
What a Chad!!

The Demon King's words were a death sentence. 

"Show me what you got." He had said. 

But., what the fuck were they supposed to show?! Certainly not their shaky legs, or their leaking bladders, or even the sweat creeping up their asses, right?!

But that's when an intelligent fella suddenly spoke up: 

"Oh wise Demon King, please have mercy upon us! We will forever revere you as long as you offer us protection and—"

Jack casually glanced at the guy, his mind distracted by his current rebellious Devil predicament. Forever revere, was it? Bullshit! 

The man's eyes obviously lacked sincerity. He was like those two-faced envoys plaguing the Church of Light before he had gotten rid of the annoying "no killing the messengers" policy. 

He could instantly tell what the man was up to. 

1. Kiss-Ass 

2. Climb the ranks 

3. Betray him on the first occasion! 

4. Profit! 

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