

[Dorothy's POV]

"I'm sorry. Are you okay, my Lady?"

At the sound of a deep, pleasant voice, my heartbeat stopped, and I looked in front of me. 

A hand covered in leather glove dominated my view before my eye went up and found that it was not the post that I bumped but a man –– a strikingly gorgeous man with blonde sleek, long hair tied behind his back and sparkling golden eyes. 

His skin was deathly pale, and his countenance was almost not of this world. He was wearing an expensive coat underneath his vest, and the crusted stones adorning his brooch and cufflinks only screamed of luxury.


And I thought that Michael was the most handsome man I had ever met, but this guy in front of me was entirely on a whole new level.

His ethereal beauty almost seemed like . . . he was not human.

I shivered at the thought and gasped. 

Was he a vampire?! 

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