

Blood Magic included

Slight blood bending able to freeze a person for a short time

Able to control all the blood of a dead person

Can shape blood in to dangerous and harmful objects the strength of the blood taken is based on his magic

BloodLust secret ability happens when user intentionally ingests his own blood from a would created by him

Blood map able to see a trail of a person who is bleeding or lost blood

Sephiroths powers

Materia magic:

Life-based Materia (Raise and Arise): Both of them are spells capable of reviving fallen allies, but they're also harmful to the undead.

Restore-based Materia (Cure, Cura, Curaga, and Regen): The first three consist in simply healing a target. Regen consists in healing a target periodically every turn.

Earth-based Materia (Quake, Quakra, and Quaga): Earth-shaking spells.

Fire-based Materia (Fire, Fira, Firaga): Simple, but strong fire-based magic.

Ice-based Materia (Blizzard, Blizzara, Blizzaga): Simple, but strong ice-based magic.

Lightning-based Materia (Thunder, Thundara, Thundaga): Simple, but powerful electric magic.

Super Speed: Capable of moving at speeds so high, it appears he's teleporting.

Superhuman Durability.

Gravity Manipulation: Only used for his "flight".

Meteor (Limit Break): Summons a large meteor that destroys a large part of the planet's surface.

Octoslash (Limit Break): Delivers eight rapid and deadly sword attacks.

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