
Sweet and bitter

"Didn't you say you wanted me to fuck you after you woke up? This is the time, enjoy, Katsuki. You will be carrying my baby, the successor of the Hidorima clan will be born soon."

 Katsuki blushed, he was silent when Shouki said that. Though in his heart, he really likes it when Shouki intends to fertilize him.

 After two hours had passed, Katsuki got up from their bed with a tired look. His stomach felt bloated after swallowing a lot of Shouki's liquid. Shouki is really brutal in their sex activities. Katsuki was sure that in the near future after he was declared fully recovered then he would be pregnant with many Shouki's children. There might be four twins that will grow in Katsuki's womb.

 "My stomach is so bloated," complained Katsuki. Katsuki could feel there was a full liquid inside Katsuki's womb.

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