
Chapter 008


I woke up to find Oscar pacing in the room. I began to fear that he would kick me out. Those things were after me and not him. Since he was a werewolf, I knew they would have a hard time getting to him. I needed his help, at least until I figured out what to do.

His pacing meant he was contemplating on something. Was he going to give me up and let them get me? He had no reason to protect me or to hold on to me. I was nothing to him. I knew I had to find another way. Not wanting him to officially kick me out, I stood up immediately.

" Do you have pants that I can borrow?" I asked him, and he looked at me surprised.

" I have to dress up so I can leave," I told him in a matter of fact tone.

" Where do you think you are going to?" he asked, and I realised I didn't have that part figured out.

As things were, I might as well fire myself. I had paid the rent on my old apartment and held on to the keys. I still had some money from what they gave me tucked away somewhere in my old apartment. It could last me three months. I figured I might skip town, and go far away from werewolves and vampires.

" Away.." I answered in a not-so-certain tone, and he began to laugh.

" You think skipping town will protect you?" he asked me, and I just stared at him.

" There is nothing here for me. You don't want to be in this mess, which means I no longer have a job. They know that apartment which means I can no longer live there. I have no friends or family members I could crash with and hide in their place till the matter dies down. All I can do is skip town." I explained, and he walked up to me and kissed me.

It was awkward judging the situation we were in. Did this mean I still had my job? Thank God. I needed to impress him, so I returned the kiss the best way I could.

He took off the shirt I had on and laid me on his bed. Then he took off his clothes and began to kiss me. I had never touched a masculine man before. I had never touched a man before. This was all new to me but feeling his abs felt good. He placed his hands on my br**st and I moaned.

He went straight for my br**sts. I knew he had a thing for boobs anyway, so I wasn't surprised but the pleasure I felt surprised me. He moved from my br**st to my belly button, and I felt a longing, I felt a wetness and ache between my legs. I wanted him to continue what he was doing to me. I moaned and asked for more, behaving shamelessly. The pleasure had overridden my shame.

Oscar pulled back and looked at me surprised, " I didn't expect you to respond that well, after all that happened and knowing that I am a werewolf. You were hysterical just now," he said, amused. The shame slowly began to creep in.

" Does this mean I still have my job?" I asked, and he laughed.

" After all that you have just seen and been through, you still want the job?" he asked, amused by my question.

I paused for a while. It wasn't like I had a choice. I needed the job, and now I needed protection too. Hanging around Oscar was the wisest decision in this situation.

" The answer is obvious, isn't it?" I asked him, and he laughed.

" Well, but protection wasn't part of our agreement," he stated, and I stood up immediately. I needed the protection more than the money. I didn't have a bargaining chip, so I decided to beg.

" Please, Oscar. I need protection more than money. I will do anything for protection." I pleaded.

" I never said I wouldn't protect you, I simply stated it wasn't part of our contract," he stated, and I relaxed a bit. Being around him made me feel at peace.

" So what will you want in exchange for protecting me? I have already signed off everything I can offer to you." I pointed out honestly, and he smiled.

" Let us see it more like a form of charity." He said and smiled.

" Why do they want to kill me, Oscar?" I asked. The reality of my situation had crept in on me again. I wished he could continue what he was doing earlier. It made me forget a bit.

" It seems you are related to Giles Hunter, and he is not a good man," Oscar told me.

" I don't know anyone by that name," I protested. " Please tell them I have no family. I can drop the name if it bothers them so much." I pleaded, almost in tears. I began to have flashbacks of how they broke into the apartment, their angry stares and snarls. I never knew those things existed. The shock of what had happened still upset me.

" It is not as easy as you think, Karen," he said to me, and I started to cry from fear. He drew closer and wrapped his arms around me to comfort me. The moment he held me, I felt a calmness wash over me. I held him back.

"You need to relax, Karen. I will try to get to the bottom of this. I can't make you promises because I do not know what is happening either, but I will try." he said and held on.

I appreciated Oscar's honesty. He wasn't promising me anything, which meant I needed to think of a plan. Skipping town seemed to be the most reasonable option, but I needed money to do that successfully.

I wondered how long Oscar would allow me to hang around him before he got tired of the baggage I unconsciously brought. I dreaded being on my own right now, but I couldn't control him, neither could I control his decision. The way those wolves had spoken to him meant he was a leader of some sort. For how long would he risk himself for a total stranger? Could he even do it? We had no ties binding us. He had only tried to help me. I needed to be ready for whatever was to come because Oscar could get a call or change his mind, and I will be on my own.

When I thought things had begun to look up for me, this happened. I was the most unlucky person in the world. I stayed in Oscar's arms, scared and uncertain about my future.

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