
Turbulent, adorable pups

The pups were adorable. A little turbulent, sometimes, and they knew how to act spoiled, but they were adorable.

Jaden accepted to play with aunty Sam without any second thought, but Scarlet didn't like her at first. She observed the woman from afar, glaring or staring at her dolls in silence. She even refused to play with Samantha when the latter proposed it.

That blond woman reminded her of Nate, which meant she could be dangerous. Still, Jaden accepted her like nothing.

«Oh, I was hoping to play with two mini-Nates, but I guess I'll have to do with one,» Samantha commented, checking the reaction of both pups from the corner of her eye.

Jaden frowned for a moment, unhappy to be associated with Nate's image. He was more like his mommy, even though his hair was blond.

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