
The fight has begun

After the bandit hunt, Klein continued to ruthlessly train the duo, mostly deriving them of their energy by nighttime. Kevin attempted to use his tattoo countless times to recover his stamina but to no avail. It was almost as if the tattoo followed a schedule, working only when it felt like it. Due to that, Kevin slept heavily in the night along with Lilith. The training lasted for exactly two days giving them barely any time to rest before the attack on Norm.

Clank!Clank! As usual, the familiar metallic clanking noises echoed through their ears, signaling the start of yet another tiring day.

"Good news! Today no training, get some rest!"Klein happily announced in a cheery voice.

"Wait a minute! Is today not the day of the battle?" Kevin inquired.

"You are correct! So why don't you go and wear some clothes, and give me my pajamas back while you are at it."

'They do not even fit you!' Lilith inwardly cursed.

He intentionally gave them a glimmer of hope, only to completely obliterate it into their faces.

Klein then stretched out his hand and gave out two little blue pills.

"Chew it!"

"Chew? The last time I followed your eating orders, my tongue was raped by the disgusting odor." Lilith snapped as she recalled the prank Klein pulled with the Zeal fruit.

"What is rape?" Kevin asked.

"Shut up!" Lilith instantly said almost as if she knew he was going to ask.

"Just trust me!"

Deciding to put their faith in Klein once more, they both swallowed the pill. As soon as the pill was digested, they could feel the effects. For one, they no longer felt exhausted and their hunger was oddly satisfied.

'Wow!' Kevin praised while Lilith wore a frown.

"If you had this all along, why did we have to suffer?"Lilith questioned.

"Well, maybe you have heard of them, they are called 'SR'. They replenish stamina and as for why I did not give it to you earlier....."

Lilith gulped as she expected some sort of side effects.

"Because there was no fun in you guys always being energetic."

'It is true.'Kevin thought as he nodded, which pissed off Lilith even more.

"Why are you shaking your head moron?" Lilith could not help but sigh as she angrily stormed off towards the kitchen. Exchanging glances, both Kevin and Klein shrugged their shoulders before following.

To signify the completion of their training, Klein himself personally made a mouth-watery dish in which Kevin and Lilith could not help but dig in even though they were not hungry. However, the surprises did not end there as he presented a pair of new clothes to both Lilith and Kevin. At first glance, Lilith was in awe while Kevin was not impressed. After all, they were just normal clothes.

"What is your pay? Or do not tell me you are a CEO of a company?"Lilith began to throw out questions, confusing Kevin the more.

"So what is so important about these?" Kevin asked, pointing to the clothes.

Both Lilith and Klein stared in shock before sighing. It was quite easy to forget that Kevin had memory loss.

"These are clothes made with the cores of rank two magical beasts. So basically, it protects you to some extent."Klein explained before adding."They are a gift for completing your training."

Lilith was beyond overjoyed knowing that she had finished her week-long training. Tears flooded her eyes as she dropped to the ground.

"Fin....ally!" She said as tears dropped to the floor.

'Kind of dramatic.'Klein thought.


Wearing the clothes given to them by Klein, they had to admit, that Klein had a good sense of fashion except for the matching colors. Kevin wore black jeans, a black vest, and a jacket using the same color but had a few blue stripes. For most of the part, Lilith's was the same except for the white skirt and a jacket with white stripes.

"Looking good."Klein complimented.

"Thanks, "Lilith said as she twirled around, admiring her clothes. Lilith being a fan of black, could not resist staring in the mirror.

"Lilith, so what's the plan?"

The smile on Lilith's face vanished as her expression became serious.

"The five villages under Norm's control will bring out their combatants and the battle will commence after five flares are shot into the air. Graham explained that the weak fighters will handle the normal yetis while the stronger ones face the alpha males, slowly making their way to Norm before the yetification is complete."

"To be frank, the villagers are not capable fighters. So if you want to prevent loss of lives, you guys must fight Norm yourselves."

Klein said.

"May I ask why you are not coming?"

"Unfortunately, I have something of the utmost importance to attend to. But don't worry, both of you should be enough to handle her."

After finishing their chat, Kevin opened the door and prepared to head out. It was finally time the pair headed towards the battle.

"I forgot to ask, where is the fight?" Kevin asked.

"On mount Kreg, Norm's domain, "Lilith answered as she pointed to a mountain in the distance.

Phew! A piercing noise suddenly echoed through the area, which caught their attention. Looking toward the source of the noise, they noticed a bright light shining in the clear skies.

"Looks like the fight has begun!"

Sorry for the delay. Enjoy and please share with others. It helps motivate me!

DymenScreators' thoughts
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