
24. Fishing Queen

During the last several hundred years much has occurred. Wars fought over the iron tyrants' rule. Gods became faint dreams with their power captured by the seven denizens of a new age. Languages died and many became anew, yet for the sake of continuity, the rulers decided on a universal tongue. Another that arose in the last several years was the rise of Giganto, now grown beyond their formal idol Mandaly, many crafted a joke. Mandaly follows the trends of Giganto to stay relevant. Tonight, this is more true than ever. Merely nights before Giganto saw the destruction from an unknown droid and now the port town sees the same.

Across the warf fires burnt bright outside the commission of trade building sending acrid fumes to the top. Unlike the rest of the building, its peak was home to the most influential person in the town, no, one of the most impactful across the globe. Until she arrived, three would sit in patience. Seigen's styles dominated the scape from golden straw floors. Paper walls with wooden frames appeared weak, but the lady of the home had her own protection. The room was lit by flame, four statues of Rote bolstered the glow in each corner. The middle of the room was sunken compared to the surroundings, the floor soft as wool as each sat around a short-limbed table. Lena admired the details and various art pieces on display.

Portraits of sea creatures and a belt of painted waves wrapped around the room. Bones of beasts framed under the main entrance. Incense burned to remove any trace of foul odors, accompanied by pink flowers and their countless petals. Why did Lena focus so much on the details? To avoid eye contact with the knight of course. Carnel sat with crossed arms and a stern look. Unique to her siblings her frame was robust. Still slim, her shoulders and arms were thicker and covered in an array of plates that allowed ease of movement with no sacrifice to protection. Her torso was far bulkier as well, losing the spinal appearance that made the rest stand out in their lower stomach for an almost human waist. Dark red body with black highlights around her exposed core. What was the most stunning were those legs.

Thick and broad to support extreme weight. Three toes like hooves scratched the ground; no legbuster but nothing to scoff at either, "What are you looking at?" those golden eyes pinned down Lena. Carnel huffed before returning focus to Dynamo...such a magnificently carved face. White teeth shone in her snarl against Dynamo opposite to her. He wasn't very phased by the reaction, moreso expecting it.

"Well, nice to see you again, Carnel," he snapped the tension, "I take it you've been well? You're sporting a new frame since last we met too," his fingers scratched his dome.

Carnel was hard to impress. Full lips bit out of that slur of emotion, "It's most likely older than this girl's bloodline, but believe as you wish," her words dampened the mood more than ever. The group couldn't help but wait for the maiden to come. And so she did.

The door under the fish skeleton slid open revealing a woman on the other end. Tall with a figure concealed in an open trenchcoat. Under was a flowery blue dress down to her knees. A belt wrapped the coat around her waist. A cap on her head kept the black hairs from going every which way, "Yoohoo, I'm a bit late so pardon me," the woman yawned. Azure eyes pierced through both guests. This woman was a stranger to none, the blue maiden of Mandaly sat beside her knight. Lucki Dyson the Fishing Queen.

Trout greeted their nose from the tired woman, taking a break from her favorite fishing spot upon hearing the previous incident, "Ahem, before we go ahead discussing tonight, I'd appreciate some identification from our guest," her voice like butter, refined by Lucki's high-class nature. Her back straightened and fingers laced on her end of the table.

"Lena Buakham," Lena spoke quickly, a bow followed. Lucki acknowledged her presence. With her out of the way, the strange unit with his face uncovered was left. Dynamo reclined back, arms folded after flicking his identification card across the table. Carnel twitched and Lucki eyed the card, "You-….." in her mind, Lena was sure that today would be her last. At least she was gonna die at home.

"Show some respect," Carnel warned. Lena's life flashed before her eyes. All around the premises were Little Mount mechs in case of an emergency, disrespecting the Dyson family may have been that emergency.

"What? Can't she read? The name's Urd?" he laughed; if his skin was attached they would see his grin. Surprisingly enough Lucki had her own chuckle. Lena didn't forget Dynamo's ties to this country, but surely it couldn't stretch to Lucki Dyson as well? When Lena turned to Dynamo again, a trail of painted oil dripped from his eye, "Oh I see how it is," he sniffled, "Little Lucki is all grown up and forgot all about me. That's how it is, huh?"

"….What?" Carnel shared a reaction with their guest. The knight didn't know why both idiots laughed at each other. Dynamo pointed to the locket around her neck. A golden bulb polished and cared for over the ages. There sat a latch on the edge, pressing down opened to reveal a picture. "You've got to be kidding me."

It was a picture of Lucki as a child in a sundress sitting on sands. The one who wrapped their hand around them was a unit in a black suit. Their hair combed to the side with purple ends and the dumbest of grins. Their legs unforgettable, "Those were good times, working as a butler in the Dyson manner," Dynamo wiped away a tear.

"You did….what?" Carnel's stare was comparable to Rote's.

"I've been there for about ten years, put in my resignation letter a little before she became ten," Dynamo was monotone. Ten. The age where a Dyson came into the public eye, when a knight was assigned to them. Dynamo sat up. "I'm C.C0-0000, Legbuster Dynamo."

Carnel clearly twitched at that name. Lucki chuckled it off, "Well with that out of the way, to the more pressing details," a cough cleared her throat, "An unidentified unit entered Mandaly airspace over the clouds and left a scar in the center of the town- nobody was harmed thankfully," a thought brought relief to the worrying minds. "You can also tell by the crowds outside, a disease ravages the working class that we fear may spread. The ill are...terrifying, to say the least- terrified the same. We all know that these things can be tied together."

New or branched viruses weren't the most uncommon thing. Science reached a point where in days of researching a pathogen a vaccine was in the works. Enough time in testing, notably a week, and it was available for commercial use. Port disease is too far elusive for a vaccine at this point. Lucki predicted if this became widespread, the port would be under total shutdown, "We are already experiencing losses from foreign wholesalers who refuse to enter the location, if this were to continue every district as far as Skylandria would feel the effects," the maiden warned. "Worst of all, what the Elias Medical Foundation reported the pathogen appears to evolve by the day."

"You failed to rule out the possibility that this is a pincer attack," Dynamo spoke up, "Chemical warfare isn't new despite how insidious the possibility is. Starmen- the model that attacked were the ones in that factory under Giganto," a tilt of the head snapped his neck. The three others understood what he insinuated...rather two did and Lena acted. "We can hypothesize that there was more than one factory and with estimated numbers from one…..that's a whole hell of a lot."

Pieces that composed Starmen and other droids were as cheap as they came if bought wholesale. Groups such as Zenith had global reach meaning no stretch to assume they had ties to the Brecknock markets. Couplers, bearings, bolt sets, and other minor objects were extremely easy to encounter, actuators and sensors would be more difficult if they didn't have a producer already, "I have an inkling they're not operating on the standard uranium battery either," Carnel was the first to point out. "It's also demoralizing to think that they're constructed with quite a harsh failsafe upon deactivation…"

Zenith units were programmed with defeat in mind to deliver one last act of humiliation. Zaltras was the same, no stretch to think Zion would have the same reaction, "The man designing behind the curtains is a real sick bitch," Lucki's restraint removed for an instance, shocking the civilian among them, "Oops, I must apologize," she had the gentlest of chuckles.

Dynamo shook his head, "Tsk, you've been around those sailors too much- what would your poor father think hearing you," he painted on another faux tear, "But back to the more important case, Lucki," her name earned the Dyson's attention. "Show me the bodies."

A sigh left her lips. Her hands gestured towards her knight, still stern as ever with lip bitten. Carnel pointed to Lena startling her, "Unfortunately you and her lady are not permitted to enter, only AI integrated units are allowed at this time," for the most obvious of reasons.

"Oh-Yeah not an issue," Lena flailed both arms. She was clearly flustered with that open smile. Lucki took interest in every twitch their guest made; head swaying each time. Seeing that this concerned her no longer she reclined under the table. "Excuse us, your lady."

Carnel bowed before standing, Dynamo emulated her actions, "It's quite alright," she yawned, "Be careful out there," with her grace both units exited behind the main corridor. Lena and Lucki were left at the table, one far too tense to react. "Oh relax already."

Lucki's hospitality took her off-guard, "You're a friend of that old guy, aren't you? I heard you're acquainted with my father as well and Sir Tome. Why be so tense?" Lucki enquired more. Lurching up she kept both arms gripping her bare feet.

"That is true yes, but compared to you let's say…" it was a war not to offend the royal before her, "You're far less imposing, my lady."

"Oh?" Lucki winced, her nails tapped the floor. Sweat leaked off Lena like a fountain. A minute of intensity was all Lucki could manage before laughing it off, "Ah sorry, just kidding. We're around the same age too so drop the whole 'your lady' it gets old quick."

Lena's head shook after every request, a breath of fresh air blew through the room. Though it had the stench of death, the scent of fish was nostalgic to the accustomed. Spending years in a fish market did that to someone, wrote it into your system. A commonality between the two who never met, from Lucki's perspective anyways. "Say, while Carnel's out for the night would you like to go somewhere with me?"

An offer none could refuse.

An offer none could refuse….those words were said countless times in the span of history. Carnel recalled a fool a day approaching her promising the same before scurrying off. After joining the rest of her siblings in their court fools still approached begging her to leave and side with her; far too many met the wrong end of her spear. Ever since the day her eyes opened only one group could ever hold that promise.

Unbeknownst to the public, there was a tunnel under the commission's building that lead directly to the Elias Medical Foundation and University. Damp and dim was the stone path. Dynamo whistled all the while, arms behind his head, "Funny," he blurted out, "These floors look so cold, and the air seems frigid too...but I can't feel them like I once did," he sighed. Actions had consequences and now he faced what he made. "Don't you have any questions for me? Old friend?"

Carnel bit the bullet. She walked behind him, "Yes….far too many to count," she admitted, "I can start with the simple 'How are you here?' or 'How are you in this new form?' or even 'How long have you been alive?' maybe include a why have you avoided me for so long?" every question made the red knight's oil boil. "I'd like to question my Dyson as well on why she kept this private after all I spoke of was you!"

With bared teeth, her hands stretched out. Right arm wrapped around Dynamo's throat, "Do you even know how I found out you were fucking alive?" she spat obscenities, "I was tasked to review all the information from that night! There was a single report from a swarm knight stating there was an unidentified C.C unit on the premises that my kin failed to mention to Rote. And guess my surprise when I open it and see you with...those legs attached to you. Calling yourself not just a random Legbuster, but the prototype model!"

Dynamo stared back with empty eyes, not that he could emote them. Slowly his fingers wrapped around the arm which gripped his neck, "I've been asleep for a while," the corners of his metal mouth bent as far as possible. That damn smile was one she wouldn't forget even the way he was now. Carnel dropped him, "I've been up and alive let's say….twenty five or so years now, I came to this country two decades ago and went to the Dysons when I did," he admitted. There was no room to lie to Carnel, rather he wished not to hurt her anymore.

"I was in stasis for years, when I woke up I found my tank leaky and half my frame was brittle- Proton loaned me his spare limbs," that name made her stammer backwards, "He's alive too...was guarding me in that pit. Ever since I woke up we've been traveling."

"Really?" Carnel tapped the side of his chest unlatching his identification plate, "So you attached his old limbs and began calling yourself a C.C unit?" the thought made her grow ever more furious. Before Dynamo could stand again her entire body swayed forward.

"Mhm," he wiped himself off and continued with pace, "I was avoiding you actually you got that right, all of you in fact-"

Carnel stomped forward. Her body twisted to match the swing of her fist. Right knuckles made the left of Dynamo's face connect to the floor. "Stop shitting me."

"Why would you!?" she cried out, "Do you understand how badly that day went for all of us!? The laboratories went up in flames right after that dumb message you sent, Tobias! We couldn't even bear looking inside! Helion sealed the thing so everyone could rest in peace because we all were sure as hell you were dead!"

"Now look at you prance in the street without a care-" out of everything she said, Carnel finally struck a nerve. Those eyes went as white as Doubhain snow. The one called Dynamo had the eyes of a ghost.

"Does it look like I live with no care?" he remained softspoken, "Do you think that I don't research the current world and all its findings? If I didn't care how did I encounter Zenith years before anyone else? Hopping from country to country yes I pretended to be another and cut all ties," he stood with support from none, "Because I was proud of what you all became- what we wished you to be. I chose not to inject myself because you are all better than anything I can hope to be!"

"The seven are better because you lead them to be so! When you and Emperion were together-When the Vulcan-"

"The Vulcans are dead, Carnel," Dynamo gave her a reality check, "Those grand machines sit as gods because of their ambition. I'm sorry but that goes for you too. I'm sorry that I didn't come sooner, but you need to be free now," he kept the pace. "I haven't forgotten why I'm here, why I need to reach the laboratory again….why that thing in the sky must be destroyed."

"Idiot. You're making it sound as if I was a slave." Carnel whimpered. The laboratories covered in Doubhain snow. In the depths of that sacred ground lied an aged secret. The thing Dynamo craved for was what she hungered for as well. "To be freed of these mechanical constraints."

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