
Promising a Happy Ending

For one whole moment, Lady continues to behold the starry night sky in awe and wonder.

Now that she was taking time to admire the sight, she recalled that particular evening when she was with Fallon in the woods. She remembered seeing a similar view while they were hiding from Xavier.

Because of their situation back then, Lady didn't really have any chance to do some stargazing. 

That was actually the first time she got out at night – the first time she saw those celestial bodies up so close. In her past life, all she could do was look at them from her bedroom window. She never thought that it would turn out to be that pretty. So, once she caught sight of them that fateful evening, her breath was completely stolen away.

Right now, Lady has all the time in the world to take pleasure in the scenery, and with Fallon there, doing so has turned out to be a lot more enjoyable.

"Hey," he called quietly.

"Yeah?" she replied without looking.

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