
Fire chicken and fire Lizard

I took my time making it towards Dumbledore's office since I need to arrange my thoughts properly. Dumbledore was a sneaky old man that was not afraid of extorting me. Therefore, I couldn't back down at all and needed to be confident or at least act confident at all times. I'll bluff if I have to.

I approached the tower that connected to the seventh floor and before long stood in front of a stone Gargoyle. It wasn't a stretch to say that the Gargoyle guarded the entrance. I was in no mood to test out the efficiency of removing intruders. Professor McGonagall had already informed me of the password which I wouldn't have needed anyway. The movies and books gave me the answer.

I approached it slowly and looked at its face calmly before talking, "Sherbet lemon," I said slowly. The Gargoyle looked down at me slowly before returning to its normal look and began to slide back before twisting and rising. A spiral stone staircase appeared as if following after the Gargoyle. It was a cool contraption. It made me want to know the spell even more now.

I walked up the stone steps slowly, there wasn't much to look at anyway. It was empty and there were only some torches on the wall that illuminated the otherwise dark… elevator shaft? What would you call this little place?

There was some moss growing in between the large stone slabs embedded into the wall which gave the corridor if that was the right word a humid feel which made it quite nice. It didn't take long before I arrived at a wooden door with metal strips running vertically along with the wooden panels. The door seemed just as old as the others and before I even knocked it slid open as if it had a sentience of its own.

Honestly, I wouldn't be so surprised if it did. Barely anything seemed to surprise me much these days. I was desensitized due to all the weird shit here.

As I walked into the headmaster's office, I couldn't help but marvel at it. It was a large and beautiful circular room, full of funny little noises. A number of curious silver instruments stood on spindle-legged tables, whirring and emitting little puffs of smoke. The walls were covered with portraits of old headmasters and headmistresses, all of whom were snoozing gently in their frames.

The portrait of the immediate predecessor of the current Headmaster or Headmistress hung behind the Head's desk. It was suggested that this was the largest of the paintings in the room, which, in turn, suggested that the paintings shrank by some degree once it was no longer the portrait of the immediate predecessor of the current Headmaster or Headmistress.

It should be noted that despite Severus Snape being Headmaster and having access to the office, he did not have a portrait. Eventually, one was installed in tribute to his brave deeds after Voldemort's ultimate defeat. There was also an enormous, claw-footed desk, and, sitting on a shelf behind it, a shabby, tainted wizard's hat.

I had to say, it looked nice and inviting. Things were placed in a sort of neat untidiness. It also needed to be mentioned that compared to other teachers' rooms, the headmasters was by far the most interesting. I walked over towards the hat which seemed to have noticed me as well.

"Oh? Well, if it isn't you boy. What? you're not here to eat my soul are you?" he said half-jokingly half-seriously. I smile slightly.

"No, you're safe from that tragic fate. I am happy enough in the house I was put in." I said before walking away. There wasn't anything I needed to talk to the hat about. It wasn't like I could learn other's secrets anyway. I soon walked up a couple of steps leading straight to Dumbledore's desk and saw Fawkes perched on a wooden stand. It was a majestic red and orange phoenix. But what stunned me was that Fawkes flew up and landed on my shoulder.

{What do we have here? Who knew that a pendragon arrived at the school after so long!} said a rough male voice in my head. I was shocked and snapped my head towards the bird on my shoulder.

'H-How are you able to do that? And what do you mean by what you said, have you been around for that long in the school?' I bombarded the bird with questions.

{well, I can do this because I am a phoenix, not all of my abilities are known to others. I seldom show this power. Even Dumbledore doesn't know.} it paused.

'Then why me?' I asked.

{because you are a pendragon, and because that detestable dragon is inside of you,} it said with a loathing tone.

[Who the hell are you calling detestable you fire chicken!] Drak spat with annoyance.

{F-Fire Chicken?! Y-You dare to call me that!} Said Fawkes with so much anger I could even feel it. I sighed. It was getting crowded in my head.

'Listen, both of you, stop arguing. Drak cut it out… Fawkes continue please.' I said putting an end to their squabbling.

[tch fine, this isn't over chicken] said Drak reluctantly.

{whatever, anyway as I was saying… it is not a matter of being here constantly, I am connected to the Dumbledore family for generations. That does not mean I don't have my free time. I just so happen to be here when another family member of yours arrived here. He was much less talented than you are though. But he still did his thing.] Fawkes concluded with a nonchalant attitude.

'I see, well that explains it' I said while shrugging my shoulders. Before I could continue with my conversation though, an aged voice was heard off to the side.

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