
1: Banished and Gone With Style

(Caldera Cay)


Being sat down in chains within Viking Jail Cell isn't anymore as glamorous for Prince than a commoner, I was Prince Hakkon of the Defender's of the Wing, only son of Queen Sylva and until this imprisonment the designated heir. Mala had caught me riding a Dragon and went blabbering about to the Village Council. I could have told the truth, that I fell and was saved by the Dragon, but That would mean Calling Mala a liar, and integrity was everything to our people.

Mother I think knew that I lied throughout the Trial, but I also think she understood why I did. The Dragon in question that saved me was a Skrill. It was repaying it's debt to me, as several years prior I'd snuck onto a Raid against the Dragon Hunters and freed this Skrill's family. For whatever reason, this particular Skrill imprinted itself onto me. It still remembered my kindness from all those years ago.

After that Raid I eventually began to actively seek out Hunters, Sneaking off Days at a time in order to infiltrate and sabotage various groups of Hunters. I freed every Dragon I found, brought them to Caldera Cay in order to protect them.

I heard the doors unlock and open and my mother entered.

''In light of your confession, we've decided to strip you of Your Royal Title and Exile you.'' Says Mother.

''Acceptable.'' I nod in reply.

''You lied, tell me why?'' Asks Mother.

''Six years ago I snuck onto one of Uncle's raids, during the event I freed a Family of Skrills. That Dragon I rode, was the youngest, I suppose it imprinted on me you could say. Even all these years later it remembered my kindness. Now as to why, when Mala and I were playing hide and seek, I lost my footing and the cliff gave way. That Dragon was simply repaying it's debt to me.'' I admit, and loudly enough that the Guards outside heard.

''So why lie?'' Asks Mother.

''Because to speak the truth would call Mala's integrity into question, and Integrity is everything here. Someday the truth will come out, rest assured. Besides Mala makes a better monarch than me any way. I'm an Explorer at heart mother, a Wanderer. I want to live on the fringes of the world and have a story worth retelling someday. If that means that I have to leave my birthright to Mala, so be it.'' I say.


I was on a dock, about to take ship off the island.

"Hold it, Captain. We're coming with you." Says a voice, and I turn to see Mara, a little orphan I'd rescued some time back. Stood behind her is half the Royal Guard give or take a few.

"I can't ask you to come with me, it would mean sharing my exile." I say.

"You were the leader we chose, and still are." Says Druk, Throk's brother.

"We set sail for Vanaheim. From there, we wage a campaign against the Dragon Hunters." I decide. Vanaheim is not necessarily the perfect place to wage a campaign against the Hunters, but it's close to home and close to the Northern Markets. Plus if I used it as my staging ground into the Archipelago I'd be able to have The Sentinel's as my own personal Force of Dragons when my group inevitably began hitting the Dragon Hunters which would of course garner the attention of The Dragon Riders. There was one person that I absolutely wanted to get in bed with. It was either Heather, Astrid, or Atali, and I wasn't particularly inclined towards taking Astrid from Hiccup. If it was Snotlout yea sure definitely, but it wasn't and taking a cripples girlfriend wasn't just low...it was sad too, of course if it were Snotlout being the cripple that wouldn't apply since in Ruffnut's words, he was : "Women Repellent.''

Besides marrying Atali secured a more far-reaching political alliance, he could probably have an affair after the fact. Vikingr tribes were rather flexible on this subject, after all, concubines weren't just permitted, but were even encouraged. But there were also longer reaching goals that would prove much much easier if he could have Heather and Atali in his marital bed. He would form an army, vast enough to provide significant Challenge to Drago, that was his main purpose here. He wanted to marry Atali to get the Wingmaiden Tribe onside, his sister would inevitably marry Dagur and his eventual taking of Heather as a Concubine would strengthen his tribes own ties to the Defenders of the Wing and the Berserker Tribe in addition to the Hairy Hooligan Tribe by default.


As they sailed out of the harbor, the Skrill that saved him roared and flew beside their ship, half a second later many of the dragons that he'd rescued flew after them, Typhoomerang, Razorwhip, Stormcutter, Hideous Zippleback, Sand Wraith, Gronkle, Deadly Nadder, Monstrous Nightmare, and even one Whispering Death all followed after them.

"So if we're not Defenders anymore, then what are we?" Mara asks.

"We are The Guardians, The Guardians of the Dragon Wing." Hakkon answers simply as they sail off into the sunset.....

Okay, now this Story will start off in the Netflix Show, before transferring to the Films. Next Chapter will involve a small time-skip and a recap, and will set the stage for S1E10 and S1E11.

Now then Dragon wise, a Skrill is Hakkon's partner, it's not named yet, so if you've an idea on a name feel free to shout it out, I'm looking for two per user, a male and a female name. I'll eventually narrow them down to something, but it'd help to have something at hand if I strike out.

Nightshade is out since it is already taken, but that said, I am looking for creative names along that sort of a line, Oleander for example wouldn't be out of the question, nor would something like that be out of the question.

He will of course have at least three alternate Dragons, I've narrowed down one, but I will also need your guys help in that regard, so before the next chapter I'll list a poll for you guys to vote on the selections.

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