
Chapter 129: This counts as part of the project.


Asta opened his eyes, as always the man was standing out with happiness and he is more happy because he is going to spend time with Acier today, but first he has a thing to do. He looked at his Lioness lying on top of him with a soft expression.

''Whoah...'' Asta stroke her hair 'Really the sight of Mereoleona being calm makes her look quite beautiful' Asta brushed her long hair away from her forehead and kissed her forehead causing her to show a smile and let out a slight moan, Asta looked around the room, Lily and Mimosa were hugging together and naked just like Charlotte and Fana slept naked totally unconcerned.

'Secre.... Is she working too early?' Asta thought because he didn't saw her on the bed, he came out of the strong embrace of his Lioness, the Lioness grabbed another prey.. She grabbed the busty elf and hugged her, as she felt very warm and soft she felt quite satisfied with this sensation.


After Asta did his morning routine, he went downstairs with food to a makeshift lab, his expression softened as he saw Secre at work.

She was dressed in a long black scientific gown and had red glasses on her eyes.

''How is my favorite scientist?'' Asta place the plate of food on the table and hugged Secre from the back.

''Love... You're late'' Secre flashed a warm smile and kissed Asta's cheek then she continued looking at her notes.

''You started working very early, you know that it is not very necessary, we have time to spare.'' Asta said as he kiss her head.

''Asta, You know I like these things a lot! and I can't contain the emotion of investigating, in addition to the fact that I'm not like other humans, I don't even need to rest and whenever I'm not in your embrace I get up early''

''Hahaha'' Asta let out a soft laugh ''It's okay, Love'' Asta said and looked at Secre's notes.

''Imagine the power we have in our hands now... Even I myself fear our possibilities, with these powers we would be automatically becoming the owners of the planet, Lucius/Julius He made a serious mistake, his magic and mainly his demon is something that people would kill for! But I came to the conclusion that his demon took full control of him and this caused him to not have Julius' memories, and so he ended up in the lion's den.'' Secre spoke as she point the capsule of Lucius, inside was Lucius and next to that capsule was another, with his demon inside it.

The same went for the others, they had even gotten the body of Lucifero who managed to survive such a bombardment.

''Yes If we could extract their magics...'' Asta stopped and the end but Secre understand him.

''We would practically be becoming dual users easily, and with dangerous magic'' Secre said as she look into Asta's eyes.

''Exactly, We have two gravity magic, time magic, curses, space magic, bone magic and more.'' Asta spoke.

''They could dominate the world, but your existence changed all that Hahahaha'' Secre said as she laugh softly.

''My existence? Who were the ones who bullied the demons? I? I remember girls playing volleyball with the Wizard King.'' Asta spoke.

''Oh.. That's true! And we were not in a good mood, the day had been very heavy.'' Secre kissed Asta's cheek.

Asta hugged her and place his chin on her head, Secre sighed and flashed a happy smile as she close her eyes and place her face on his chest.

''Now everything even seems too easy, with these magics and in fact with the strength that we have as a base, no one can oppose us. It is as if we already had life and our future made.'' Secre said and then her expression became complicated ''But it terrifies me... The idea of you getting old and me being alone again or being alone with Acier,Fana, the two naughty spirits and the children! I don't want that, what do you say we become demons husband? The girls would agree with wanting to live an eternity with you, right?''

''Secre...'' Asta's eyes widened, Secre's voice almost broke at the end, she seemed to be thinking about this a lot, she didn't want them to die of old age or something. Now Asta understood why she bothered to work earlier and harder.

''Love, don't worry. I have a solution, in my battle in the space when I defeated Lucifer angels appeared trying to take me'' Asta said making Secre's face twist with anger, her mana released making the laboratory tremble.

''Calm love... I kill them'' Asta kissed her lips and walk to a big box.

''Wait? Don't tell me what you kept in that box was-'' Before she could finish Asta opened the box, and just a big container of blood was inside.

''I drew their blood, the blood of an angel is very special, for which many people would kill to get.'' Asta said as he pass his hand on the container.

''There is something I don't understand, if they are angels like in the books... Why did they try to take the man who killed the demon king and saved this world?'' Secre asked feeling confused.

''Easy, they wanted my power, my talent, my abilities and they were going to create a new race of angels with me and it would also end up being traded with other races.''

''What the hell...'' Secre could not contain her anger anymore, the laboratory trembled uncontrollably again.

Asta appeared in front of her and hugged her to calm her down.

''Calm down, Love... They are died now, right?'' Asta kissed softly her lips and said.

''They wanted to use you as a stallion!'' Secre said with anger.

''Isn't that the same as what you are doing?'' Asta said with a big smile.

''....'' Secre raised her finger trying to protest but didn't know what to say, then an idea came quickly to her mind.

''We are your wives, it's our right, to fuck you wherever and whenever we want, it's our right to give birth to all your children and not some fucking disgusting angels!'' Secre said as she lift up her face.

''Hahaha'' Asta hugged her, he sat down on a chair and sat her on his lap.

''You look so pretty hot when you get mad'' Asta whispered in Secre's ear making her blush.

''Then I'll get angrier!'' Secre said as she takes the plate of food and eat.

Asta let out a soft laugh and began to stroke her hair ''You don't have to worry about the future, just the present... That blood will allow us to be the same as you, we won't die unless someone kill us, it will make us stronger, and probably even more beautiful, I think we will have more problems in the future Hahahahaha!''

''Pffft... More beautiful? I think many people will covet us in the future...'' Secre said as she enjoy the food.

''It is not only that, as I said that blood has many qualities. Some that I probably don't even know about, but I'm 100% sure that it will benefit us a lot.'' Asta said.

''Oh.. Interesting.'' Secre said as she rub her ass against Asta's shaft, her ass was lifted up by his shaft in the moment that they sit down.

''Husband... You really have a bigger battle than Lucifero down there.'' Secre said as she bite her lips and her cheeks turn red.

''What can I say Secre, having you like this makes me want to devastate you.'' Asta said as his breath turns ragged as Secre's.

''Me too Love.. I want to devastate you too, i want to fuck you right now!'' Secre's eyes became cloudy.

''Nothing is stopping you..'' Asta flashed a big smile.

''Wait'' Secre covered the capsules with her magic ''I don't want some bastards seeing us mating''

''They are died, Love...'' Asta said.

''You want to fuck with corpses looking at us? Asta... You are too horny.'' Secre whispered in Asta's ear.

''Okay, let's move.'' Asta carried her making her moan, they went to a room and he sat on the bed with Secre on his lap.

''Undine and Sylph drugged me by accident with their pheromones, they couldn't help but release pheromones that day.'' Asta said as his shaft swelled, making Secre bite her lips, she didn't wait and move her pants. With one push she engulfed it completely.

''Ahhh..'' Secre moaned of satisfaction, ''We weren't going to discuss about the project? How did we end up in this...'' Secre said as she place her chin on Asta's shoulder and release hot air from her little mouth.

''This counts as part of the project...'' Asta squeezed her ass, taking complete control, he began to lower and raise it with force and speed, Secre's face turned completely red, her eyes became cloudy, and her breath was heavy.


''Ahhh! Ahhh! Ahhhh!''

The lab was filled with moans from Secre...

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