
This Is Your Fault

Drew could not fathom that man's motives. Either for wanting to kill him or for suddenly being so obsessed with Mila when he had been the one to cheat in the first place and not care that he ruined her life. 

Mila. She should know about this. If Jonathan was truly as unhinged as he had seemed this morning, he might go after her again. If he knew where she lived…

He doubted she would pick up if he called her so he texted her but didn't get a response even after hours passed. This was making him uneasy. What could he even do if Jonathan had tried to kill him? He didn't have any proof!

It bothered Drew for the rest of the morning. He had a hard time concentrating. 

This was hopeless. He needed to go eat something and try to refocus once he had fuel. He headed out on his lunch break, not entirely sure what he wanted to eat, and happened to run into Jonathan in the parking lot. What was he still doing here? And where had he gotten a gun?!

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