

One year has passed since Ou Ki's death.

For protecting the people of Baou, from the enemy general Man Goku, who was slaughtering the people! Meng was promoted to a 2,000 man commander for killing the enemy General and biding time for the people to flee to Bayou.

For aiding in the defense of Bayou against overwhelming numbers, contributing to the battle on the right flank of the Kan plains battle, and contributing to the death of the enemy General Shou Mou, he was once again promoted, to a 3,000 man commander!

Sei must have been pleased with him, because his 3,000 heavy-mounted archers, were all elite veterans with experience handling a bow and had ridden before, their mounts were strong, and their armor was brand new.

Now a 3,000 man commander, he needed some 1,000 man commanders to serve under him, so he decided to promote mob#2 (Qian Wuying), 3 (Long Hui), and 4 (Yin Xiuying) into his three 1,000 man commanders, and side mob #1 (Ye Mu) was promoted to a 300 man commander under mob 2.

Meng would use Qian Wuying and his 1,000 troops as his personal guards.

Bordering Qin was the countries of Zhao, Wei, Han, and Chu. Who after Ou Ki's death, all decided to start testing the strength of Qin.

Qin despite having a large military was still outnumbered on every border thanks to being forced to spread out their forces against the other countries. Qin was getting stretched too thin as they began getting attacked by the other nations, small-scale battles were happening all along Qin's borders.

( near Qin border)

Meng and 3,000 mounted heavy archers are currently battling it out with Wei, during one of these small border battles.

Qin army of 10,000 vs Wei army of 15,000 battle near Wei and Qin border. The battle started a few days ago involving a few hundred men on each side but slowly forces from all over rushed over, and now the small battle had turned into a medium-size one.

Meng and his men, once again showed how the Wei era of chariots was over after they completely destroyed a chariot charge while leaving no survivors.

Wei furious with the loss of their chariots ordered their archers to target Meng men.

Meng being assaulted by the Wei archers! ordered mobs 3 and 4 to charge into Wei infantry! having heavy armor they could survive longer in a fight, while two thousand cavalries of mobs 4 and 3 charged into the Wei forces, Meng with Mob 2 charged into the Wei archers!

With the archers destroyed! he ordered his men to retreat, Wei no longer having any ranged units, was left helpless as Meng ordered his men to fire on their troops.

The mounted archers took turns charging at the enemy, either firing at point-blank range or charging into them!

Soon the Wei forces morale finally broke and a few of them ran! once a few ran, it caused a chain reaction and the rest soon followed after them!

Meng seeing the Wei forces fleeing, ordered mob 2 to harass them from the rear with him, while mob 3 and 4 each took up positions on the right and left of the fleeing Wei.

Meng and his men fired volley after volley into the fleeing Wei troops from three sides! it didn't take long before they had completely decimated the Wei troops.

The Qin infantry observing the battle could only stare in shock, they never even got a chance to join in!

Meng and his mounted archers had completely destroyed the small Wei force on their own! 3,000 mounted archers completely destroyed a Wei force of 15,000! Meng had only lost 300 troops during this battle.

He could have used the Qin infantry to pin the Wei infantry, while his forces charged the archers, but he needed his men to gain the experience of charging into the enemy. His men having just slaughtered the enemy! had their confidence skyrocket! and their faith in him grew.

He had to thank Ou Ki and Mou Bu for showing him how important it was for his men to gain confidence in themselves. The scared militia had turned into ferocious lions! once their confidence and morale were high enough!

243 B.C

While Meng was defeating a small Wei force on the border, Ryo Fui had managed to lure Ri Boku to the Qin capital! by sending a message to an old Zhao official who he had become friends with in the past, luring his friend to Qin to negotiate an alliance but once here Ryo captured the official, the official being close to the Zhao king made a good bargaining tool, Ryo used him to blackmail the Zhao king into sending Ri Boku to Qin.

Meng learning of this! thought that Ryo Fui is indeed fearsome, he managed to easily trap the Zhao strategist responsible for Ou Ki's death!

Meng was even more surprised that Ri Boku instead of dying! Instead ended up forming an alliance between Qin and Zhao!

With Qin now in an alliance with Zhao, his section of the border against Wei was becoming more active.

Due to the increase in the number of skirmishes on the border, Mengs mounted archers were starting to become known in the area, it wasn't long before his 3,000 men were confronted by a small force 5,000 Wei troops!

A 1,000 man commander from Wei's side rode out between the two forces! and challenged Meng to a duel!

Meng without saying anything rode away from his men towards the enemy commander!

Once the enemy commander saw Meng come out to face him, he quickly urged his horse forward and bravely charged over towards him! with a grin on his face the Wei commander was confident in his victory!

Right before the two clashed! Meng suddenly turned left! sending a signal to his men, they unleashed a volley upon the poor Wei commander! his body is full of arrows! and soon falls to the ground!

Yawning, Meng orders his men to harass the Wei troops! Angered the Wei force attempted to fight back! but lacking any ranged weapons they are soon whittled down to a handful of men, before dying under a volley of arrows!

The Wei forces must have thought it would be easier to deal with him first over his men, having already been challenged to his third duel in the last few weeks, luckily his men had left no survivors to warn the Wei troops of their foolishness, Meng simply kept luring their best fighters into the range of his men, then simply filled their brave warrior with arrows!

Not the most honorable thing to do he knew, but he wasn't foolish enough as a MOB, to actually duel one of the OP fighters in this era! no! if those fools wanted to challenge him to a duel where they would obviously win! then he would use it against them! he would take this chance to pick off the promising commanders that were foolish enough to challenge him.

(a few weeks later)

Meng and his men were patrolling when they came upon a small battle, stopping to observe, Meng notices that a small group of Qin infantry was secretly flanking their opponents' headquarters, sadly he saw that they would be too late, mounted cavalry had already beaten them to it.

Recognizing who the two units were, Meng decided that he would go take a closer look. As he approached, he watched as Ou Hon a 300 man commander of the "Gyoku Hou Unit" and Shin a 300 man commander of the " Hi Shin Unit" exchanged words.

"Normal infantry like you! are nothing more than emotionless worker ants! who need only obey the orders of their superiors!", said Ou Hon.

"And there is no greater duty for you! than to devote yourselves to those orders!" said Ou Hon in a belittling tone.

Meng watched as Shin fell for the taunt and soon Shin and Ou Hon had a short duel! ending with Ou Hon coming out on top.

Meng decided that now was the time to make his grand entrance! and marched between the two forces with his 3,000 troops! riding gloriously behind him!

As Meng rode past, he couldn't help poking at Shin for still only being a 300 man commander! with both of them having started off at the same time, he teased that Shin needed to hurry to catch up!

Meng smirked as Ou Hon frowned after learning that he and Shin had started around the same time.

"Shin! you better hurry up! or this ant! is going to leave you so far in his dust! that you'll never be able to catch up!", said Meng.

Riding away with his 3,000 mounted archers! they kicked up a bunch of dust as they rode away!

The troops under Ou Hon could only frown, while the militia under Shin had regained a bit of fire in their eyes! after seeing one of their own climb so high so fast! a few of them took the chance to mock Ou Hon under their breath.

As Meng rode away, he was reminded about how lucky he was being able to assist Sei when he had few allies. If he hadn't taken the chance to join his faction back then, he would likely be just another nameless militia man serving under Shin right now.

AN- In ancient china, there was from what I understand different social ranks, below from highest to lowest are:

Royalty: Obviously the King. highest social rank.

Nobels: Scholars and officials.

Peasant Farmers: lower than Nobels- but still respected because they could work the land and provide food for the country.

Artisans and craftsmen: not as respected or important as the farmers, had fewer rights as well.

Merchants and traders: made good money but were not respected, only sold goods and didn't produce anything, were underappreciated.

Slaves: worked farms like peasants but had masters, hard a life. Couldn't volunteer for the military, would rarely get to join the military.

Soldiers: a certain amount of respect was given since they protected the country, higher ranks had a lot of power and influence that could rival the officials. Soldiers who earned a lot of merits would have a chance to rise higher in their social status, a few even becoming nobles.

Hopefully, I wasn't too far off with this, and it helped you understand the social structure and status of everyone.

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, if you guys are enjoying the story and would like to support me with a donation you can do so here: paypal.me/robertmckenzie123

I would like to thank everyone who leaves comments and is enjoying the story so far.

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