
Unintended Consequences

It's been a couple days since the Blood Moon had ended, forcing Tiffania and the others to be far more active now that Michael was absent. They'd have to take control of all the projects he had working until he came back... Which he would, eventually... Hopefully?

The biggest issue they'd encountered thus far was Tolfdir and the College's newfound interest in the Saarthal ruins. Apparently, a scavenging apothecary had found the expedition force that'd been hired by Michael, the news hadn't immediately been revealed but a couple days later, Tolfdir and the Arch-Mage had started looking into it.

Tiffania, Illococoo, and Saya had basically blocked them from getting anywhere near it for now, primarily due to their 'civil' relationship with both men, but eventually, they'd decide to ignore them and attend it.

The ruins had been completely uncovered at this point, the conjured creatures having expedited it massively. Michael probably hadn't expected to be unable to attend to it once it was done, leaving the girls to handle it.

"Ah, miss Tiffania, I've been meaning to talk with you about a subject dear to both of us." Tolfdir asks as he spots the half-elf making her way to the Arcaenaem.

She lets out a quiet sigh and turns around after fixing her expression, "This is about Saarthal again, isn't it, Professor?"

He smiles semi-obliviously, aware that they didn't want him going through the historic ruins but not why that is. "Indeed it is, I was quite disappointed when Michael warned us of a threat lying in wait in the ruins, but to think he'd make efforts to uncover it anyway... One might think he was hiding something, no?"

"I wouldn't know what he was thinking at the time, but I believe he wished to expel the threat before it could harm anyone. As an adventurer famous for solving problems, it would fit his character." she says neutrally.

Tolfdir nods, "As I and Savos had assumed, but with his unfortunate absence and the ruin now being uncovered, I believe it would serve us well to take proactive measures to assure that nothing untoward happens. Wouldn't you agree?"

Tiffania pauses, trying to find a way to reject his words but coming up short. He was right, if the circumstance was as they said it is, then his assertions would be the most sensible.

Fortunately, she was saved by someone who'd just exited the library. "Ah, Tiffania-san, I believe we were going to iron out our plans to take care of Saarthal? The Eredar are ready and just waiting on us."

Tolfdir crooks a furry brow, "Oh? So you have already made plans then? Could I and some of my colleagues accompany you then? I believe our knowledge may come in handy, I myself have gathered a rather extensive range of knowledge concerning old nordic crypts, along with some detailing Saarthal in particular."

Saya quickly shakes her head, "Sorry, Professor, but no. We've already acquired the aid of some other mages, I'm sure we could give you a tour of the crypt once we are done however?"

"Well, there's a saying in Skyrim, 'The more the merrier', I'm sure some extra hands wouldn't be harmful?"

"Actually, they would if they belonged to anyone in this College. Our friends are ex-members who... Departed this place on bad terms, your involvement may just lose us their support, along with the gold we've already paid them." Saya explains. To Tiffania it was obvious she was making this all up, they hadn't said a word of exploring the place considering how important Michael had made it seem in his plans... She didn't want to mess with anything until he came back, but it seemed that such things couldn't wait.

"Hmm, well, there's always next time!... If you require any aid from the College, don't be afraid to let me know. While our relationship with Michael might have soured at young Megumin's actions, I, and no doubt Savos, still think of him well."

Tiffania nods, "I'm sure... Thank you for your trouble, we promise to let the College explore the ruins once we're done with it." she adds to hopefully stop anyone from getting too antsy about the terms.

"We'll eagerly await word. Now, I have a lecture to prepare for, perhaps I'll see you two there? This will be the first time in a while I discuss the applications of Alteration magic in concert with Enchanting." he smiles, "Perhaps you could take note for Michael? I remember him being interested in Enchanting before his departure."

Tiffania gives a slight bow as the thought actually hadn't struck her, "Thank you, I'll remember to do so."

With that, the Master left, leaving Tiffania and Saya standing in the hallway with tired expressions.

"Well... Look like we're taking the Eredar into Saarthal then... Did Michael ever tell you why that place was so important anyway?"

Tiffania gives a tentative nod, "I know... Bits, he's never given his full plans but I think I know what's down there at least." she says, not revealing it for fear of someone listening in.

"Good, then we'll do Michael's job for him. Let's see his face when he gets back and we've already gotten all the loot."


Ulfric Stormcloak and his entourage make their way up the path leading to Solitude, their eyes skimming along the decimated area where the battle between Mudcrab and Man had taken place. He'd already spread out many hidden forces to prepare for what was to come, if it actually came to that... Ulfric honestly hoped it wouldn't, but he had no faith of Torygg left, nor of the Empire who'd continually failed Skyrim and her people.

He and the others received glares from the Solitude guards as they passed, the Civil War had been put on hold to discuss the latest Daedric movement, in which Torygg had granted him and his men temporary amnesty until they could get everything resolved.

Should any harm come to any Stormcloak or Ulfric himself without just cause, it would be placed solely on Torygg's honour. A failure such as that would basically prevent him from holding his position of King if the rest of Skyrim was made aware of it.

Ulfric didn't fear for himself or his men. He knew Torygg had honour enough to give them safety, even in enemy territory... The only thing left to do now was to actually talk to Torygg, try and solve this war before any external threats could rear their ugly heads.

Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!

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Faruk Ereng

Niggrosscreators' thoughts
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