
Is that Onix or Gaara?

Lt. Surge was monetarily stunned at the sheer size of the Pokémon he was going to face before regaining his arrogant appearance. He chose his Pokeball and quickly threw it out. A Raichu came out and sent out a small electric shock towards Onix. It seemed to be a cheap shot he would do to every challenger. Sadly, today was different. Onix didn't even flinch and took the hit, the energy dispersed as if it had hit the air. It wasn't anything extraordinary it was just due to Onix's ground typing.

Rex smiled at Surge who had a slightly helpless expression at being caught.

Rex "well, I guess we can start now, right?" he asked mockingly. Lt. Surge didn't say anything and nodded.

Rex "Onix use sandstorm." Onix did as commanded and sent a burst of energy outwards that rose a cloud of sand into the air. Pieces of the battlefield rose and began to hit Raichu which caused a little damage. Lt Surge grimaced, it was already hard enough with his very limited moves and now he couldn't even see.

Rex "use sand golem," he said quickly with a smile. Onix had been focusing on controlling and refining his energy to make it stronger and easier to control, there was a lot he could do with sand now. Onix sent out a pulse of energy towards the revolving sand cloud which slowly converged into the form of a giant sand monster that punched out with both fists drowning Raichu in the sand. The giant disappeared quickly.

Lt. Surge lost his calm façade when he saw what happened. Due to the cloud converging into a giant, the lacking visibility returned to normal, but he wished he could go back to seeing nothing since what he was seeing now was far worse. Rex seeing Lt Surge's face smiled happily. This was a move the system had come up with. It took a lot of concentration and Onix couldn't move while he was controlling the golem.

Rex dared to use it because Raichu didn't have many moves that could counter or even harm Onix in any way. He might have brick break but with Onix's monstrous defence he could tank a good 5 of them before it would turn into a problem. That wasn't even taking into consideration that golem on the field. But this wasn't the end, naturally, there was more to it.

Rex "Onix use stealth rocks." It might sound odd to use that move now but what would happen if sharp rocks were added to a sand golem? Scary result. Onix did just that and summon stealth rocks that were quickly absorbed into the golem. They were invisible as they got assimilated so Lt. Surge was none the wiser.

Rex "Onix finish this slam your fist down." There were no moves the golem could use except its massive frame and tremendous destructive power. The golem as if answering Rex raised its first before forming them into a mace type shape and slamming it down towards Raichu. Lt. Surge had snapped out of it and knew that if he was hit by that attack, it would be over, it was super effective after all.

Lt. Surge "Raichu, use agility and head towards Onix." He had to disturb Onix, if he could knock Onix around he might cancel the sand golem. He would be right, if Raichu was able to push Onix away and even hurt him the sand Golem would disappear. The sand mace covered in stealth rocks hit the ground creating a large crater, but Raichu was already gone, he was next to Onix already.

Lt. Surge "HA! Raichu use brick break," he said with a smile. Rex nodded in acknowledgement, it seemed that although he was arrogant, he wasn't completely useless.

Rex "Onix use sand shield." Onix dispelled the Golem and the sand that made it up rushed towards Onix and incredible speed before forming a shield around him. The stealth rocks formed invisible spikes that dealt damage whenever someone attacked.

This wasn't known to Raichu or Lt. Surge and therefore attacked blindly. Raichu smashed its hand down on the shield but was blocked as if it hit a sponge. Before it could move it was pushed backwards and took damage from the stealth rocks.

Lt Surge's face was grim since even the surprise attack didn't work.

Lt. Surge "use agility and brick break consistently." There had to be a limit to the move, there must be a blind spot. Raichu did as told and sped around Onix constantly smashing against it before disappearing and reappearing somewhere else before hitting again. Raichu would get hurt by the stealth rocks at the beginning before slowly becoming faster and faster until the sand couldn't block in time and Onix was squarely hit in the face with a brick break.

The good thing was that it didn't do that much damage due to Onix's defence even If it was super effective. It could have been worse if it was stab but since it wasn't there were no problems with tanking a few more.

Rex was happy with Onix's performance and was ready to teach Raichu and Lt. Surge a lesson.

Rex "Onix, use dig." He decided to retract Onix and send him underground for a breather. Onix complied and went underground quickly. Raichu landed and looked at the hole in the ground disappointedly.

Rex "Onix use sandstorm again." He needs to have the cover from the sandstorm before dealing the final blow. Onix complied and sent the sand that had settled on the ground flying again coving the view of everyone. Onix then burst out of the ground and smashed its head into Raichu who was busy deflecting the flying debris.

Rex "Use sand bind." It was another move he created; it would seal the target in sand stopping all movement for a maximum of 3 seconds. A part of the sand that was flying around shot towards Raichu before encasing Raichu in sand.

Rex 'Good, now use sand golem and end this." The remaining sand transformed into a smaller giant that still towered over Raichu and smashed its hand that had turned into a mace again towards Raichu. Lt. Surge was screaming commands, but Raichu was encased in sand and couldn't hear.

The mace landed and created a crater in the ground. In the middle was a sprawled Raichu who was barely conscious. Rex didn't give mercy and order for the golem to smash again and so it did. It looked like a blacksmith smashing his hammer in a piece of metal in an attempt to flatten bumps. After another five hits, Raichu had long been knocked out. It would need intensive care for at least two weeks of recovery even by this world's standards.

Rex didn't give mercy to merciless Pokémon, even if he had a soft spot for them. The battle was decided, and Lt. Surge attempted to hold his anger in as he returned the half-dead Raichu to his Pokeball. He treated others badly, but he cared for his Pokémon a lot.

Rex who saw this shook his head.

Rex "Marshadow, break his legs." No quarter was to be given to this man. He wasn't attempting to be a hero, there were too many incidents like this in the world and he didn't have the time nor the energy to fix them all, but if he could help one or two who he could reach them why not. A shadow sped towards Lt. Surge who had just heard what Rex said and before he could react immense pain spread from his legs as his vision fell and he soon dropped to his knees. The shadow disappeared back into Rex's shadow under the stupefied and pained gaze of Lt Surge. He never noticed the little monster in his shadow.

Rex made his way over before stopping a meter away from Lt. Surge, towering above him. He crouched down slowly.

Rex "Next time, when someone comes to your gym to learn, you will be softer with your teaching methods, you have talent, don't waste it being a loser. The uniform you wear is not meant for brutes and assholes. I don't want to have to stain it with your blood if I hear about you misbehaving, do I make myself clear?" he said slowly while his voice got colder by the second.

Lt. Surge shivered before nodding. Rex smiled contently and reached into Lt. Surge's breast pocket and got the badge he needed.

Rex "I will call the ambulance for you and that idiot receptionist of yours. I suggest you get yourself a new one," he said with an evil smile before walking towards the reception. Screams of pain could be heard before Rex walked out of the gym and took a breath of fresh air.

Rex "What a wonderful day," he said with a smile before walking away after calling the ambulance. He had deleted all of the camera footage in the gym with the help of the system. He then remembered the Pokemall in Viridian City and grimaced before facepalming. He shook his head and walked away.

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