
Be Mine

Harold used the window and entered Alicia's chamber immediately after the third bell rang. The lights in the room were already off, with only the burning torches from outside and the moon illuminating the room dimly. He stood by the window, deliberating on whether to approach her or not, as he looked down at her sleeping figure. 

He knew it was a risk to do this. Sneaking into her chamber when he was supposed to be out and making the rest of the aristocrats believe he was still suffering from that curse, but how could he return to living like that? How could he do that after feeling what it was like to have a good sleep? To sleep beside her? And not think about anything. Maybe it was best that they all knew he was no longer suffering from the curse. But then, wouldn't they begin to wonder why and probably trace it to Alicia? 

He had too many fears now. 


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