
Chapter 2: Nuckelavee

Chapter 2: The Nuckelavee

Note: alright my doods! Here is another chapter for y'all and another installment of Jaune Arc slowly coming into his power.

And what better way to show off a godly power by showing jaune struggle to kill one of the strongest types of Grimm named Nuckelavee that destroyed Lie Ren's Village.

So anyway, enjoy the chapter of jaune learning the hard way when wielding a godly power.

Also a bit of side note, I know the Nuckelavee wasn't that powerful in canon when four students managed to best it. But in this story, the Nuckelavee is perhaps one of the top 5 strongest grimm on the planet, obviously not as powerful as the dragon grimm underneath mountain glenn but size doesn't translate into power. Intelligence is also a heavy factor.

It's how Madara Uchiha managed to be such a threat to even the likes of Six Paths Naruto and Six Paths Sasuke, Madara may have the power qualified as godly yet such power is meaningless without the mindset to properly wield it.

That's the case of the Nuckelavee, it's fiercely intelligent. And it's power both physical strength and speed is well doubled, maybe even tripled then canon.

I honestly didn't think this story would be as popular as it was just right out of the gate so I'm happy that y'all are really enjoying this story so is Unlimited.

Continue to show that love because that is what powers us to continue on.


Q:Wait so he's got kaguya stick in him or a fragment right ? So is he going to have physical changes due to it like the rinne sharingan it maybe the rinnegan hell even gain horns ( that resemble rabbit ears kinda ) like kaguya or horns like her sons. Hell it would be neat if he slowly changed to resemble kaguya or the six paths sage Madara look not a copy but his body slowly changes as it adapts more abd more to the power

A: That is an interesting concept my friend but unfortunately it's not something I was thinking about, actually I haven't planned for jaune to gain any physical anomalies primarily because unlike Obito or Madara whom both immediately entered Six Paths Sage Mode(which during my research I had immediately assumed it being the exact same mode as the tailed beast chakra mode), Hagoromo is perhaps the most human looking despite having the Ten Tails sealed inside of him so I naturally believed that the Ten Tails/Six Paths Sage Mode is a form to be accessed and dispelled. So no my friend, Jaune outside of a reconstructed body after his 'Rebirth' he won't have any physical anomalies outside of his own Six Paths Sage Mode.

This story is a joint effort between me and my co author unlimitedblades so show us and this story some love because we work hard to bring you content.

"Person Talking"

'Person Thinking'

<b>"Bijuu Talking"</b>

<b>'Bijuu Thinking'</b>

"Jutsus used"

'Written Content'

Two Days had passed since the newly minted blonde Jinchuriki of the Ten Tails had left the comfort home of the arc family and it's been going about as good for Jaune as it could.

The Host with his newly discovered speed and environmental durability allowed him to traverse difficult terrain with relative ease with some explanation and encouragement from the contained demon, now the knight has grown more or less used to his new tenant.

Now what normally would've been five days of walking towards the city of argus had been cut down to two days for the blonde man and that was a good thing especially since Jaune had learned that his father put out search party to look for him while he himself had contacted mistral to be on the lookout for a blonde man in a pumpkin pete's hoodie.

Luckily Jaune knew quite a lot of technology after he had dated a girl from his village who was perhaps the greatest tech savvy girl he knew and imparted some knowledge to him so by the time the blonde man arrives in the atlas controlled city then he'd be able to hack into the security to bypass the biometric sensors that immediately catalogues the blonde jinchuriki.

However a large stretch of land between Jaune's current location and the entrance of Argus is still a very long way away.

The Blonde Hoodie boy was free climbing towards the top of a particularly steep cliff, the edges of the cliff aren't exactly climbable as well as being sharp which should've cut through skin, yet for Jaune, it was only uncomfortable 'Hey Juubi?' Jaune mentally called out for his tenant

<b>"Something on your mind Jaune-Child?"</b> The demonic voice belonging to the Chakra Demon 'Juubi' responded fairly quickly, sometimes to be expected for a monster with literally nothing to do that required a delayed response.

"I'm curious, the cliff isn't exactly climbable by conventional ways plus the jagged edges of the surface aren't cutting into my hand like they normally do. Do you know what's happening?" The Blonde Jinchuriki asked as he continued his slow ascent towards the peak of the mountain

<b>"That would be Yang Release" </b>The demon informed his host of the exact phenomenon that was happening to him.

"Yang Release? What's that?" The New Born shinobi asked Juubi as he didn't know most of this chakra related stuff, he may not be smart but he absorbed knowledge and sometimes thirsted for it if such things piqued his interest.

<b>"Yang Release Child, or in your tongue 'Light Style'. It's depicted as the physical side of chakra, Yang Release is said to control vitality and give life to forms that have none, which it's opposite of Yin Release, the representation of chakra's spiritual side.</b>

<b>"Yang Release in its basic passive ability ever since your 'Rebirth' has given you enhanced regeneration, even a dagger cut on your hand would heal in seconds. However since you just obtained my power even when you haven't properly circulated your chakra, this regeneration will continue to strengthen as you grow into your power.</b>

<b>"At the peak of your mastery, you will have the capacity to survive even having all your organs removed save for the head; however, don't let the idea of unsurpassed regeneration cloud your mind and allow arrogance to settle in, you are still well beyond the fact of that level of healing. It took Hagoromo over 30 Years to fully master my power. You are still managing the basics"</b>

Jaune nodded at this as he nears the top of the mountain while absorbing the incoming information, from what he understands of chakra during their two day trek, Chakra was an energy source that both came from him which was normal chakra and the world itself which was natural chakra.

Now learning that Yang Release must've strengthened his own body while adding on top of it, a good healing factor yet that must've been more "What else can it do?" He asked the chakra demon for more information on the Physical Chakra Style.

The Demon thinks to itself on its next course <b>'Should I explain more? Well, experience is known to be the best teacher yet I somehow doubt Jaune-Child will end up discovering the immense power Yang Release alone could grant….Naw, as a mentor, I shouldn't give away ALL my secrets this early. It's best for the student to discover it through trial and error'</b>

Juubi now set with his course of thoughts spoke out <b>"It's been a long time Child, I can hardly remember much of my power so like any dutiful student, you must learn to discover your power on your own merit however, I will give advice and lessons when you start training"</b> it lied partially, of course it would but such a lie does have a good reason tied to it.

Jaune nodded as he continued his slow climb towards the summit which in a few minutes managed to reach the top that he now stands on top of it giving the blonde shinobi an amazing view of the local environment, the tree tops, the mountains nearby and the peaceful blue sky.

If the Jinchuriki didn't already know that monstrous creatures of darkness roam 85% of the planet's surface, waters and caves then Jaune would've forgotten such things and saw peacefulness and beauty in the world. The very sight caused jaune to adopt a very loving and kind smile, one only he was capable of holding.

The boy stood for what seemed like minutes yet felt like an eternity only to shake his head clearing himself from anything yet his primary goal of getting to Argus in one piece, Jaune uses his chakra enhancement to jump down the mountain with ease further heading north of the Atlas controlled city.

Jaune continued his journey for a few more hours until he felt ready to pick a place to set up shop for the night and begin his meditation to properly circulate his chakra into his lines and coils.

However he needed to get through an abandoned and ruined town that was apparently in the way between Argus and his current close position.

At the entrance of an abandoned village which had vines and moss growing and encasing the walls in a sort of ironic twist of the planet retaking this mass of land from both man and grimm.

'Ok, just through here and another ten miles and I'll be right at Argus's doorstep then on my way to Vale…should I visit Saph while I'm here? I probably shouldn't since she could tell Dad I came all the way there and would assume I'll be taking the bullhead to one of the four kingdoms. That would be the worst case scenario' Jaune thinks just as he enters the ruined village, the Jinchuriki looks around as most of the buildings looked in relatively good condition outside of mold, dust and the vines.

Though continued onwards while taking the backpack off his back to start digging into it, albeit blindly and a tongue stuck out in concentration as he dug in the bag. Due to his actions Jaune missed the echoes of horse hooves that bounced off the empty towns walls, a sound that Juubi itself heard.

<b>'is? Horse Hooves?…*GASP* CHILD! HIDE NOW!'</b> The beast sounded off in the boy's head which caused him to groan with a headache.

"Geez Juubs, don't yell while you're in my head. I can guarantee that we are close enough that doesn't warrant yelling-" Jaune said with a bit of annoyance in his voice especially since he didn't like feeling headaches just because an ancient monster was tied to his soul and located in his gut only to be yelled at more and even caused his backpack to drop from the sheer seriousness from the monster.

<b>"DON'T BACK TALK ME BOY! HIDE NOW!"</b> The Blonde Host looked around trying to find some place to hide especially since he can now hear the hooves clopping on the ground, loud clopping almost from a beast larger than any horse in the world.

Jaune sees massive debris fallen from a house with enough space to hold and hide him from whatever was coming, he runs then slides underneath the debris before remaining in the prone position, waiting for what had Juubi, of all things, worried that it yelled at him to hide <b>"Feel the Chakra Child, tell me what you feel"</b>

Jaune remained silent for the time as he reached out his senses to feel the natural chakra around him only for him to gasp as he felt a large pool of hatred was walking towards him, this hatred felt limitless and bleeding into the world's natural chakra causing the natural energy to distort 'What is this!? What kind of monster can carry this much hatred and bloodlust!?'

Jaune seemed to ignore the fact that Juubi was giving off a mocking chuckle at that <b>"I don't think I should explain to you that while I am a monster of pure chakra, of all chakra I should add, I was also known as the start of shinobis cycle of hatred and endless war. My wi-…Someone's will manifested in a pseudo immortal creature that was bent on releasing me and ending this cycle in the most bloody and brutal fashion."</b>

'How Brutal?' Jaune asked as he was indeed curious on how the chakra demon would end up doing so.

<b>"Nearly destroyed the world and killed off everyone…Twice"</b> Juubi said almost sounding sollum for whatever reason before both host and tenant became quiet when a monstrous figure came into their view, enough of a view from underneath the rubble.

It was like a pitch black skinned horse with grimm like bone skeleton, jaune would've written it off as some new species of grimm he hasn't seen before until he saw what was riding the four legged abomination, it was half a grimm though not any grimm but one that sent chills in Jaune's spine.

It was half human like, a slim upper body which it's arms were long, far longer than any human but long nonetheless, it had five digits and opposable thumbs, it's head was similar as well, human shaped with its mouth while still usable but looking like it was sown along with two horns in a war helmet fashion.

What was extremely off putting to the blonde Jinchuriki was the numerous weapons pierced into its back, spears, swords, arrows and lances of all kinds, extremely chipped and broken. The creature looked like it just walked away from a heavy and bloody battle.

Jaune covered his mouth as he felt the evil chakra radiating off of it and it honestly almost made the blonde man lose his stomach contents of the variety of snacks he ate, but he has willed not to as to not give away his position to the demonic horsemen.

The Horse/Humanoid Creature clopped closer towards the fallen backpack which it extended one of its unnatural arms towards it, the creature grabbed the bag and brought it close to its face, huffing it and out as if to smell the bag until bringing up its free left arm as to try and open the bag.

'What is it doing?' Jaune thought to himself while Juubi also mentally thought about the creature's odd actions <b>"If I had to take a guess…and from the stories you told me about these vile grimm…, this one is quite old and old grimm are the most dangerous since they, like all living creatures, take in knowledge. This creature was born in a wrathful light. It lives off of battle and to find something new, it's thinking about a possible fight"</b>

Jaune shivered at the possible notion of getting into a life or death situation with a grimm which had a habit of getting acupuncture with human weapons, The Grimm ripped the bag open causing its many contents to spill onto the floor which causes the horned monster to lean forward to get a better look at the contents as if it was looking for a trophy to take.

It's contents was normal for any growing hormonal teenager of Ansel, several books which a couple that was visible being the geography of Vale and Meditation: Spiritual Healing, a couple of comic books of X-Ray and Vav, a bunch of junk food for easy travel along with a round tube with a peculiar opening.

The Grimm grabbed the peculiar tube to start sniffing it prompting the hidden blonde man to give off a disgusted face 'Oh come on…of all the things it could've grabbed, it grabbed my pocket pu…my uh…my-… uh My Self Pleasure Toy, yeah…that's it.' Jaune thinks until he suddenly corrected himself just so the monster inside his head wouldn't get on his case

<b>'Self Pleasure Toy?'</b> The creature asked as if it didn't understand the concept of self pleasures for human monkeys 'I'll explain when your older' <b>"Brat, if I had my physical body in place then I would smack you until your a red paste on the ground"</b> the ancient demon exclaimed highly annoyed with the blonde man's little comment.

The horned grim throws the object down in rage causing the personal toy to break from the enhanced grimm strength before continuing to poke around with the remaining contents of the destroyed bag.

Jaune had a twitch to his left eye 'Bitch, maybe I should stop with self pleasure toys and actually find a nice girl…'

<b>"If you're going to be this insufferable then you best delay your thoughts of sexual gratification. At least until you mastered the basics and expanded on your abilities. Back in the Shinobi World, many women desired warriors of power both personal and political."</b> The creature said, causing the blonde kid to groan at its 'romance' advice.

'It looks like it's going to be here for a bit, hopefully I can sneak away. By the feel of its chakra, it's far more powerful than it looks with a sadistic tendency of leaving in weapons' Jaune had thought to himself as he carefully gets himself out of the large piece of debris while the creature had gotten into its horse knees to get closer looks of the fallen object as if it was going to spend hours their thoroughly looking through every object on the ground.

The Jinchuriki slowly tipped away trying to make as little noise as possible to draw the horrifying monster from its thoughts curiosity, about five minutes of the blonde kid walking silently away, he accidentally kicked a semi small piece of stone debris which the sound reverberated across the empty walls of the village as loudly as it did.

Jaune gulped down a nervous lump as his head slowly turned towards his back while praying to the devil that the monster down the street was deaf, but even the devil wasn't that kind.

The horned monster also turned its head towards its back, locking its evil eyes with the ocean blue of the jinchuriki; the two stared at each other for a moment.

The evil orange dot eyes peered deeply into the growing fearful ocean blue.

The Horse Grimm roared as it got up and swiftly turned towards jaune, roaring again while raising its overly long hands like it was ready to fight, especially its energy fluctuated.

Jaune also turned around sweating nervously while clenching and unclenching his fingers that seemed to pop the joints, his fear was obviously growing at the grimms appearance 'I'm so fucked! So fucked be me! What the fuck am I supposed to do now!?' Jaume yells internally while trying to think up ways to run but those ideas get squashed when taking a glimpse at the monstrous creatures' bottom half.

Juubi has also begun forming ways to back out of the fight only to feel that this creature isn't just going to let them go.

The half n' half creature roared deeply, charging at the blonde Jinchuriki which Jaune gulped and tossed himself to the right dodging the creature's attack that brought its open right palm down onto the stone bricks, causing the ground to cave into a flattened crater.

Jaune rolled back onto his feet then gulped once more, seeing the damage a simple palm strike could do so the blonde kid was imagining ways on how that strength would do on him if it did connect "Holy shit! Is this what a Grimm is truly capable of?!" The blonde man shouted frightened.

<b>"No, the only reason why this creature can exert such force is because it is old, it gained experience and experience transfers into intelligence therefore power. One isn't born with intelligence but is gained through experience. Trial and Error. Hagoromo Otsutsuki didn't become the God of Shinobi overnight, he trained himself for decades. This creature has obviously been around for well over several decades. Perhaps half a century at least"</b> Juubi explained though grunting to itself as he felt an overwhelming feeling of fear coming from its host<b> 'Well, not an ideal situation but I'll see what happens but if his life is in true danger then that spells disaster to me and I'll have to step in…hopefully the kids body is strong enough to encompass raw tailed beast chakra'</b>

While Juubi was thinking to itself, Jaune blinked as the monstrous horsemen charged at the blonde man again but even faster than before and smashing its horse head right into the blonde jinchurikis chest sending the boy flying backwards then crashing through the nearly fallen building, causing it to fall completely.

Jaune crashes through the house sending him through the other side which was another bricked street, The man heaved deeply as he finally rolled to his back feeling the immense pressure that just crashed into his chest was nothing like a horse but a demonic train going twice it's speed.

'W-What just happened…' Jaune thought with incredible willpower despite his torso nearly caving in from a charging bronco horse then slowly propped himself onto his elbows gasping for more oxygen.

Jaune looked up to see the monstrous horsemen charging towards him even faster, going through the building as if it didn't exist, breaking through its rotting wood.

Nuckelavee plows through the ruined house then clearing it onto the other side just as the blonde knight got onto his feet continuing to huff out the pain of his torso however the horned monster, as it was charging, raised its right fist to slam into Jaune who could only stare at the attack with widened eye then taking it which sent the kid flying into another house.

The Jinchuriki however didn't crash on the other side though instead landed inside the ruined house, it also collapsed on top of the blonde kid.

The Horned Demon clopped closely to the now collapsed building while watching with absolute rapt attention and refusing to move for the meantime as if it was waiting for the kid that was seemingly crushed.

Underneath the house where Jaune was laying down trying to calm the heavy amount of pain that he had endured during the beating he just received.

Juubi remained silent as the boy's head was filled with the constant thought of 'I don't want to die' while that would be highly annoying for an incomprehensible monster, it was quite common for humans who were fragile and died more easily than most other organic creatures.

<b>'I guess I should start pumping my chakra into his networks to begin heightened regeneration to his lacerated skin and torn muscles, I can also see fractures to his skeleton. Damn, even with the kid's rebirth, his body is still as fragile as it always has been when compared to this 'Grimm'…wait, didn't the kid tell me the reason why normal people aren't typically capable of fighting back? What was it?'</b> While the monstrous creature in the blonde kid's gut was thinking, it's train of thought was stopped when it felt a massive surge of chakra from Jaune and was directed to the eyes.

<b>'Hm? What's this? Is the kid forcibly pulling chakra to his eyes through his uncirculated chakra tunnels? Oh never mind on the back up plan. I wanna see where this goes!'</b> It thought as more chakra was being pulled through the uncirculated tunnels,

And in that moment, Jaune Arc opened his eyes revealing two crimson irises with three tomoe drops slowly spinning to morph into the pupil as a six pointed whirlpool, white visible energy began to radiate from Jaune though as all this was happening, Juubi was in deep thought.

<b>'Well I'll be damned, he fully awakened the sharingan eyes and the desire to live caused him to awaken the mangekyo… Well, he certainly is far superior then Indra in that department'</b>

Outside of the collapsed house is where the horned monster was staring with rapt attention as if it was waiting for the first human it met for months only to have him killed with ease.

It huffs in disappointment then turning to its right to clop away slowly down the street intending to find its next target to fight whom would actually fight back, the creature stopped suddenly to turn around as it sensed a powerful surge of 'aura' from the collapsed building, visible white energy started to exude from the openings until air was pushed and moved revealing the upper half of a while colored humanoid skeleton with glowing yellow eyes.

The Skeleton Construct looked like the white tinted upper half of the humanoid skeleton with no defining features.

At the bottom of the white tinted skeleton was a blonde haired kid with glowing crimson eyes that glared down at the horned monster, who stared back in excitement "Time to jingle these bells…" Jaune Arc said cryptically as he got into a basic boxers stance which the enlarged skeleton mimicked his movements.

<b>"I refuse to fight for that…"</b> The Chakra Monster said.

The Nucklavee roared as it began to charge the blonde kid with its fists raised, Jaune narrowed his eyes and did a synchronized attack with his newly formed construct.

The Construct slammed its fist downwards onto the horsemen, the creature jumped to the side as the fist crashed into the ground breaking the stone road.

The Horse Monster roars and punches the elbow joint of the constructs right arm while it's embedded into the ground, the creature's fist made contact yet the sound was like hitting a massive object with a stronger larger object.

The Creature Roared in surprise only to get slammed with an enlarged left palm sending it flying to the collapsed house, crashing into it then getting up as quickly growling in greater excitement as the glowing white construct slowly made towards it with the blonde kid stepping very slowly towards it.

Nucklavee clopped closer to the energy construct with saliva slowly dripping down its mouth as if it was salivating for a good fight with a mysterious human.

The Horseman slouches slightly forward as if it's ready for a full on charge while the construct returns to its former battle stance.

The Creature Charges forward at even greater speeds that break the debris underneath its hooves, it bolts towards the construct which it crashed into, causing itself and the construct to skid across a good portion of the village of Kuroyuri.

The Skeleton smashes its right fist into Nuckelavee which sends it flying heavily towards the center of the village.

Jaune pants in bad pain as he uses his left arm to grip right shoulder as that was the last attack he delivered 'Why…does it hurt so much…and so colorful…' he thinks to himself as he slowly walks along the crushed skidded trail on the stone road that leads to the villages center square.

<b>"Because child, you have conjured forth the ultimate ability of the <span><u>sharingan</u></span> dojutsu" </b>Juubi explained what Jaune had been doing

<b>"The Susanoo is the final ability one can achieve once mastering the full power of the Sharingan Eyes yet you managed to jump past the basics and landed at the final ability. Incredible. Susanoo is the ultimate power that maximizes both offensive and defensive powers"</b>

"So this…Susanoo was it?, it's an upper half skeleton made from chakra that's solidified as physical material" Jaune asked as he continued the walk with the pain from the construction of his now named susano'o.

<b>"Technically yes, you'd be correct but your susanoo is incomplete"</b>

"Incomplete? And what do you mean mine? Isn't this 'Susanoo' a formed technique? How can it be mine?" Jaune was highly confused with his newly acquired eyes, the blonde kid entered the main square to find the Nuckelavee crashed into the bottom roots of a clock tower.

Juubi snorted at the blonde kids' questions as if it was amused by them <b>"Aye, YOURS. Not all Susanoos are created the same, they all are unique to one set of Sharingan Eyes. Example, Indra's final reincarnation 'Sasuke' wielded a purple coloration susanoo.</b>

<b>"Unlike your current Susanoo which is just an upper form and white colored. All Susanoo has the capacity and capability to create weapons unique only to them. Indra's final reincarnation wielded an odachi blade with a bow/shield mix. Frankly, I'm curious as to what weapon your Susanoo will create. Heh would be a fun theory to discuss later on.</b>

<b>"However not, you're Susanoo, while it is incomplete, has entered the first stage. The Skeleton Mode, it's from there you begin to strengthen your Susanoo by adding more chakra/use to it as time progresses which then becomes defined by your use of it."</b> Juubi finished explaining the finer details of the sharingan's ultimate technique.

Jaune was quite interested just how powerful his Susanoo could be once it grew from this point forward even when it was claimed to be incomplete, The Jinchuriki blinked as it witnessed the Nuckelavee charged forward from underneath massive rubble. Punching the Susanoo construct causing Jaune to grit his teeth as more pain accumulated, the blonde man gasped as he saw heavy cracks into the Susanoo physical chakra "What!? Didn't you say this thing maximized defense!?" Jaune yelled at the creature while utilizing the syncing use to punch at the ground forcing the humanoid horsemen to dodge to the side then getting punched again by the left fist, sending it crashing backwards to the other side of the center square.

<b>"Yes I did, never claimed your Susanoo was invincible, but the way you fight. Your defense may in fact be much much higher than your average Susanoo. But in any case. Your defense, while maximized, is still the standard amount for a newly created Susanoo skeleton mode"</b> The Chakra Demon answered with full honesty before remaining silent for the time.

Jaune groans as he lands on one knee panting heavily at the accumulation of pain which causes the white chakra skeleton to flicker slightly 'It's getting too much, I'm about to black out…' and finally the chakra construct Susanoo has finally disappeared.

"It…disappeared" Jaune said quietly as he landed on his other knee as if his body was unable to continue forth, he looked up to find the Nuckelavee clopping closer slightly slowly but it was showcasing a winners walk like it knew it was the winner between them.

It's evil orange dot eyes were gleaming in happiness for a good fight or at the prospect of its opponent death,

'I can't go…out like this… Not. Like. THIS!' Jaune exclaimed in his thoughts as his desire to live to fulfill, he didn't want to die.

The crimson eyed man glared at the approaching horned creature, focusing intently on it.

Within that moment, Nuckelavee stopped as it peered at the area where black particles began to form.

It was curious as the particles started to grow to droplets.

The Creature raised one of its hands to touch the drop however when it did, it shrieked in pain recoiling backwards while clutching its right hand where it's skin was smoking and sizzling.

Jaune didn't even blink at the creature's sudden recoil while it clutched its steaming hand 'Wh-…What? What just happened? What are these black droplets?' Jaune thought as the raindrops looked like they were growing into bigger and bigger raindrops.

'Incredible, not only has the child forged the beginning of his Susanoo but now he's discovered his Mangekyo Ability, a primary ability with a support, and black water ninjutsu… Jaune Arc, your potential is starting to be endless even I myself can't see the end of such potential and my eyes can see everything…' Juubi thinks to himself once again then stops to see what happens next to his host.

The Black Drops began to grow denser as well as larger which the creature looked around trotted backwards slightly as the droplets began to grow and grow.

The creature roared as the droplets formed bubbles of water engulfing the creature which the black water corroded its skin, melting and dissolving the black pigmented flesh.

The Nuckelavee continued to roar as its flesh dissolved, it glared at its opponent before it fully dissolved into the massive marble of water.

Jaune panted hard as he fell to the ground on his back to stare up to the ocean blue sky littered with light fluffy clouds, he started to close his eyes though seeing a mysterious black raven perched on top of one of the still standing buildings that stared at him.

'What a strange little birdie' Jaune thought as his eyes closed to allow the sandman to take him.

Alright my doods! Here is another chapter for y'all.

You're probably wondering why I decided to suddenly awaken the sharingan and it's due to my research. I've learned that loss or hate isn't the only way to awaken the sharingan which is via Obitos route, who awakened his eyes during the war which was an incredibly stressful time. Probably due to a mixture of his friends dying while he himself almost died in the forest.

So Loss or Anger isn't the only way to awaken the base sharingan though some may wonder how Jaune awakened the mangekyo who didn't witness a loved one's death and I decided to expand further other points of receiving the eyes via stressful situations which is nearly dying from almost being crushed by a horned humanoid horse grimm.

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