combo.

"It's good to see you too Franky, I'm only here because my friend here needs a ship built for him, and since I helped back then you'd guys would do me a solid and help him make a ship even though I know you guys are still busy with the Train project."

"Well we actually finished the train a few months ago they just want us to make train tracks connecting several of the nearby islands to Water 7 now then we're finally finished with the project!" He said all excited like.

"Well that's great then, oh and here is my own personal Den Mushi Mushi that you guys can call if you guys encounter something you cant really handle on your own." I say as I pull out a snail and hand it off to him.

"Well thanks kid, but are you really in a rush to get out of here?"

"Yep my fiancées are probably starting to worry about me."

Franky spits out the cola that he was drinking when he heard me, "FIANCÉES!!!! Wait… it couldn't be…. Those girls?"

"Yep I'm engaged to all 3 of them so I really need to head off before they chew my head off about how worried they were for me or something like that." I say I head for the door.

"See ya Vargas, will meet again someday when I've made my dreams of becoming a star come true." (Gild)

"Yeah see ya little guy, tell the girls I said Hi and congrats on the engagement!" (Franky)

"I will, I'll see you guys sometime same goes for you Gild remember to call me up when your famous." I say as I handed him a Den Mushi Mushi earlier as well.

They just wave me off before they start to discuss business. After reaching my Yuda I point it towards home.

*I'm beat it's time I get home and go cuddle up with the 3 of them because I'm mentally exhausted.*

And with me finally heading home I completed my mission.

Quest: A World on Fire- Complete!

Nearly 4000 words, why did I make this chapter so long? Well I kinda wanted to make up for making the past 2 chapters shorter than normal by about 500 words each so I made this one extra long. This will be the last one for today I need to rest my brain and me about to head off to work for the day Isn’t exactly gonna help with that so there might not be another one till sometime late tomorrow if I have time if not tomorrow then Wednesday.

OneMoreScorecreators' thoughts
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