

After the storm, the sky cleared and shined in a bright blue. The sun enlightened the day, and the cubs woke up from their protective dreams. They were still in Nate's arms, just that he wasn't whispering to them but reading something on a tablet.

He couldn't move from the chair with the two weights settled on him, so he had asked Lara to bring him a computer to work with. She had found the tablet next to his jacket and brought him that one, and he had started reading reports.

He could only imagine how could Lara manage with two kids alone, so he hadn't dared complain about them. In the end, it was not impossible. Just a little uncomfortable.

«Good morning, dad,» said Jaden.

He would always be the first to talk after a nap. Scarlet needed more time to wake up, which made her exquisitely similar to her mother. Jaden, on the other hand, didn't look like a wolf cub that much. He would talk even during Bright Moons, let alone after waking up.

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