
The Love In His Eyes

"Turn around," Arianna told him, and Marcel obeyed her command without hesitation. She focused on the artistic black ink drawn over his back and traced the tattoo with her hands, everything finally making sense. 

"That is why you have the tattoos drawn, because even scar revision does not erase a scar but helps to make it less noticeable and more acceptable." Arianna figured it out. 

Now she touched his back a bit more carefully, she could feel slight creases and it made her expression distort in pain. She had never taken time to look at his skin before because most of the time she was distracted with sexy time and digging her hands into his back out of passion. Had she been hurting him by chance? 

"It doesn't hurt anymore," Marcel answered her as if he had been inside of her head. 

She looked at him in shocked wonder, "Are you telepathic by chance?" 

He looked at her over his shoulder, 

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