
The emperor summons me.

The next morning while I was feeding some snacks to Remnis an eunuch came to my place and told me the emperor wanted to see me.

I followed him , On the way remnis talked in front of him but I didn't care because I found out that Xia Hou was gonna come to the capital in 7 days to visit .

Since he agreed than I can finally kill him .

Young Master you can't kill Xia Hou even if your rumored to be his son. Eunuch

I locked my fool Nascent qi on him and told him " Eunuch you can give the emperor and the royal family your advice but don't ever try it on me again or I will kill you ."

Yes Young master.

For the rest of the ride he shut up and stopped looking at my direction. When we arrived he rushed to the emperor and came back to get me after a while .

Inside of the Palace was magnificent and beautiful. When I got to the throne room the emperor welcomed me with open arms.

Nephew it's good to see you so healthy to tell you the true I'm not the one who summoned you it's your aunt .

My aunt I forgot that I had an aunt in this world Xia Hou little sister.

She is waiting for you in her garden go to her she misses you .

Tang Emperor Pov

Sage what can you tell me about this young man he is definitely a Cultivator .

The sage teleported in the throne room.

That kid is dangerous much more dangerous than Xia Hou with all his weapons and Enhance armor. Fu Zi

What ... Fu zi are you certain ? Did he reach the see through realm before adulthood ?

Sit down and listen clearly this kid is almost at Destiny knowing peak . A While before he came to the capital he defeated Sword Saint.

Impossible !!!... Fu Zi protect my wife please.

Don't worry he won't hurt her but I'm not too sure about Xia Hou.

Mc Pov:

After the emperor sent me to the garden I noticed a lady playing with a baby that was smiling. This brings me back 🤣 😭 I miss my mom now dammit.

Xia Tian Lei is that you Child?

Yes it's me you must be my aunt it's nice to meet you .

Kid why didn't you come to the capital earlier I could've raised you myself.

Sorry I was never informed about you and my only focus was to grow powerful and I achieved quite a lot .

Kiddo what's your goal in the future I can't have you roaming the capital with a bird and two swords.

My goal is to kill I mean fight Xia Hou and other powerful experts to be the best.

Kiddo don't try to hurt Xia ok and if he tries to hurt you call me immediately.

Thanks auntie after that we ate together with the emperor and I left the palace later on .

In front of the emperor and my aunt I jumped on my wooden sword i flew over the palace and the majority of the capital to my small house. That day I left not only two people shocked but everyone in the capital where talking about me .

The next morning the grand Prince came to give me an offer to work for him .

" Fuck off your not worthy." This sentence became the hottest topic of the week.

I was never targeted by anyone since I was the son of the great general and the nephew of the queen. For the rest of the week I practiced without using qi and fought Remnis in the backyard whenever he tried to eat my food.

I enjoyed my time in the capital for a while but xia hou came to my house today without his armor or spear.

Xia Hou you actually came here so did you really come here to fix my door I wonder .

No I want to know why did you come to the capital?

I wanted to see something new I am tired of roaming around the world . Now than tell me why your really here Xia Hou.

Kid stop calling me by my full name I'm your father show some respect.

My father please I became an orphan the moment you killed her for your little secret.

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