
Chapter 81: The Slumber's End.

In a split second, they had gone from the third floor to the outside. During that moment, only one thought echoed in the back of their heads. 

How did he do it? 

The city was in ruins. The buildings destroyed, the air damp and polluted from all the smoke. The clouds above their as dark as anyone could imagine. It was nothing like what it was in the past. 

Especially the stench generated by all the corpses lying around the roads. With flies swarming the area, it was enough to make both Aurora and Violet almost puke. 

The horned princess on the other hand didn't seem too bothered by it, neither did Gray. The zombies which roamed around were the only thing which caught their attention. 

They roamed around with their heads hung with no real objective in mind. The fact that anyone could turn into a mindless being such as that from a bite would be enough to freak anyone out. Fortunately, their weren't any hordes around them, only a few moving. 


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