
Chapter 126

It was a very cruel irony. The fact that he was made to not feel the cold but somehow he felt like he was freezing to death. Laid on the bloody bed, his blue eyes stuck on the white ceiling he fixated his look on the flinching lamp, thoughts traveling from his mind and landing like arrows on his shattered heart. 

Such a sudden end, such a horrid disappointment. Kai was not expecting any of this. He had always known he was unlucky, not favored by the gods but this, this was another level. He almost believed he was hated. The handsome prince sat up, his eyes wide as he thought of what happened. He tried to imagine Philip's expression, hear his angered voice, see him swear at him, wish for his death and run away. His chest tightened, as if someone was grabbing on his withered heart and he took a deep breath. 

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