
Chapter 117: Demons don't know what awaits them..

''Shit...'' A man with a demonic form was on a laboratory that looks like a hell he was looking at the two demons in front of him.

He was about to attack but Mereoleona descended beetwen the two demons, the demons looked at her and when they were about to attack her, their abs were already dented and their bodies shot out.


The man looked at Mereoleona with his eyes trembling 'She's Mereoleona! Why is she not wearing anything that represents her as a magical knight? And how did she become so strong!' The man who seemed to know Mereoleona was totally surprised Mereoleona looked like a Fire Goddess, she looked at him for a moment and seemed to have recognized him then as if she lost interest she went for one of the high ranking demons.

The demon against which Mereoleona fought was called Lilith, she possessed the demonic ice magic... And it was totally useless against Mereoleona.

This was a pure coincidence because at the moment that Mereoleona felt a strong enemy did not hesitate and went for it, behind her a demon was creating a giant fireball, but Noelle descended facing the fireball, his appearance was very different and the moment his feet touched the ground it was as if a drop of water that fell resounded throughout the place.

'A-Acier!?' The man that was a little far from them looked at Noelle with surprise, she looks like the woman of the pictures. Only that she had a great feeling and divine appearance, her skin had become totally white, her eyes were blue and her hair had a light blue tone. Noelle had assimilated with Undine some time before the attack.

Noelle swayed her long sword slicing the demon and its fire ball easily, A sphere of water was created around them trapping the demon in her domain, she didn't even bother to analyze or wait for the demon, she simply attacked with everything making a one-sided massacre.

''Hey... Who are you? I know that my wives are very beautiful but you look like you're watching a ghost.'' Asta who had been behind the man for long minutes said, he had an amused expression as he watched his wives fight, his face was split in two showing Liebe's face. He didn't attack the man because he watched his clothes and there was an emblem of the black bulls on it, apparently the black bulls had a member that worked independently.

''Ah!!'' The man screamed he was about to attack Asta but he stopped when he saw his appearance and felt his pressure.


He couldn't help and gulp audibly, danger was not enough to describe what he felt, but for Asta's surprise the man frowned and said...

''You have a demon too!''

''Yeah, He's Liebe'' Asta pointed the other part of his face.

''How you can reach that level of assimilation without a ritual!?'' The man asked.

''Ritual? Assimilation? What the hell is that? Are you on drugs man?'' Asta and Liebe said.

''You need a ritual to assimilate with your demon..'' The man said with a stoic expression.

''What the fuck? We just need to cooperate, we have the same objective and goal. We just let everything flow and we end up achieving this form.'' Asta and Liebe said.

The man's jaw couldn't help but drop...

''M-My name is Natch, the vice-captain of the black bulls by the way'' Natch finally reacted after moments.


''My name is Asta...'' Asta said after the explosion.

An explosion of fire and water occurred, Asta and Natch just watched the two beautiful women striking with their bare fists against the demons, it was as if they did not want to let them react or use magic at some point they started to sink into the ground...

''Sorry for that view, my wives are very angry this day..'' Asta said with soft voice as his eyes curved.

''W-Wives? D-Did you marry Mereoleona and Acier!?'' Natch asked 'How this man can survive? Those women are warriors! Literally he would pass to the next life in the moment he went to the bed with one of them'

''Oh, Mereoleona yes. But that one who looks like Acier is her daughter, and she is my wife too.''

''What the fuck...'' Natch can't assimilate this....

''Ah, by the way Acier is ali-'' Before Asta could finish Acier descended behind him and sat on his lap.

''....'' Natch.exe stopped working.

After longs minutes he regained his brain and looked at the new Acier totally surprised, About 17 years ago he had not seen her. 'Why she sat on his lap and look at him with that loving expression? Did this man take the daughter and the mother at the same time? And why she looks like a demon!? And what the hell! this man is still alive!?' suddenly he felt a lot of strong people approaching, several beautiful women were sitting around the place waiting for the end of the fight.

'W-Who are these women!? And why they are so strong!' Natch was lost, he just leave the kingdom to spy the Pica Kingdom and it looks that a lot of things happened.

''They are my wives too.'' Asta said as he hug Acier.

''...'' Natch just looked at Acier and Asta, Acier and Asta blinked their eyelashed in a seductively way making Natch look to other with embarassment.

''This man is a fucking stallion....'' Natch muttered and added in his mind 'I know they are extremely beautiful, but they are also very strong, which makes me wonder again.... How is he alive!?'

''Be careful with your words, He's the King of the Clover Kingdom now, and we are Queens.'' Acier said as her eyes curved like a moon-crescent. She settled in Asta's embrace and flashed a happy and sastified smile.

''K-King and Q-Queens...'' Natch could not continue and his brain simply shut down. How many things have happened in the kingdom? Did Augustus' reign fall so easily?


Another explosion occurred...

''Poor thing... Well what does it matter? come here~'' Acier bite Asta's neck and sucked his blood.

Slurrrp! Slurrrp!

Asta started to stroke her hair and hugged her waist with his other arm.

''Acier we are in the battlefield...'' Secre said with a poker face but she has a blush on her face.

''Huh?'' Acier pulled her fangs out of Asta's neck and showed a tender expression, she licked the blood from her lips and lunged towards Secre, catching her instantly.

''I finally got you, pretty thing'' Acier sank Secre's head into her big breasts.

''HMM!'' Secre moved her arms, her face turning red and then purple.


Another explosion occurred...

Asta grabbed his busty and naughty mother-in-law carrying her like a princess.

''Stay calm'' Asta said with a dominant voice making Acier's body shiver, she hugged his neck and looked at his eyes.

''Yes...'' Acier said and then bite his neck.

Slurrrp! Slurrp!

''Hmmm'' Fana yawn looking at the battle.

''It seems that those demons cannot do anything unless they are together.'' Lily said as she look at the combat.

''Yeah, i was waiting a big battle. But Noelle with Undine is a beast just look at those water punches!'' Charlotte said with excitement.

''Asta has trained her too much, she's just using her moves look!'' Mimosa pointed at Noelle, she was brutally striking the demon's head with his fists already covered in blood.


''Well... Not letting your enemy even react is a great strategy, she knows how to take advantage of that monstrous speed, i feel jealous of that speed'' Lily said making suddenly everyone remain in silent.

''What?'' Lily tilted her head in confusion.

''Lily... You're not far behind his speed and you've only started training months ago.'' Fana said as she look at her.

''...I know.'' Lily blushed feeling embarrasment ''I may have a lot of speed but I don't have that much strength.'' she muttered remembering things

''What is happening with your hair?'' Fana holded gently Lily's hair, the bangs were of an aquamarine color now.

''I don't know my hair suddenly get that color in the bangs.'' Lily while shrugging her shoulders.

''It's strange..'' Asta turned his gaze at Lily and looked at her hair.


The two demons that looks like twins were on the ground totally dented.

'Woah... That must hurt!' Asta looked at the two poor demons in the ground, then he looked at Noelle 'She looks like a Goddes or a higher existence in that form' Asta couldn't help but thought.

''Hey... We need to move faster'' Natch reacted after longs moments, he decide to leave all the questions for later and solve the big problem, he looks at the big demonic hole in base and clicked his tongue.

''I think they will come out little by little, we can't just barge in.'' Asta said feeling disappointed he simply wanted to burst in with all his wives and bomb them just like they did before.

''Barge in the Demon King world... I think that it isn't a good idea.'' Natch was honest.

''Things change when I am here, No matter how strong the demon king is, he is nothing without his magic....'' Asta lowered Acier slowly and kissed her forehead making her flash a smile. Asta approached Natch and looked into his eyes intensely.

''The moment he enters in my antimagic, he is reduced to nothing more than an impotent demon.'' Asta said as his evil smile grows.

''A-Antimagic..'' Natch couldn't help but be impressed, he never thought that the Antimagic could exist, it is like a cheat no?


The big hole trembled, everyone looked at it with glowing eyes.

''We have the next visitor'' Everyone said with an evil smile.

Strangely even Natch gave an evil smile too, it felt good to be able to beat the crap out of the demons that are trying to dominate his world. Would the demons expect humans so strong to be waiting for them and ready to make them a bukkake? Clearly not.

''Demons do not know what awaits them'' Natch's evil smile grew...

''Welcome to the dark side'' Asta whispered close to his ear.

''Thank you, Hahahahaha'' Natch said and began to laugh.

''Hahahahahaha'' Asta began to laugh too.

''Hahahahahahaha!'' The girls began to laugh too...

If someone saw this scene they would think that the real demons are the humans and not the ones coming out of that hole....

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