
Chapter 2567 Please read the author's thoughts thanks :)

The next step of Fang Yuan's and Wisdom Gu's plan was to stall the Heavenly Dao while Fang Yuan swiped the Dao of Power from Sha Xiao. 

This would have given them enough Immortal Essence to establish a domain and allow Fang Yuan to fight on close to even ground against the Heavenly Dao, as long as it was within the Domain that he set up using the Dao of Origin.

But now…

"Is this a trap?" Fang Yuan turned to look at Wisdom Gu, "Is he planning to ambush us while we go deal with Sha Xiao?" 

Wisdom Gu bit his fingers, calculations and thoughts were colliding in his brain, and a solution could not be found, 

"The Heavenly Dao is many things, but a liar is not one of them. If he declared you the winner and gave up his intent to fight, that means he has truly surrendered and is not going to participate in the fight." 

Fang Yuan scratched his head, "But why would he do that?" 

"Beats me." Wisdom Gu shrugged, "But we should at least regroup with Zhan Bu Du, and finish of Sha Xiao, or at least stick together." 


Fang Yuan and Wisdom Gu headed off, leaving the withering Primordial Origin Immortal Venerable behind, without his Dao, his time was running short, hanging on only due to the numerous refinements his body underwent in his time at the ascension plains.

"I see….kekeke…you have indeed won Fang Yuan, enjoy…kekeke" his last words were heard by none as he peacefully closed his eyes and faded into dust.

Perhaps the only one to feel a tinge of pain from his death was Star Constellation, whose fate was only slightly better as she had just been resurrected. 

The battle with Sha Xiao would be written down in history, as one of the grandest and most showy scenes to light the skies of the Gu World.

Their fight had them flying across the entire Ascension Plains, launching Dao Killer Moves after Dao Killer Moves, but a combination of Zhan Bu Du, Fang Yuan and Wisdom Gu was too much for any 1 person to defend against.

And soon, even he fell and the Dao of Power landed in the hands of Fang Yuan. 

With that Fang Yuan had won…he was functionally immortal now…his goal was…over…right? 

Something kept nagging at Fang Yuan, but he couldn't figure it out. 

After establishing his domain, he spent the next 500 years consolidating his spoils of war.

He remerged his Dao of Elements into his main body and merged the Dao of Origin and Power into himself.

The Dao of Origin became a massive tree, stretching from the base of his Grotto Heaven to the top of the Miniature 9 Heavens. 

This meant that unlike Primordial whose domain was stationary, Fang Yuan was a living walking domain!! 

At its roots the Dao of Power constantly refined the surrounding Origin and Chaos of the Ascension plains, into Immortal Essence that Fang Yuan could use, constantly refining the entirety of his mini world. 

Every second, he grew stronger, but he was already the strongest…but something kept nagging him. 

As he was having his epiphany he felt a change in the surface of the 5 Regions, the barrier around the world had 2 points of breaking. 

Fang Yuan just needed a thought and he was there in front of the exit hole. 

Of course, he wasn't shocked to find that it was Red Lotus and, Giant Sun. 

"We greet the Great Love Immortal Reverend." they both cupped their fists and bowed their heads. 

Fang Yuan scratched his chin, "Reverend? I'm not at rank 10 yet, I don't qualify." 

The two look at each other wryly, "If you don't then who does?" 

But they kept their mouths shut. 

"How's the Gu World doing How many years has it been?" Fang Yuan didn't raise his voice, yet the aura around him had a commanding presence that didn't take no for an answer.

"It's been 5 years after your victory against the Heavenly Dao, the Gu World became at peace…well as at peace as it can anyways." Giant Sun replied, his forehead drawing tiny specks of perspiration that would be unobservable to anyone…anyone except Fang Yuan.

"It's only been 5 years?" Fang Yuan thought to himself, "The two of them aren't even like ants before me anymore. Maybe Red Lotus is a slightly bigger ant since the Dao of Spacetime is incredibly powerful, but he can't deal a decisive blow to me and I can chase him for eternity." 

"The Heavenly Court has disbanded," Red Lotus spoke up next, while Fang Yuan was in deep thought.

"Oh? How did that happen?" Fang Yuan's curiosity was slightly piqued, though it was more of a whim.

"The Northern Plains tribes have also disbanded." Giant Sun added.

This made Fang Yuan raise an eyebrow, he could guess what they were about to say next.

They both cleared their throats, "Under Star Constellation's orders, our 2 forces have joined together with Great Love Alliance."

"Knew it." Fang Yuan sighed, already bored from the situation of the mortal world, even the plight of regular Dao Emperors bored him now.

"Alright," Fang Yuan stretched his body, "Let's get this over with."


"Err get what over-" Before Giant Sun could finish talking Fang Yuan's hand made a slashing motion, cutting Giant Sun right down the middle, leaving his Dao Fruit perfectly intact. 

Red Lotus's eyes widened, he was standing so close and hadn't been able to even catch a glimpse of what happened. 

"Now," Fang Yuan examined Giant Sun's Dao fruit of Karma, "I'll give you 3 breaths, give it your best shot."

His smile revealed rows of perfectly symmetrical pearly white teeth, yet the crimson blood of Giant Sun floating all around gave a clear juxtaposition between an angel and a devil from hell. 

"You!" Red Lotus pointed accusedly at Fang Yuan, but his hand wouldn't stop trembling.

"2 breaths.." 

Red Lotus's eyes dilated, fear and panic were beginning to set into him, his drive for survival caused him to let out a gutteral roar.


Dao Killer Move ---------- Eternity Form! 

From head to toe Red Lotus became like the dazzling univeres, supernovas and galaxies, comets and meteors all whizzing about within him. 

Over the past 5 Years Red Lotus had perfected this form, and since perfection no one, not even a combined battle against Giant Sun and Genesis Lotus had been able to even touch him-

"Strange…" Red Lotus thought to himself, why is Fang Yuan getting smaller and smaller, and it looks like he's holding onto my…" it took a moment for Red Lotus to look down and see a gaping hole in his chest where his heart once was…

"...Ce La Vie..." Red Lotus's consciousness quickly drifted off as well.

The last thing he heards was, "One…" 

"*sigh*" A deep sigh escaped Fang Yuan's mouth, it had been too easy. 

~ 10000 year latter 

Fang Yuan reached up and stretched his body, the gesture was meaningless as 9000 years ago his physical body had reached the pinnacle of perfection. 

"Going for a stroll?" the voice was familiar to Fang Yuan, it was the only one that wasn't his own after all. 

"No quite Wisdom Gu, I think I'm going to revisit an old place." 

"Old place?" Wisdom Gu perked it's eyebrows, "The 5 Regions? You can't enter there, the Heavenly Dao has sealed the 5 Regions so that no one above Rank 9 can go in, even if you managed to force your way in there would be no point, the might required to break through is so vast it would destroy the entire world!" 

"I know." Fang Yuan replied, "But I finally figured it out. The Heavenly Dao nearly won." 

"Hmm?" Wisdom Gu was confused, "What do you mean?" 

"Let's go you'll see." 

It was of course rhetorical for Fang Yuan, to 'go' anywhere, at will he could cross through time and space to arrive at any destination instantly. 

At the world boundary,

Fang Yuan observed the entirety of the Gu World. 

For him it's been 10000 years, but for them only a 100 years had gone by. 

But the passage of time quickly erodes things, and Fang Yuan had become just a legend to them. 

"See," Wisdom Gu said as he tapped on the barrier, "The Heavenly Dao has reinforced it to where even you can't break through." 

Fang Yuan smirked, he gently placed his hand on the barrier, "True, my main body can't enter the Gu World."

A devilish glint flashed across his eyes, "But that dosen't mean there's no way in!" 

Fang Yuan pulled out a space-blueish Gu, that Wisdom Gu immediately recongised. 

"That's Space Escape Gu!" Wisdom Gu looked shocked, "It should be in Thieveing Heaven's hands how did you-" 

"I guess your consciousness was still asleep when he gave it to me," Fang Yuan had a somewhat fond look as he gazed contemplatively at his glory days. 

He soon pulled an all too familiar Gu, 

"Spring Autumn Cicada?!?!?" Wisdom Gu was now worried, "You aren't going to-"

"Yup!" Fang Yuan excitedly smirked, "I'm going to send a part of my soul back down into the 5 regions!" 

Hi guys, I'm sorry this took over a month, but I need your opinions/help, I want to know...do yall still want to read this story?

As you can see we are on a bit of a cliffhanger and for good reason I am conflicted...

On the one hand, I see a route that allows me to continue writing this story for anywhere from 10-50 more chapters

and on the other, I have a route that ends in less than 10 chapters.

Both ultimately lead to the same ending, but I wanted you guys to help me decide because I'm getting slightly tired of this story, don't get me wrong it's great fun and all but, it's so much work and effort that I could be pouring into my own adventure.

Either route won't compromise the ending, that's been set quite in stone since I began, but 1 will extend the story and be a little more fun I guess? But idw to do all the work that comes with that if you guys just want to skip straight to the end, either ways it's been a real pleasure to have such a wonderful and participative audience, I really do wish that I can do this as my full time job one day.

So pen your thoughts down below, and I'll try not to take another 1 month hiatus out of nowhere.

zulbuckscreators' thoughts
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