
Are you jealous?

Once Alvin saw the dark look on Harold's face and how his aura had changed, he ran out of Harold's chamber before Harold would attack him, as he knew he likely would.


Seeing this, Harold closed his eyes as he tried to bring his emotions under control. Alicia had chosen to bathe in public, and she had taken Alvin with her to keep watch? Alvin? It seemed like she was bent on making him hate everyone in the palace. There was something else he was feeling that he couldn't exactly explain. 


Even though he knew that he should probably wait until she came to his chamber before addressing the issue, patience wasn't exactly his strong point, so he couldn't stop himself as he stormed out of his chamber in search of her. 


Besides, chances were, if he chose to wait until she came to his chamber before addressing the issue, she was going to raise her voice or something, and then everyone would know that they were sharing a room. 


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