
The Reason For The Era Of Conquest.

The first sage chuckled before he answered. "It is most definite that he has more than 6 laws in his concept."

"How many laws do you think he has?" Soverick asked.

The first sage's eye glinted with amusement as he answered, "More than 6."

Soverick wasn't satisfied with the answer. "I see that you don't know."

"No, I don't." The sage admitted. "No one knows how many laws he has. But everyone knows that the Monarch of High Heaven is very talented. What I do know with uttermost certainty is that the concept of a realm lord is near impossible to match the complexity of a world spark. Something created by the void universe is near perfect if not perfect itself. But the concept will do as long as the realm lord with the 6 law concept has the help of the world seed which is in direct control of the will of the plane. That makes the situation become two fragments against one."

The first sage asked him, "Do you see where I am going with this?"

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