

And soon after that each one of them touches the stone as per the directions of the safe keeper and not to a very much surprise each one of them is able to pass test because of which they get entry inside the Jungle 

  And soon after passing the test the gates of the Jungle are opened for each one of them and soon they enter inside the jungle after which they are suddenly attacked by a group of roots because of which they all are trapped by the roots and are hung upside down and before they could understand anything further 

Suddenly something starts attacking them because of which they fell itching, but to their surprise none of them is able to see anything in their surprise but only itching because of which Chris once again gets angry and transforms into the same beast 

And in a matter of few seconds he ends up bringing down the whole tree from which they all are hanging upside down, because of which everyone is freed from the shackles of the roots 

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