
The Poor, The Rich, The Enemy, and The Error

Cali: "So here is the plan. Try to attack as much as possible. Attack only if the opponent's guard is down. Keep dodging or blocking the opponent's attacks until theyre tired. Once that happens, thats when Mica's part comes in. Also, Zen, dont attack immediately. You might attract the opponent's attention if you attacked first. I will just tell you when to make a move. Thats all. Any questions?"

In the Team Cali's room after their fight.

Cali thought to himself: "If I didnt drained half of the opponent's mana and transferred it to my teammates, we surely dont stand a chance against them. With that much mana, they could knock anyone in this city with just a fraction of their magic."

"Although I didnt gave any mana to Mica as an experiment, she still managed to be able to stop that lightning-bolt-like arrow. I might be dead right now if she couldnt." He sighs in relief.

Zen: "Why did we have to go with that strategy? Its not like its any more effective. You could just end the battle immediately."

Cali: "I dont want my magic to be revealed just yet."

Zen: "Oh, so its for strategic purpose?"

Cali: "Thats one good reason."

A random person leaned on their doorway.

Random guy: "I saw you beat them. You guys are lucky you got paired against an easy team. I was planning to beat them up on my own but I guess I could just beat you guys later to redeem myself."

Its the annoying random guy who complained to the organizer earlier.

Cali: "Oh."

Zen slammed the door shut and knocked the guy out of the room.

Zen: "Lets not forget to close the door, its filled with sweaty people in here."

Cali opened the window.

Cali: "Rest for a while. We'll continue observing the next matches later."

Half an hour later, the whole team goes back to the corridor to watch the rest of the first round.

There are some contestants there who were also watching.

A girl spoke: "I saw you guys fight. Why did you just stood there?"

She looks like she's talking to Cali.

Cali: "Are you possibly talking to me?"

The girl: "Yeah."

Cali: "Im more like a strategist of the team."

The girl: "Yeah but thats not a right excuse to do nothing."

Cali: "Im one of those people who you call Manaless."

The girl: "Oh, you must be a really smart or brave strategist to join the competition despite being manaless."

"Anyway, my name is Kahira."

Cali: "My name is Cali. Nice to meet you."

Kahira: "Wait, Cali? You mean Kinless Cali?! If you are, then I can finally find out if theyre true or not."

Cali: "Uh, yeah. How did you know?"

Kahira: "How? I have heard many rumors about you! You're famous."

Cali: "Famous for what? Theyre not bad rumors, right?"

Kahira: "There are unbelievable rumors about your mercenary records. About how you mysteriously finish every mission given to you in just a short time, too."

Cali: "It seems I've failed the whole point of shadow mercenary business." He sighs.

"Are you maybe a mercenary as well? I never saw you in the tavern, though."

Kahira: "I search for missions directly from the mercenary guild. But Im not a registered nor shadow mercenary."

Cali: "So those rumors spread even in the central. Why did you take this job instead of something safer? Did you atleast trained yourself?"

Kahira: "Im in need of money, its also why I joined this competition."

Cali: "Do you have financial problems?"

Mica: "There he goes."

Kahira: "We were left poor by my mother and my father died of illness. Im just working for myself. My team are also in the same situation as mine."

Cali: "Here, take these."

Cali handed out 10 gold coins.

Mica: "I knew it." She smiled.

Kahira: "Are you sure?!"

Cali: "You guys need this more than I do."

Kahira: "Thank you, Cali!"

She felt very relieved and gratified that that she suddenly hugged him.

Zen: "Huh!?"

Cali was in shock to react.

It took about a good ten seconds before she finally let go and then distanced herself.

Kahira: "Sorry." She blushed from the embarrassment.

Biel: "Can't believe you're a big shot now, dude."

Cali: "Always has been."

Kahira: "See you in the finals!"

She goes to the building and left.

Cali waved at her.

Zen: "I hope you dont feed your ego from that." She said in an annoyed tone.

Cali: "Im as humble as always." He brushed his hair with his fingers ironically.

Ceed: "Are you sure theyre not just lying to get your money?"

Cali: "Theres still a chance that she's speaking the truth. Either its true or not, I atleast wont feel the regret of doing something that might be wrong."

"Besides, I honestly dont need that much money anyway."

Ceed: "I might sound rude but, you dont sound like your usual self."

Zen: "Im starting to think you're actually smart even though you dont act like one."

Cali: "Zen, if thats a compliment, its poorly worded."

"If I remember correctly, I literally explained the fundamentals of a magic that only I knew..."

Zen: "Yeah but you just came up with a plan that doesnt make sense earlier."

Cali: "It would make sense if I explained it."

Zen: "Then explain it!"

Cali: "The real question is do I really have to?"

Zen: "We're your friends!"

Mica: "C'mon, Zen. You shouldnt force him."

Zen became silent in realization of her defeat. She looked away in shame.

Cali: "Dont worry, I will tell you guys soon."

Biel: "What do you mean?"

Cali: "By the turn of the events, it seems inevitable."

Cali pointed at the stage.

The rest of them turned towards where he is pointing at.

It was the Victland's National Team. They were up against a random team.

The Victland boy from last time spoke: "You guys can leave this up to me."

He dashes very quickly towards the enemy and took down all of the opponent in a matter of seconds without breaking a sweat.

The boy appears to be their leader and their Rogue. As said before, Victland is filled with exceptional Rogue magicians, and this boy is one of them.

The boy didnt held back, their opponent's injuries were quite concerning. But since this competition allows anything but killing, they weren't disqualified.

Ceed: "His speed is terrifying... Even I couldnt catch up on whats happening."

Cali: "Revealing that much of his abilities already? Thats a bad move. Well except if they have other intentions or they probably possess a hidden trump card to be that confident."

"You think you guys could beat those kinds of opponent without my help?"

Zen: "You bet."

Biel: "Yeah, we could best them."

Mica: "I believe in our team."

Cali: "How about you, Ceed? This could be an opportunity to impress your parents"

Zen: "Who told you-?"

Ceed: "I will try my best!"

Cali: "Thats what I'd like to hear."

"From now on, I'm on my own. But even if my life gets tough, I wouldnt give it up. All because I want to live!" -Kahira

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