
sunny day, Blue sun active

Rex "Arcanine let's start off strong, use sunny day!" he said confidently. Arcanine roar happily and converged energy into his body before launching it into the air. The initially cool and soothing ocean breeze turned into a heatwave that threatened to cook you alive. Lugia was shocked at the sky-high temperatures that continued to rise. When it raised its head up to the sky it was surprised to find that the sun was no longer orange and bright but blue and gloomy.

The water on the surface started to boil and let out steam which covered the field. Rex who saw this was very happy and didn't let up.

Rex "Arcanine, use howl!" Arcanine Raised its head up towards the sky and used howl. The deafening roar made the air vibrate and the water surge. He had increased his attack stat by 1 stage and his teammates by half a stage.

Lugia was now in a bind, it could no longer use water moves and therefore turned towards rock type moves. It spread it energy outwards before having 3 massive boulders rise from the seafloor at extreme speeds. They orbited around Lugia for a moment before launching themselves at Arcanine.

Rex grinned, there was no way that was going to hit Arcanine.

Rex "Arcanine use extreme speed to climb up the boulders and hit Lugia," he said quickly. Arcanine instantly disappeared from where he was as if he was the flash. He only left an afterimage where he last stood and was only seen for a fraction of a second on the first boulder. As soon as he launched himself upwards towards the second one, the first boulder shattered under the pressure from Arcanine's legs.

He did the same thing until he finally jumped off from the third boulder and hit Lugia squarely on the stomach blasting it into the water. Arcanine landed back on the ground gracefully with his calm face intact.

It wasn't long before the massive beast emerged from the water and took to the sky again. It used recover and got back all the health it lost after that attack.

[very strong Pokémon you have there young man, in terms of power it is up there for sure. And that's not even mentioning its speed, I had a tough time keeping track of him. But it will not be enough to beat me,] it said confidently.

Rex "Arcanine, use double team and then extreme speed," he said with a wide grin.

Rex "how are you going to keep track of 4 Arcanine's all running at you?" he asked half mockingly, half curiously.

Lugia was not happy with the counter Rex used as it was already hard keeping track of one, let alone 3 more. It used reflect, and then cast future sight on Arcanine. Rex was surprised to see it come up with a good solution so quickly. Reflect blocked 50% of all physical attacks which was effective against multiple hits. Arcanine and his clones rushed forward and bashed into Lugia but didn't even cause that much damage. When the barrage of attack was done, Lugia simply used Recover and it was back to full health.

Rex Grimaced at the sight. No wonder Gyarados lost.

Rex "Aranine NOW! Use Will-o-wisp!" he said quickly when he saw that Arcanine was close enough for the move to hit. Lugia who had just finished using recover couldn't dodge fast enough and was hit by Arcanine's will-o-wisp. Will-o-wisp burned the target for one-eighth of their health and lowered their attack by 50%. It was a great move.

Lugia who was now permanently burned was helpless to do anything about it. After all, it didn't have the move refresh to get rid of the status effect. Plus, it now did 50% less physical damage. It was in a bad position. Luckily there was still It's untouched Special attack stat. It gathered up psychic energy and sent an extrasensory at Arcanine. As soon as it hit, Arcanine was pushed back and crashed into the floor. Rex tried to get it to use crunch, but Arcanine flinched.

Lugia took this time to use calm mind and completed it successfully. Rex Grimaced. he didn't expect Arcanine to flinch on the first try and future sight was inbound. He didn't know if Lugia had rain dance or not since if it did, it would be all over. Rex couldn't wait anymore, he had to finish this off quickly.

Rex "Arcanine use flare blitz!" he said seriously. Arcanine who had recovered from its flinch started to flare up with blue flames. It sprouted from his mane and soon covered his entire body. He pushed off the ground and zoomed towards Lugia and terrifying speeds. Lugia knew it shouldn't take this head-on and therefore used agility to move out of the way. But just as it did it heard Rex's voice again.

Rex "NOW! Use Flamethrower," he said quickly. Almost immediately a massive 10-meter-wide blue wall of flames covered Lugia's vision as they collided. Lugia didn't have a light screen up and therefore took the full hit from flamethrower. A flamethrower that did three times the damage.

Lugia fell out of the sky in a massive ball of blue flames and crashed into the water. The blast released massive amounts of steam, smoke and fire. The waves splashed against the recently made island and threatened to submerge it. Arcanine easily resisted the water by using flamethrower. Lugia who was severely hurt emerged from the water with a menacing look. it used recover and got back most of it's health but not completely. And with the burn status, it was losing small amounts of health constantly. It was in a bad state.

[how could I forget! I had rain dance the whole time!] it said angrily in realisation. It seemed that in its thirst for battle with a new and strong opponent, it forgot about rain dance. Rex was not happy though, because this would put Arcanine in a terrible position. And there was no way Lugia was about to let Arcanine use sunny day successfully after suffering such damage.

While he was thinking this Future sight appeared and smashed into the unprepared Arcanine. It did a ton of damage and Arcanine was left on the floor.

Rex "Arcanine, use morning sun," he said quickly. Arcanine began to absorb the rays of intense sunlight and healed up fully.

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