
Kraken in this world seem to be... a bit weak?

This author can't update his story yesterday because I have to go back to my hometown since it's my grandfather (mom side) birthday, lmao he is already 89 years old, pretty impressive for a soldier who fought in the Vietnam war.

Well, I just get back today and realize that I lost my streak, again. Pretty sad because it was worth more than a month for me to get that, but whatever.

Now let's get back to our story


(3rd POV) {7th day}

Shayla now piloting the massive robot she got and currently heading toward the deepest point on this planet. During her travel, she has used quite a lot of weapons stored inside the robot to kill several titan-class and lower sea creatures.

Some noticeable weapons are plasma ray (magic+tech version), Improved Oxygen destroyer, napalm nova (burn even in water), magics and some more crap author is too lazy to name them all.

"Aqua, what depth are we at right now?" Shayla asked the AI

[Report: We are currently at 3400m underwater, at this depth you might encounter a dangerous creature named the Kraken, this is one of the lower leviathan-class sea creatures. It might not pose any serious threat to us but I recommend destroying it as soon as possible.]

Hearing the report, Shayla's little family are worried and asks the AI about the Kraken, Shayla is chilling with a nice ice cream she got from the huge refrigerator at the corner of the cockpit.

"Why are you all so worried? Can't we just blast the Kraken away like normal?" Shayla asked, 'Mom, can you stop your carefree attitude? We are facing a leviathan-class for the first time mom, unlike the titan-class monster we only need to shoot them down, the leviathan-class are capable of magic so dealing with it will require more than just a missile.' Hebi explained

"Ohh... that might be a little difficult to defeat him but our robot can even deal with mid-class leviathan so why do we need to worry about a low-class sea creature?" asked Shayla

The phoenix steps in and explain 'mom, in this world humans, have gone extinct so if this robot gets seriously damaged by the sea creature then there are no ways to fix it. We have to use this robot very carefully is not we will be dead because of the lack of protection.'

"ohhhh, so that is why we need a plan. So... what should we do Aqua?" Shayla sat down on a comfy sofa placed next to Akatori, as I have mentioned the cockpit is filled with daily life stuff so humans could live inside the robot for real.

(You could take the joke' the elephant in the room' joke become real inside this cockpit)

[I don't recommend using a missile-type weapon like before, it will be better if you uses magic to kill it since the Kraken may sometimes grab the missile and throw them back at you with its magic. The Kraken are famous for their water manipulation magic, allowing them to control the flow of water at an unimaginable level.]

"Water manipulation magic? How does controlling the flow of water allows the Kraken to grab our missile?" Shayla wondered how can water in its liquid state could grab stuff and throw it around.

[it's mostly because of its magic nature, you will see it if you fire a missile or a projectile type weapon at it. But I do not recommend that action, while this mech and withstand the destructive power of a 2-3 oxygen destroyer, we do not have any method to repair the robot if it's damaged. Not to mention we are very deep underwater, if you go out right now the water pressure could crush your frail body easily]

"I don't think my body could be called as frail anymore! I could easily crush iron!" the girl raised her fist and punch at the cockpit's wall and create a loud echo. Shayla looks at the wall which doesn't even make a scratch on the wall "Um... can you explain to me about the water pressure stuff? I haven't heard of it before."

[I will try to explain it for you as easy as possible]


After some hours worth of explaining, Shayla finally comprehend the logic behind water pressure and some physic logic.

Turns out, Shayla is... good at absorbing knowledge but very bad at memorializing them. The proof is she was able to answer grade 10 questions relate to physic but forgot the theory right afterwards.

(Chaos's power is so fucking chaotic so mixed inside the curses there are also some blessings)

[I... don't know how to comment on your intellect miss Shayla. For your understanding ability to immediately able to answer a question that you have just heard of once or your memory that can make a little kid proud]

"Well, I'm only 10 this year, that makes me a kid, right?" Shayla asked as she take a glance at her status board.

[I suppose you're... then I would like to call you genius from now on]

"Hehe, I always know that I'm smart!" Shayla praised herself while her little family from behind sighed, they are not cruel enough to tell Shayla about the truth.

(A/N: my naive Shayla didn't know that this author is planning something very... lewd I guess)

(Shayla: Breaking the 4th wall! What does lewd mean Author-sama?)

(Lmao I'm out of here)

'Mom, did you even notice the radar? The Kraken is right in front of us right now, give it one more minute and the Kraken will be right in front of our faces,' Hebi remind Shayla, who just broke the fourth wall.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about it. Aqua, you said that using magic is the best way to deal with the Kraken, what are the spells you recommend to use?" Shayla asked while looking through the robot's armoury, she is currently looking through 100 different kinds of magic, most of their name doesn't even make any sense at all but it sound powerful.

[Shayla-chan, if you are wondering about what spells to use against the Kraken, I recommend you to use numbers 5, 41 and 59 to deal with it] the system suggested

'Number 5, 41 and 59?' Shayla follow Aria suggestion and found 3 spells related to lighting which are thunderstorm, lighting vortex and lighting beam. "I understand that thunder is effective against water but if I release lighting underwater like this the robot will get affected too."

[Considering this robot is made of a high-class leviathan, as long as you don't use half of the power this robot have those spells won't be able to cause damage to this robot's scale to the slightest]

"Understood, then Aqua, prepare the lighting vortex magic right now."

[May I ask why did you choose this spell out of the 3?]

"Well, it's sound cool and I think I could suck the Kraken's tentacles inside the vortex somehow, I don't know where did that idea of my come from but it suddenly appear in my head." Shayla shrugged, sometimes even she doesn't understand herself so asking her about things that relate to herself could turn out very problematic.

[Understand, preparing lighting vortex, please give me command when to shot]

"But my Haki can't see that far yet, can you use your radar to scan the Kraken's location?"

[Affirmative, the target is 3km ahead and it will make contact with us in about 10 minutes]

"Umm, that is about 300m per minute there... so what is the range of the lighting vortex? I don't what our mech to get affected by the spell somehow."

[the magic's range can be expanded up to 2000m and affect everything inside its range if we used all of the power this robot have left to use. The normal size is about 100 meters]

"Then open up a 200m lighting vortex, considering the Kraken is a lower-class leviathan it should be enough," Shayla said without thinking, most of her decision comes from her instinct now and she knows what to do.



The Kraken is swimming at Shayla's group at incredible speed for its massive body. In this ocean, the rule still stays the same: The strong eat the weak. As a lower leviathan-class monster, the Kraken doesn't have any problems with food since a titan class could easily satisfy its hunger in a month or more.

But the rule applies to every creature including the Kraken, a mid-class leviathan that could easily overpower the Octopus's power and turn the predator into prey.

Just before Shayla and her group arrive the Kraken has fought a battle with a mid-class leviathan and was lucky enough to escape, right now its need a lot of food to recover.

And as you see, the Kraken is currently swimming toward Shayla's group, by using its magic gifted from birth, the Kraken could control the flow of water allowing it to boost its speed by borrowing the water's flow.


[Lighting vortex, active]

Suddenly, a black vortex filled with lighting open in front of it and as a leviathan creature, the Kraken knows about element rules and immediately stop in its track to flee.

Unfortunately, the wound isn't helping the poor octopus escape as its speed isn't at its peak.

The lighting immediately paralyzes the Kraken and slowly suck its tentacles inside. The leviathan monster was slowly sucked into the lighting vortex and got destroyed completely.

[You have killed the Kraken]

[Stats plundered: +400 to all stats except LUK and CHA]

[New skill: Water manipulation magic]

Seem like even the legendary creature like Kraken is a stepping stone for my (our) loli to become the strongest, in DxD at least

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