
81. Sohee's reform

  "Unnie Nature good evening! "She tried to sound cheerful but it still came out fake.

  ("I hope I didn't wake you up, ") Nature said.

  "Well I wa—"

  ("Good, now tell me the name of the bitch Orion is seeing, ") Nature interrupted.

  'Unnie Nature is father all you think about? Do you not care for my wellbeing? ' Sohee couldn't help but feel aggrieved. All this woman ever talks about is her father.

  "Unnie I had a dream… It was the weird kind I—"

  ("Sohee, I didn't call you to discuss a measly dream, we can always discuss that later, now tell me everything about your father's bitch.")

  Sohee sighed sadly, she couldn't even complain if she wanted to. "Her name is Arielle and she is a werewolf, she is also very pretty, and tomboyish."

  Nature was ecstatic.("Good girl! Now tell me her pack.")

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