
Hans and Emily's Blind Love

"Surely this is all Aleysa's doing. Why does she have to do it all to me? I hope that I will open my heart to her if she acts like this? Huh, never," said Hans in his heart.

In the end, Hans took the other towel. And even Hans was wearing another office outfit. He did not wear what Aleysa had prepared for him.

After everyone in the house got ready, it was time for all family members to gather in the dining room to have breakfast together. This includes Aleysa and Catline as well as new family members there.

Aleysa looked at the Office clothes Hans was wearing this morning. It wasn't the Office attire she'd picked out for Hans this morning. Aleysa also felt sad to find that Hans treated her like that.

"It turns out that Hans also doesn't want to wear the clothes that I have prepared for him. He doesn't like me that much," Aleysa said in her heart.

But even so, Aleysa still wants to take care of her husband well.

"Hans. I will spoon the rice and the side dishes."

"No need. I can do it myself."

Aleysa again relented. She did not serve her husband. Hans took his own rice and side dishes.

"The food is delicious. It's not like Leha can cook this deliciously," said Hans, who didn't know that it was Aleysa's cooking. Not the housekeeper.

"You talk recklessly. All of this isn't Leha cooking," replied her Grandmother.

"Well, then who cooks if not Leha?"

"Who else if not your wife."

Hans immediately choked. Then Hans took the glass of water that was beside him and Hans drank it.

"What are you doing? You should be grateful to have a wife like Aleysa. You're beautiful, kind, good at cooking again."

"Yes. What Grandma said is true. You should be grateful that Hans has a wife like Aleysa. If I had a wife like Aleysa, I certainly would be very grateful," continued Faqih, husband of Danisa, Hans' younger Sister.

Danisa who was emotional to hear the answer from her husband was immediately angry with him.

"What do you mean by talking like that? So you're not grateful that you have a wife like me?"

"I don't know. That's not what I meant dear."

"Already, done. You two are what are you even fighting like that," snapped his Grandmother.

"Sorry Grandma, Mom, everyone. I have to go to the office right now. Because I just remembered that there is an important meeting this morning. I say goodbye to everyone."

After finding out that the dish was Aleysa's, Hans just left the house and didn't continue his breakfast.

"Aleysa. I'm sorry Hans attitude. Hans is a stubborn person. You have to be patient with him," said his Grandmother.

"Yes, Grandma. It's okay," replied Aleysa with a smile. Even though in her heart Aleysa was also sad to get such treatment from her own husband.


Outside the house Hans angry alone is not clear.

"Grandma is what's wrong. She always defends Aleysa. Grandma doesn't understand how I feel when I don't have feelings for her. I'd better call Emily now. I just want to pick her up."

But unfortunately when Hans was about to call Emily, Emily's cellphone was off. Hans immediately felt worried about Emily's current state. Moreover, Hans knew that last night Emily was not feeling well.

"Why isn't Emily's cellphone active? Or did something happen to Emily? Then I have to go to her apartment right now. I have to make sure Emily's okay."

Quickly Hans went straight to Emily's Apartment just to make sure Emily was okay there. Hans still really loves Emily and can't accept that Aleysa is now his legal wife.

In fact, this morning Emily was still in the Hospital. Emily still accompanies her only child who is sick because of her own actions last night. There besides Emily who accompanied her, there was also one other man who accompanied Maira, Emily's daughter.

That man was someone who loved Emily too. But sadly Emily didn't love him. The reason was because this man wasn't as rich as Hans. Yet the man and her daughter were very close. Even her daughter has called him Daddy.

"Well then I want to go back to the apartment first. I want to get ready to go to the office," said Emily.

"Emily. What are you doing? You're not taking care of your child here but you're going to the office instead. Where is your heart as a Mother, Emily?" replied the man whose name was Ershad.

"Ershad. I've been with her here all night. And I went to work for Maria too. Who is going to pay for this hospital if not me? You? You won't be able to do it, right. So I have to keep working. You take care of Maria as long as I can work. Bye."

Emily still left Maria without hearing Ersyad's advice. Ershad just shook his head because she couldn't believe Emily's attitude towards her own biological child.

"Emily. I don't understand how you walk. How could you talk to me like that. Even though I know, you must have gone to the office because you wanted to meet your lover. Not for work," said Ershad in his heart.


Now Emily has arrived at her Apartment. When she got there she immediately cleaned up and got ready to go to the Office.

"I have to get ready right now. Because surely Hans will pick me up here. If I'm not ready, Hans will be suspicious of me later."

Sure enough, not long after Hans arrived at her Apartment. Hans rang Emily's Apartment bell a few times but there was no answer either. Because Emily was still making up on her dresser. After finishing, Emily opened the door for Hans. There Hans face was already very worried. Because Hans was afraid that something would happen to Emily.

"Why did it take you so long to open the door?" asked Hans.

"Yes, sorry dear. Because I was still in the bathroom. Why are you looking like this? What's wrong with you, dear?"

"What's wrong with you? Why wasn't your cellphone active this morning? I'm really worried. I'm afraid you're okay."

"Oh my dear. My cellphone was being charged earlier. That's why it died. Unfortunately, I'm that worried, are you and me."

"Yes, yes, dear. I really love you."

Hans immediately hugged Emily very tightly. Likewise Emily's hug to Hans. Hans had the heart to make out with Emily. Even though at home, his own wife was sad because of his attitude this morning.

-To be Continued-

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