
On the High Seas to Fish Man Island

"What! Your going on a trip to Fish Man Island without us?!?" Hancock says as she grips my shoulders and begins to shake me around in anger.

"I have too go it's for a quest, plus I need to go out into the world and see how strong I've really become in the past 4 years living here, this is my home but I need to go out and see the world for a week or two its not like I'll be off somewhere for months at a time I'll be back in no time."

"What's so important about the quest if you don't have to do this one!?"

"An escaped slave by the name of Fisher Tiger is planning to attack Mary Genoise to free the slaves there and I wanna help, but more specifically make those bastards pay for what they did to me all my life, we may not be destroying the world government or anything of that nature but if it has anything to do with fucking them over I'm on in on it."

"But if they see you and get away they'll have your face and you'll be a wanted man! If that happens you'll be unable to stay here because it'll put the tribe in constant danger!"

"You would be right if I didn't just do my evolution and unlocked a new ability recently."

"And what might that be?"

I just grin as I turn around and suddenly in front of her is not Vargas but Theodore in his full plague doctor mask and doctors outfit with his bright blue hair.

"AHHHH! What the hell?!?!"

"It's ok, it's ok, it's me Vargas! I have the ability to take on the looks and abilities of my allies in the other world if I want, so I can go in and help them in disguise so that even if I'm seen they will have the face of someone else that there hunting down."

"But how will you get down there? You'd need to get your boat coated to go that deep under the sea and that's only available in Sabaody Archipelago."

"I would have had to go there originally but with this new ability I can take on any of my unit's abilities and I have Merman units, so I can use there ability to breath underwater and be able to withstand deep sea pressures as well, all I need is a tiny boat meant to sit maybe 4 people easily and a Yuda to drag me all the way to the red line and down into Fish Man Island."

"…. Well I dunno this could be dangerous, what if you get hurt?"

"At the first sign of things going south I'll make a break for it, it says help him out, it doesn't say help him save ever single slave there it just wants me to help him save some of the slaves to the best of my abilities."

"…. Fine but you better get back soon…. We need to start planning on our wedding after all…" she says while holding her face and blushing hard.

"I know I'll be home soon and will start putting the plans into motion for our wedding day ok?" I say with a smile and then kiss her before heading out the door.

"... I'm happy that I met him way back then…." She says to herself and begins to giggle like a girl while Salome, who was acting as her throne this entire time, just shakes her head in exasperation.

After reaching the docks I find a small fishing boat that could hold 4 that was free to take from the docks, I went and explained to the lady that I'll be taking this out for a few days and she said that was fine, so I got to the ship and pulled out a summoning horn and blew it. *OOOOOOOAAAAAAA* the horn sounded and soon after a Yuda appeared before my ship, I told it I need its help with me getting to the red line and it nodded its head as I harnessed it to the ship.

"C'mon Yuda the Red Line awaits!" And with that for the first time in 4 years I left Amazon Lily to go out on my very first grand adventure, one that will let me have some much needed vengeance on those Celestial Fuck Heads.

Since I had a Yuda I didn't need to go on the grand line I could go all the way to the red line through the Calm Belt, but a major road block was the Great Prison of Impel Down that blocked most of my eastward travel through the calm belt to reach the the Red Line, I knew for a fact that I can't let them see me going near by or they'll stop me for questioning as to why I'm so nearby so I'll have to take a long wrap around of Impel Down so they don't suspect a thing because of how far away I am.

So with that in mind the whole trip there will take roughly 3 days to make it to Fish Man Island it would have been less if I just ignored everything and went right passed Impel Down but there was no way they'd let that happen so I'm taking the long route.

After a about a day and a half of travel I see the Grand Prison of Impel Down, seeing it I started to guide my Yuda to go around the prison trying to stay as far away as possible from them.

I could tell they noticed me but since I was so far away and out of there trespassing zone I was able to stay in the clear as I went on my way to the red line.

"That must be a pretty powerful beast if that kid can use it to traverse the calm belt easily." Says the man looking through the camera system in his office while sitting on his special chair, this is none other than the Warden of Impel Down Magellan.

"Shouldn't we stop him and question what he's doing near restricted world government property? This could put a smear on your reputation if this gets out, not unlike your-" he was about to keep going on a long tangent about how Magellan is a terrible Warden is in the shitter most of the day, and doesn't do his job and blah blah blah before he was smashed in the head.

"SHUT IT HANNYBAL! You have no grounds to judge my choices. Besides he was smart to stay a long distance from here meaning he had no intentions of coming here to cause trouble got it?"

"… Yes Sir…" Hannybal the Vice warden of Impel down said begrudgingly before internally making fun of Magellan in his head.

"Whew that was close it seems I was far enough away for them not to care about what I was doing, now to the Red line!" I say as me and my Yuda head towards the red line. Another day and a half later we finally reached the giant wall that makes the red line and we were roughly about 20 miles south of Red Port, so I decided to find a little outcropping of stone to hide and park my ship before I hop on my Yuda and shape ship into my half merman half Theo form which is basically Theo but I have gills to breath underwater.

I then egg Yuda onward down to the depths of the sea, it was slowly getting darker and darker down here and the water pressure was very heavy on my body but I could manage with my Merman physiology, luckily Yuda could lead the way because I couldn't see shit this deep in the sea.

After what felt like hours I felt the water become turbulent like there was a hole somewhere where the current was flowing through.

I ushered my Yuda to go through said hole and see where it leads after what I assumed to be another hour of pure darkness I began to see light so I motioned my Yuda to go towards it, after a few minutes we left that dark cave an come into the light to see the Fish Man Island with what looks like a giant tree that generates all the light deep down here at the bottom of the sea.

*So this is Fish man Island? It's very pretty to look at, it's as if I went into another world or something like that*

I saw the entrance in the distance to fishman island looking similar to a large gate surrounded by a type of coral like wall, the gate was luckily open allowing me in and surfacing to come to the coral docks, but as I jumped off my Yuda and landed on the docks I was quickly surrounded by fishmen guards.

"Stop right there human, you picked a bad time to come to fishman island what business do you have here?"

All I say is 2 words, "Fisher Tiger" this caused all of them to get really tense and ready for a fight if need be, because they assumed that I was a high ranking marine if I can come down here under the sea without needing a boat to reach this place.

"Now before you guys do something you'll regret let me finish, go off and tell him a human is here to help out, because he and I both bare the same mark on our bodies."

"…" they were silent for a minute before the one that looked to be the captain of the guards finally spoke.

"Fine I'll go tell him personally, you wait here till I get back, you got it human?"

I begin to strike my beaked mask, "That's fine by me."

He nods and tells them to stand down and watch me while he goes tell Tiger of my arrival.



In the meeting hall 4 fish man are currently talking to each other about there plan to attack Mary Genoise.

"We're trying to save all the slaves, that includes humans too!" Says one that's sitting next to Tiger, his right hand man, Jinbe

"And I say we raze it to the ground save our brethren and kill off all the worthless humans up there!" Says the one sitting opposite to Jinbe with a Sawtooth like nose, this of course is Arlong an avid fishman supremacist that believes all humans are lower than them and that Fishman are the superior race in this world. He was also being supported by his friend and other Fishman supremacist Hody Jones.

Then Tiger chimes in, "No we will save everyone we can, Arlong I know that humans are the worst and I hate them as much as you but we can't say every single one of them is bad, and I've seen how bad they treat there own kind including all the other races that they subjugate under the heels, we save every slave no matter what race they are, but you have free rein to slaughter the rest at your discretion, do I make myself clear?"

"Yes sir!" All 3 say in unison, but suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"What is it can't you see we're in the middle of a meeting here?!?" (Arlong)

"I'm terribly sorry sirs but a human has appeared at the docks and is asking for Mr. Tiger sirs"

"A human coming here now? Was our plans leaked somehow? What does this human want?" (Tiger)

"He says he wants to help and that he bares the same mark as you sir…"

"HAAAH?!?!!!? Why would we need a humans help?!?" (Hody)

"What exactly did this human look like to you?" (Jinbe)

"Well he looked like a young man wearing a bird mask with flaming red hair…"

"….. Wait did you say this human has flaming red hair? And that he bares the same kind of mark as me?!?!" Tiger said as he stood up in shock at the possibility that those rumors he over heard when he was a slave was actually true.

"What? What is it?! What's so important about him having red hair?!" Arlong shouted getting confused at why Tiger was getting all excited about this red hair brat, Jinbe and Hody had similar thoughts as well.

"Because if this kid is who I think he is then we're in luck, because I wasn't the first ever slave to escape the world nobles, that title would go to him for leaving in broad daylight and escaping right under there noses.

"WHAT?!?! How the hell did he pull that off?!" (Hody)

"The story goes that one of the nobles was holding a grand party at his manor and he invited all his friends to party there, it was fun for them but absolutely awful for the slaves and the servants at the party, there was even some dancer slaves that were being tortured for the thrill of it by them, those slaves were fed random devil fruits and turned into hideous monsters, supposedly those slaves were his childhood friends and having seen everything done he snapped and ate the last devil fruit there, this gave him the ability to petrify his enemy's in stone and so he did to all the nobles at the party and fled with his friends, after helping them change back into there human forms of course, and they successfully snuck out of the noble district and right under the eyes of the marines they hitched a ride on a boat heading towards paradise and were never heard or seen from again." Tiger says as he retells the version of the rumors he heard.

"Well what you said was close to the truth but not exactly accurate." I say as I push the doors open and walk in, "Oh by the way you might want to check up on your men there all current out cold back at the docks." I say while looking at the guard captain.

"I though I told you to wait at the docks!!!" He says while pointing his spear at me, which I grab the tip and rapidly heat it and start bending the metal into a knot, before handing it back to him, out rage he goes for a right hook but I dodge and land a heavy sucker punch on his gut before I hammer fist the back of his head knocking him out cold.

"….." they just stare on in shock as I slowly waltz in and sit at the other end of the long table.

"Nice to meet you Tiger, I'm that legendary flaming red head you've heard so much about. Now then shall we discuss how we will be taking down Mary Genoise?"

My author juices are just flowing today man I’m on a roll 3 chapters all within 24 hours wooooo

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