
The agents

Artemis strapped his gun on his back before extending a hand to Leo.

Leo grabbed his hand and got pulled up to his feet and quickly dusted himself off.

"So, were the drivers dead, Artemis?" questioned Crawler.

"Probably, but soon they will be dead for sure."

Leo took a look at the bearcat, it was flipped on its side.

The drivers probably got knocked out from the impact and were probably still alive.

Pirate quickly jumped on top of the bearcat before yanking the door open on the passenger side.

She pointed her M249 downwards and opened fire, shooting two quick bursts of rounds.

She looked satisfied about what she had done and hopped off the bearcat.

She attempted to pull back the bolt of the M249 multiple times before cursing out loud.

"Bloody fucking gun is jammed again! Piece of shit!"

Artemis quickly stepped up.

"Relax, just disassemble the M249 and replace the bolt when we are back."

"I'll be bloody useless if anything happens during the mission!"

"Just relax, we should be in the clear now."

Pirate was still angry meanwhile Leo attempted to open the backdoor of the bearcat.

But as he expected, the backdoor was locked.

"Artemis, the backdoor is locked. I hope you have a plan."

"Of course I do."

Artemis reached into his satchel bag before pulling out something that appeared to be some kind of plastic that was moldable.

"Where did you get that?" questioned Crawler.

"HQ gave it to me in case we got in a situation like this." responded Artemis.

Pirate walked towards the side of the bearcat and kicked against it a couple of times.

"If you are still alive get to the back of the vehicle!" yelled Pirate.

"Say, Artemis. What exactly is that?" questioned Leo.

Artemis stuck a copper wire into the plastic-like substance before responding.

"Plastic explosives, to be more exact, C4." responded Artemis.

"You do know that you will most likely kill the agents that we need to rescue with that, right?"

"No, it will be a controlled detonation, nothing like those videogames.

You see, a bearcat has a pin locking mechanism, the locks get locked by four pins, and with this, we are going to blow those pins out."

Artemis started putting the semtex in four specific locations before continuing.

"Pirate, go get me the car battery out of the dodge RAM.

You see Leo, semtex is a powerful explosive, one ounce is enough to blow a small hole through metal, I am using 1.5 ounces per pin so that we can quickly and surely blow them out."

Pirate quickly returned with the car battery and put it down.

Artemis once again reached into his satchel before pulling out what appeared to be a jump start cable set usually used on cars.

He put it down on the ground before having all the wires in the plastic explosive intertwine with each other.

He connected the wires that were intertwined with one end of the jump starter.

"Alright, everyone back off and get ready!"

Everyone started moving backward along with Artemis, who was still holding the jump starter and the car battery.

Everyone hid behind the dodge and Artemis once again confirmed that everyone was ready.

"You see Leo, plastic explosives are a stable kind of explosives, meaning that you need a clear source of heat and energy in order to detonate it. By linking up the wires and connecting them up to the jumpstarter I am able to send an energy signal to all the explosives at once, but I also need an energy source. And that is what the battery is for!"

Right as Artemis finished his sentence he connected the other end of the jumpstart cable with the battery.

In the next second a loud explosion was heard.

Everyone remained seated for five seconds after the explosion before rising.

There was a massive dust cloud in front of the backdoor of the bearcat that was slowly dissipating.

The squad started approaching the bearcat, guns ready to strike in case of there being another foundation agent.

When the dust was entirely gone Leo could make out four figures sitting all the way at the back of the bearcat.

The four figures were wearing an orange jumpsuit that Leo was all too familiar with.

Artemis stepped in front and spoke in a heavy commanding voice.


Will probably be releasing another chapter today since I forgot to release yesterday.

lazylizardcreators' thoughts
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