
Too Much Information

["I'm sorry but our conversation would have to be shifted to another time, an emergency came up at the hospital. Do not wait for me, go to bed. I love you. ] 

Arianna sighed in relief when that message came to her and it was from Natalie. She had been unable to relax, having a hint her mother was going to confront her about the rumored pregnancy tonight. She didn't want to lie to her, but Marcel was right, it was the best option to keep this a secret at the moment. There were too many things going on. 

[Fine, we can always have the conversation later. Love you too] Arianna responded to the message. 

Tonight was going to be a boring night. With Mimi taking care of Victor, she didn't want to bother her and Ezra was probably going to stick by her side like a goddamn sidekick - so annoying. Her step-sister Rose would have made nice company, but the girl was too inquisitive and asked questions that were quite beyond her age. 

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