
Disloyal 43

I know he was talking to Amir but actually, he was saying, goodbye to me. I was numb he couldn't mean what he said killing thousands of innocent men, women and children is atrocious even for Igor. He can't be that cruel to order for something like that and Lucien can't be as heartless as him to obey it. He left and I realised that after a few minutes. Amir was smiling at me as he knew who was the goodbye actually for. But I couldn't feel happy my heart was wrenched out of its place. I didn't know how could someone talk calmly about something like this. I regained my voice. Heaven forbid I won't be silent again.

"Amir Lucien is going to attack Lasso. It's so wrong there are only refugees and women there. Please stop him", I told him. He looked at me surprised like he couldn't believe what he heard. Even though I was talking in a low voice everyone else around me grew stiffened. They heard it I was talking of treason and it warrants death. They stared at me like the enemy I was. Amir noted this and laughed awkwardly. He covered up nervousness by gesturing them to continue.

" I forget sometimes woman uses her heart and emotions in the battle too. It's a good idea our woman isn't interested in politics or we will never wage a war or win", he said. I want to strike him down with a reply but I didn't because I knew I should act dumb or my loyalty would be questioned since it was getting noticed by all whose side I belong.

"You shouldn't worry a thing it's man's job. We will take care of it", he said. He took out a paper and scribbled something in a paper and produced it for me. I looked into it anxiously. " **Speak to Lucien alone in the room it's soundproof"**

This was news to me I have always thought that why I wasn't caught yet with their superhearing strength. There lies my answer. I nodded my head. Amor turned and walked away from me with a warning look. I know it meant no musing out loud about the things that upset me. I walked towards the palace and went to the guards. They tried to ignore me but I stood in front of them with a pointed look so they are forced to acknowledge me.

"What?", asked the rude guard.

" I need to find Lucien", I told him.

"The prince is not available at the moment", he said with an extra emphasis on the word prince. He was dissatisfied with my lack of respect for Lucien. I know he will keep brushing me off until I have some valid reason.

" It's an important message from Amir. I'm coming straight from the training area", I told him.

"He is with someone at the moment", he said irritably. That's why I now got his hesitation. He thought I will create some drama.

" It's important where is he?", I asked. He pointed me at the terrace garden. I walked towards it like hell hounds were after me. He is testing my patience and I have limited control.

When I reached there Lucien was laying down on a beautiful girl's lap and I sighed my relief when I noticed the woman wasn't Arya. She looked like a kitchen maid a human girl not a lycan. I guess he is now interested in human girls. He was laying quiet but I could see from his slight tightening of the lips that he noticed me. Might be my scent it's hard to fool them.

The girl too noticed my presence and glanced nervously at my bow. I didn't notice it with everyone's permission I carry it around all the time like it's part of my dress.

"I have to talk to you alone please", I ended it with a slight begging note.

" I'm busy ", he said still not opening his eyes. The maid looked at me and him. She realised that their moment was over and now wanted to escape.

" You can't help but force yourself on innocent human girls isn't that right Lucien?", I asked him. It came out harsher than I intended my only goal was to force him to listen to me. His eyes flew open and looked at me furiously.

"As I said I need to talk to you privately in your room", I told him.

" Fuck", he said. Then jumped to his feet and walked away without giving her a parting look. I felt bad for her since she looked petrified to see me.

"We didn't do anything", she said nervously her eyes not leaving my bow.

" Are you coming?", he bellowed without turning back. I had to run to keep up with his long strides.

When I reached he closed the door and dragged me towards him. His eyes blazing with a combination of hunger and anger.

"What is it?", he asked me.

" Please don't go to Lasso. They don't deserve to die in vain", I told him pleadingly.

He cocked his head like he is unsure of what he said. He never thought with my attitude I was going to beg.

"I have to go, my father, ordered me to go", he said.

" I will do anything you asked me to do. There are women and children inside the fort. Have mercy", I told him.

"What will you do for me?", he said.

" Anything you ask?", I told him.

"How about having sex with me?", he asked me.

My mouth was open so wide. I didn't expect this from him. I was embarrassed too we have never talked about sex out in the open. It was one of those conversations one never hoped to make but do it since it's less embarrassing that way.

" If it's that what you want I will do it. You have to promise you won't attack Lasso", I told him hesitantly.

"Let's do it now", he said. I looked at him anxiously and bit my lips. My heart cried out a big no. I wanted Lucien to be my first but not like this. Never like this. I wanted to give my body to him out of love was not part of some deal. But I will do it if it's all that takes.

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