
Dusty wedding

"Are you sure you want to be alone right now?" he asked and she scoffed. 

'Of course, I want to be, I don't see why I won't," she responded. 

"You don't sound so sure like you usually do, what's the matter?" he asked and she sighed. 

"I just feel a little trapped okay, go on and get ready I will take a little time and the guest will start arriving soon too," she responded with a frow as he hugged her from behind and she helped onto his hand tightly. 

"You just need to relax a bit, you will be just fine I promise," he said. 

'Okay, I will try, sorry if I was a jerk back there," she replied and he laughed 

"You were the furthest thing from a jerk, he deserved it though I think he is on to you now, he is getting suspicious and as far as I know my brother, he won't sit back and do nothing, he will do something to ruin your day," he said and a smirk appeared on her face. 

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