
Something wrong with grandma.

It was already 2 in the afternoon and Jato still did not show up. It was Friday and they had picked Friday as gaming day. Jato never missed gaming day. The three of them would gather and play games like chess and scrabble. Zairo hardly won the chess or scrabble game, and that was why he talked Jato into saving some money with him so they could buy a video game instead, and they did. When it was time for scrabble, Jato was the scrabble Lord, when it was time for chess, no one could win Old man. But when it came down to video games, Zairo was the Master....Zairo was getting worried. 'No matter how scary and tiring the training was, even if he took a day of he was definitely going to come back the second day. But it was already noon and he hadn't shown up. Had he really given up on training, and was too ashamed to face them, or is his grandma not feeling well?? All this thoughts, filled his head.

"Old man I think I will go to Jato's house to check on him. I think something is wrong with his grandma, that is why he did not come yesterday and he is not yet here today."

"Okay fine but I think he is just too scared of training. But if you think something is wrong then you should go check on him."

" I will come with you!! Old man Sam I think you will have to be in charge of the store till we both get back." Chinju said as she walks over to Zairo. He does not tell her no, but he doesn't give her a yes either. He just let's her tag along.

{inside Jato's house}

She saw two young people approaching the small wack gate in the compound, so she rushes outside the house...

A strange smell was coming from the house, but they just ignored it.

"Grandma good afternoon is Jato at home??..."No, he is not here, he went out since morning"..."oh okay I will wait for him here I have not seen him since yesterday, so I want to make sure he is doing fine after the training we had the other day"...Zairo said as he walked towards the door.. "NO!!! you cannot wait for him here go home when he comes, I will tell him to come see you"..."Don't worry grandma I will just wait for him for a while...." I said NO!!! leave my house now" grandma shouted, surprising Zairo and Chinju... "grandma are you okay?? Chinju asks seriously worried.

" I am fine just GO NOW" she tells them again. "But,...Zairo was about to argue further but Chinju grabs ahold of his hand, and motions him to stop.... "okay fine, we will go now, just please tell Jato we came looking for him"...."okay I will, Now go" grandma says and they both walk out of the compound, but not before Zairo sees her walking back into the house.

" Grandma seems angry today, maybe Jato has done something to offend her"...Chinju says to Zairo who was not listening. He was engulfed in his own thoughts. Chinju notices he is not focused.

"Zairo, Zairo, Zairo!!... She practically screamed the last Zairo into his ear before he snapped out of his thoughts.

" She wasn't limping" he suddenly says "What?? Chinju asks confused.." who wasn't limping??

"two years ago, grandma got in an accident and it left her limping. But she wasn't limping today".."what are you talking about? Chinju asks trying really hard to fathom out what he was saying.." don't you get it, something is not right, grandma always welcomes me into her home, but today it was like she was chasing me away. She didn't even want me to stay a minute. I am going back I have to know what is going on. You can go back to the store"...he turns around to walk away but she caught him by the arm,.. "if you are going back, then I am going too. Jato is my friend too. And besides I can't begin explaining to Old man Sam were you went. I am a really bad liar." she says and he let's out a little laugh.

When they got there, they saw grandma outside. She was going into the storage room." I did not notice that before, what is that?? Chinju asks pointing towards something "it's some kind of hose... The hose seems to be connected to something inside the house, and it looks weird....."I need to find where or what that hose is connected to.".... "but how she does not want to see you anywhere near the house."... Chinju reasons.

* * * *

" it is totally wrong to break into someone's house".. Chinju whispers as they jump over the fence at the back of the house. "if you have a better idea on how to get into the house let me know... And besides I told you to go back to the store but you didn't, so don't question what I do and just follow me quietly," he tells her. She just grumbles some words underneath her breath "you just have to be right all the time" he hears what she says even though it was with grumbles, but he chose to ignore.

They got in through the back window. The smell they perceived when they were outside was way more stronger in here. It was like the smell of ythousands of squashed bedbugs. It was almost choking. Zairo looked at Chinju in concern, she seemed to understand the look, so she deeps a hand in her pocket and pulls out her inhaler for him to see. "don't worry am fine" she whispers.... "who says I'm worried" he says and proceeds into the house with a smile on his face..

They look around the small sitting room and kitchen carefully trying to be as silent as possible. Then they looked in Jato's room but it was empty. Then they saw were the hose from outside the house led to. Zairo bent down to look at the hose, it was not a normal hose, it looked more like a long big umbilical cord, and it was covered in what looked like snail slime. It was irritating. "what is this thing? Chinju asks in a whisper.." I don't know, but I don't think it is good...

The hose led to grandma's room, so they went there. They opened the door and.....

"OH.. MY... GOSH".

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