
Father's Condition

"What? Your Father was in a car crash? How could it be Sa?"

"I don't know the story either, Mrs. But I have to go to the Hospital right now. There's only my young Sister there now. It's a pity she must be panicking."

"I... Yes, then you should go now. I hope your Father is okay."

"Amen. Thank you. Thank you very much, Mrs."

"Yes you're welcome."

After getting permission from her superiors, Aleysa immediately went to the Hospital that Catline had informed earlier on the phone using a motorcycle taxi. So you can get to the Hospital quickly.


Aleysa and Catline's Father had just entered the Hospital on a Hospital gurney. Catline who was beside her Father and saw her Father who was helpless kept crying for him.

"Dad... Dad has to wake up. You can't leave Aleysa and me."

Hans and Emily could only be silent. The two of them were also confused about what to do this time except hoping that the victim did not survive and did not have serious injuries. Because if that all happened, Catline could sue Hans to the police as her own eye witness.

"Sorry, Mrs, please wait outside. Let our victims handle it," explained the Hospital Nurse to Catline.

"But I have to accompany my Father, Nurse."

"I'm sorry, I can't Mrs. I will just wait here."

"But Nurse... Nurse..."

Catline kept whining to get into the examination room so she could accompany her Father in there. But what is called the rules still guide the rules. Catline is still not allowed to enter inside. Hans who felt guilty approached Catline intending to calm Catline.

"You don't cry, okay. We have to trust the Doctor and Nurse who will take care of your Father in there."

"It's all your fault. It's because of you that my Father is lying helplessly like this inside."

"Yeah, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to."

Catline continued to beat Hans pretty hard. But Hans was silent. Because he's a thigh if Catline gets angry like this it's also his fault. But Emily is the one who can't accept if her lover is hurt like that. Even Emily had pushed Catline back. Luckily Catline didn't fall.

"Stop. What are you doing. He already apologized. Why are you still beating him like this?"

"You think apologizing is easy? By apologizing, my Father can come back to his senses and health? Is it possible? Is it not?"

While Catline is mad at Hans and Emily, Aleysa arrives at the Hospital. Aleysa tried to calm her only sister.

"Catline. That's it. That's it. Why are you getting so emotional like this?"

"How can I not be emotional, Sis? Do you know who they are? Those are the people who hit Daddy. Those who have made Daddy helpless inside like this."

"My goodness."

Aleysa could only look at Hans and Emily without being able to do anything. Because Aleysa was also confused about what to do this time. And Aleysa can control her emotions better than Catline.

When the commotion occurred, the Doctor who treated their Father came out of the room. Catline and Aleysa went straight to him.

"How is my Father, Doc? My father is okay right?" asked Catline very worriedly.

"Your Father has regained consciousness. But there is a deep wound in his brain and must be followed up immediately. But your Father asked you to go inside and meet him. So please both of you come inside. But I ask for help, don't make a fuss, okay?"

"Yes Doc, definitely. Thank you, Doc."

"Okay, you're welcome."

Aleysa and Catline, who were very worried about their Father's condition, entered the room in a hurry. They both can't wait to meet their Father.

"How is the victim's condition? Honestly, I'm afraid that his family will sue me," said Hans worriedly.

"You don't have to worry about that, honey. Their Father's okay. After all, people like them just give them money. Surely they will accept it immediately."

When Hans was worried for fear of being sued by the victim's family, suddenly Mother from Hans called him. Like it or not, Hans had to answer. Because if Hans didn't answer, the one with his Mother would be suspicious of him. Moreover, actually this morning Hans had an important meeting that his Mother would also attend. But under these circumstances, Hans certainly couldn't come to the meeting.

"Mom I called. I will pick up first, okay?"

"Yes dear."

"Hello, Mom."

"Hello. Where are you? Why haven't you arrived at the Office yet? You know that we have an important meeting this morning, right?"

"I... Yes, I know."

"Then why haven't you arrived at the Office yet?"

"I... This, Mom."

"What is this?"

"I... Me. I just hit someone, Mom."

"What? You hit someone? How come?"

"It's a long story, Mom. I can't explain it to Mommy on the phone. But I can't come to the meeting this morning. Because I'm also afraid because the victim's family will sue me."

"Ugh, you're just being like that. So, where are you now? Let Mom help you. I don't want our family's reputation to be bad just because of this problem."

"Yes, Mom. Later I will send the address of the Hospital to Mommy via massage, Ok, Mom."

"Well then Mommy, wait."

"Yes, Mom."

Phone connection is turned off. After that, Hans immediately sent the address of the Hospital where Hans brought the accident victim to his Mother. This problem turns out to be handled by his Mother directly. Because the name of a Mother definitely doesn't want her child to be upset. Even though it was all his own fault.


Inside Aleysa and Catline's Dad's room.

"Dad. Are you all right? What's wrong, Dad? Tell Catline."

"Yes. How do you feel now? What do you want? Let Aleysa get it."

How worried Aleysa and Catline are with their Father's current condition. Moreover, their Father both looked very worried. His condition was very weak, not like the usual who always looked cheerful. But this time their Father looked very gloomy and someone was being held back from the pain. They both are also very worried about their Father because the only Father they both have right now.


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