
Chapter 17: Meeting super Kami Guru

Elder gurus House

A young Namekian set cross-legged by a large ramekin-styled house he was deep in meditation when an old weathered voice called to him "Nail" it called.

The young Namekien stood from his spot and quickly rushed to his master.

'Yes guru, how may I serve!' he dutifully said with a slight bow.

" My child I am sure you have noticed the six energies that have arrived on our planet not too long ago.

Yes, Grand Elder I too have noticed but I gave it little thought, Although they are suspicious their not too powerful the other warriors could handle them if they started any trouble.

Although Nail would want to help his people beyond anything his first and highest duty was to protect the grand elder more than anything. He had made this his resolve.

Guru: Nail I would very much like to meet these visitors I feel an oddity with them, they feel almost like troubled children.

Nail Clenched his fist in frustration as he began they to Guru "Even so Grand elder, I cannot allow that, they could be dangerous, not even children can be underestimated."

Even tho Guru always kept his eyes closed he faced down and Looked at Nail gently without a shred of anger in his aura or voice he spoke "That may be so Nail, But I would still like to meet them for this is an old man's request'.Nail to protest his eyes in such of what the Guru was implying,

"No Grand Elder you cant mean what I think you do"Nail protested once more with worry in his voice. Guru noticed Nails' distress and Raised his large hand lazily.

young Nail I will not live forever but that does not mean today is my time, that is something I will never know and something I honestly wish to never know for that is the beauty of life"

The Guru's words shocked Nail he had always wondered why he had never asked the dragon for immortality it would have been an easy task but yet he never did. Nail only sighed and stood from his position as he focused on the Six energies.

Nail nodded his head to the Guru his eyes full of resolve" Of course Grand Elder I will find them as quickly as possible although they seem to already be on their way here. He then flew out of Guru's house towards Arrot and the gang

The nail had a determined look as he cut through the air at top speed. "I don't like this one bit," he said to himself as he continued to think of the six energies.

'but the Guru couldn't be wrong...Attest I hope he isn't. ill first need to test them and if they are hostile I would rather deal with them away from Guru.


Back with Arrot and the Gang

Six young Saiyans flew at top speed forward The Grand elders Home they had only arrived at this planet but were out to archive their given task One would think a team with a goal in mind would focus solely on the mission, well best to think again with these six Saiyans

"Are we there yet?" asked Toma continuously every three seconds and No! answered Umpki every single time even more irritated than the last as he was simply trying to enjoy the scenery of Nameck and practice the Ki sensing Arrot had shown him the first time they meat. Although he learned quickly he had some aspect's to improve Toma had completely mastered it the first time followed by Abb who was also a natural at everything related to violence and arson.

Currently, Abb was flying on his back whilst taking a nap He was without a care in the world, Next to master ki sensing was of course Bora who was up ahead next to Arrot asking an endless amount of questions that Umpki could not even understand many of the questions asked he only offered Arrot a Small prayer to the soon to be loss of his sanity.

After Bora it was of course him then let who mastered Ki sensing last, Umpki looked over at Lett the young sickly looking Saiyan the runt of the litter, even tho he was the weakest he was still the one who tried their hardest to master Ki sense but was the last to master it due to countless failure.

Umpki thought that the reason he failed so much was that he tried so much that he missed the point and how to use it properly. Even so, Umpki couldn't help but admire Letts's tenacity for what he lacked in strength he made up for in dedication which Umpki respected almost as much as he respected Arrot's strength.

Umpki began to concentrate until he felt massive ki coming his way and it seemed the others felt it as well as they each stopped and took up a combat stance. looking around Umpki could see Toma with a wide grin and deranged eyes ready for any trouble coming her way same for Abb who was now fully awake as he held a red ki ball in each hand just waiting for a fight.

Lett took a stance in front of a seemingly feral Toma who seemed to take slight irritation from his action and Bora was about to take a stance in front of the whole group when Arrot who had been calm the whole time raised his hand signaling us to wait.

The approaching energy sped up and in the blink of an eye as if appearing out of thin air a Green skinned creature with a bald head and pointy ears wore baggy white pants and a blue coat it had a serious expression as it looked at each of us. I couldn't help but feel wary of this creature which must be a Namekian.

My first thought after being careful was how I wanted to learn more about them and their history the thought of new knowledge would have made me draw if only he didn't give me enemy vibes.

Arrot was the first to speak "Greetings Namekien, My name is Arrot and we are Saiyans and we have urgent business with the Grand Elder so if you would step aside it would be appreciated."

"What sort of business would you have with the Guru?

"That is for me and the Guru, it would be quite rude to disclose such information to someone who didn't even disclose their name.

Even though Arrot knew who Nail was he couldn't simply just say it out loud

Toma and Abb were about to attack when Arrot who had been calm the whole time stopped them and looked at the Namekian with indifference a short staredown between the Namekian and Arrot the Namekian finally broke it and Sighed fine follow me but don't start anything'

Toma still had a feral look but quickly suppressed it as Arrot began to follow Nail to Guru's house so did the rest the trip was mostly silent but they arrived at Guru's home at a decent pace. Upon arriving at a large Namekien-styled house Nail spoke again "YOU WILL NOW BE MEETING THE GRAND ELDER, so be on your best behavior and don't try anything funny okay.

"Yeah yeah yeah understood now shall we begin?.

Arrot and the gang then entered the house and now they stood before a large old Namekien

"Welcome children, I amGuru the grand elder of the Namekien How may I help you?

Arrot Grinned "Greetings Grand elder I am Arrot I am a Saiyan and I would like to request the use of those wish orbs you possess.

Guru set with closed eyes but it was still as if he could see everything he then faced Arrot after some time.

" Well young one the wish orbs are incredibly powerful artifacts what would you use them for.

To save my people well most of them at least.

'i see is there anything else.

yes actually could you please unlock our full potential"

Nail's eyes widened for a split second but continued his stoic persona

the guru looked at Arrot before smiling slightly very well young one.


author word:

Hey there just me being me I had to present something in class today it went better than I thought but hey I didn't freeze and make a fool of myself so cool also we had a small fundraiser and were surpassed to sell ten raffle tickets before we the end of the week at first I thought I cant do this but to my surprise "I SOMEHOW MANAGED TO SELL THE TICKETS!!!

Please forgive the capslock just that it's not easy going up to people and trying to convince you to give them money for a game they may never win.

Anyway, it was a pretty cool day butI'mm off to bed.

Arrot followed


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