
Chapter 19:SPIDERS

" Whoa, what are you doing? " I asked startled by the sight I walked in on. I secretly took a picture before asking my question. She was too busy with her quest to notice I had walked inside.

Natasha was holding a flower vase and was about to throw it against the wall. Lucy on the other hand was standing beside her mother with her doll in her hand. She looked ridiculous. Her hand was paused in midair. Was she really about to throw the vase? I pouted when I realized it was my favorite one.

Unbothered with everything happening.

" I want to kill a spider " her messy hair was perfect for how she looked right now.

" A spider ? " it was rare for me to see a spider in here. But, it was even less common for me to see someone trying to kill a harmless spider using a flower vase.

" Yes, a spider. Right there "she was frantically pointing and I couldn't see anything. I even squinted but still, there wasn't any spider around.

" I can't see anything "

" It's right there, no it got away. it's all your fault " Glaring at me, she slowly dropped the vase.

" You are so not overreacting "

" Of course not, those things are deadly. Now it roams free. Heaven knows where it is. Lucy sit on the couch and fold your legs " she instructed her daughter.

" You know it can still climb up the couch right ? " telling Lucy to fold her legs was a waste of time and very unnecessary. If any spider wanted to ' attack her ' it can. The drama with these two never ends. The past few weeks have been uneventful after I had to babysit, it seems the streak was over. I wasn't even complaining.

" Thanks for making me more afraid "

I rolled my eyes at her comment " I didn't even do anything "

" Momma is terrified of spiders. Once, she made us stay at Aunt's place because she saw two spiders and couldn't kill them. You are lucky it's only your vase she wanted to throw this time. She has broken her phone because of it before " I could no longer contain my laughter and burst out laughing, wanting to roll on the floor. It was funnier because Lucy said that with a straight face, not giving anything away. Natasha on the other hand was speechless and said nothing while I continued laughing. I was starting to like her. Lucy's mouth has no filter.

" Laugh all you want but we both know my fear is very rational "

" I shall and no, we don't both know that. Instead, you think your fear is rational while I know it's funny " I still couldn't get the picture of her standing in the middle of the living room, holding a vase in an attempt to kill a spider out of my head. After my day at work, and Sam riling me up this wasn't what I expected to meet at home but it was so bad. The mother and daughter duo was definitely one to die for.

" Once you're done laughing at me, I want to talk to you " her serious tone didn't go undetected. Great way to change the topic.

" Oh, to tell me about your phobia for lizards, rats, cockroaches? " I was pushing her buttons, just couldn't resist.

" Just so you know, I'm afraid of that too but I'll rather we don't talk about that today. I've endured enough teasing from you for a day, even Lucy was against me "

" Sorry momma " Lucy giggled and walked into their bedroom.

" Since you don't want to talk about your phobia, what's it then? Although I think that would have been an interesting topic " it was very easy to annoy her, it took little or no effort.

I noticed her red cheeks before she spoke, I didn't know if it was because of what I said or what she's about to say. I crossed my fingers and prayed it wouldn't be a strange request.

" I will be inviting my sister and friend over next week Saturday

" Umm ok?" turns out it wasn't a strange request

" They'll be here on Saturday night and leave the next day "

" I still don't understand why you're telling me "

" It's only right since we are both living here. I don't want you interrupting our girls night, it's a heads up "

" More like women night in. You don't have to worry, I don't plan on crashing your sleepover or anything " I could imagine the look on her face if I staked a claim to the house that day.

" It's not a sleepover, it's a night in. Plus I don't want you walking around naked or something "

" Are you sure about that? "

The blush returned and she opens her mouth to speak and said nothing. Trying to get rid of the awkwardness, I remembered the card I was asked to give to her.

" Before I forget, Sam told me to give this to you " I dug into my back pocket and brought out the two cards. Mine and hers. I checked the names so I would know which one to give to her. Yes, Sam actually gave me her card while ignoring me. I was still upset and even thought about taking my case to the bosses to give a just judgment. I decided against it as soon as I thought about it because they'll ask me why I didn't write an official letter of absence. Then query me because I could have jeopardized the reputation of the agency in the process of my habit.

" You have a pass card too? Which means you're attending. Isn't it supposed to be for the new ones? " I was right, nobody reads that book. Except for my annoying agent of course. Information is passed from one person to another and no one checks the book to confirm, we just go with it.

" That's not what the rule book says " I muttered under my breath

" Huh ? "

" You do not want to know " I answered, remembering Sam's antics from earlier.

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