

It took about 30 minutes before we arrived at Redmond. I got the cab driver to directly head towards Microsoft's headquarters. It was early in the morning, so I had a lot to do. When we arrived, a big building was erected with the oh so recognisable square with four different colours. This was where the dream will begin. For the next two weeks I would be here, creating something that wouldn't be created until much later. And even then, it would be changing it into something better.

When I hopped out, I paid the driver, which happily sped off back the way he came. I looked up at the building and couldn't help but smile. When I walked in, I was given weird stares from the staff that was working or walking past. I didn't really mind it and headed straight to the reception. It was a young man with overly gelled hair and glasses. His tight shirt looked like it cut his circulation.

"Hey, I would like to schedule a meeting with bill gates," I said with a smile. the man froze for a second and looked up at me with a frown. He glanced at me before forcing a smile.

"I'm sorry but what is your name?" he asked.

"Thomas Knight, I'm not affiliated with your company," I said calmly. Upon hearing that, the young man typed on his computer before shaking his head.

"Sorry, Mr Gates is busy at the moment, please come back another time," he said with a mocking smile.

"Tch, why do I even bother with this shit," I grumbled.

"Pardon?" the man's frown deepened.

"Shut up," I said dismissively before waving my hand. I whispered "Imperio" and the man's facial expressions changed. His frown was no longer there, and a serious expression surfaced. He began to furiously type on his keyboard before looking up at me.

"Esteemed guest, Mr Gates is very busy with a meeting I would recommend coming at another- "

"Shut it, take me to the meeting room," I said with annoyance.

'Right away sir," he said with a flat expression as if nothing was wrong.

I walked behind him with my hands in my pockets. We glided into an elevator with a couple of other people who gave me odd stares.

"Is there a problem?" I asked. They were startled by my sudden question. One of the women shook her head, "N-No problem."

"Then stop staring, it's impolite," I said with a grin. The woman nodded slightly and mechanically turned her head to face the front. All the others were surprised by our conversation and followed suit, not looking at me any longer.

With a *ding* the doors slid open and the young receptionist walked out. I followed closely behind him. We were on the 7th floor or so. I wasn't very surprised by how big the building was since I didn't expect any less from a mega-company to be. We soon walked through a bullpen area where all the junior employees worked. They were typing away furiously at their keyboards. It was chaotic, chatter was everywhere, talking about coding and this and that. It started to give me a headache.

I was surprised that the meeting area was on the same floor as these rookies, but what did I know. It didn't take long to reach a separate area that was much quieter. There were rooms encased in glass with several groups talking about their own things with others, but it was all soundproofed which was nice.

As we walked past, we arrived at the end of the floor where a much bigger room was. There was a big round wooden table with coffee and tea jugs evenly spaced out across it. Paper was everywhere, people were writing things down furiously as someone presented something on the board. I instantly recognised who it was. Bill gates. On it, he was talking about windows 3.1 which had just been released in March.

Being someone from what equated to the future, seeing something so archaic made me cringe slightly. But I understood that what they were making was innovative at this time. It was very much praiseworthy. but that was where it stopped. I was about to rock these nerds' brains.

"This is the Meeting room, sir," said the receptionist as he stopped by the door.

"Thanks, pal, you can go back to whatever it was you were doing," I said while patting his shoulder. He nodded and vanished from sight. I turned back around and walked in as if there was no one in the room. But as I did, I heard Bill talking about something as he pointed at the board.

"we need to improve the virtual memory and loadable virtual device drivers so it allows for increase sharing of arbitrary devices between multi-tasked DOS applications," said Bill in a stern voice before pausing for a moment.

"The protected mode allows for access to several megabytes of memory without the obligation to participate in the software virtual memory scheme. They run inside the same address space, where the segmented memory provides a degree of protection. But this is not enough, we need to start increasing this. I don't believe that several megabyte will be sufficient in the future. We need to increase storage while maintaining the amount of protection." He said before stopping and looking in my direction.

"Who might you be young man? This is a private meeting. Who let you in?" he asked with a slight frown. I smiled at his question. I didn't answer right away, but instead made my way to the end of the table nearest the door, opposite Bill. There was a plump man sitting there eating a doughnut.

I simply grabbed him by the tie lifted him up with one hand before placing him gently back on the ground. I then took his seat and placed my feet on the table. The faces of everyone present showed immense shock at the little stunt I had just pulled.

{why are you acting like you own the place, it's cringy} said Achlys with a mocking laugh. I simply ignored it and began to talk.

"I am here to make an investment," I said with a wide grin. Bill looked at me in puzzlement. I simply shook my head. "Imperio" I whispered. All of the people in the meeting room as if electrocuted jumped up from their seats and left the room like a bunch of robots. Bill was stunned for a moment as he observed this.

"Now, let's get started," I said with a smile.

An: so listen. what bill was talking about, it might be wrong, it might be right, I'm not familiar with their jargon or how the whole windows shit works. the two weeks will be skipped due to my lack of knowledge. so don't mind it if what he says was wrong lmao. it was my half-assed attempt at making it sound legit. thank you and have a good day :)

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