Mercy Hall
One hand on Meelo's tail, she makes her way to the pot over the open flames. The closer she gets, the more the venison stew's smell infiltrates her nose.
Hints of basil, onion, mushroom, and potatoes fill her senses. There's something else swirling around with the mixture she can't put her finger on. But she knows one thing, it has one hell of a bite to it.
"You're just in time." Naan grabs a handful of chili pequins then smashes them in a bowl.
At least, now, Mercy knows what the hot kick in the lungs is from. She's seen the tiny chili berries up close and personal before. A single taste was all she had needed as a child to know she didn't want to repeat the mouth-on-fire experience.
"Take this." Naan hands her a large spoon carved of wood. "Stir that there pot." She dumps the crushed peppers into the boiling food.
Mercy's jaw drops. There's no way in hell she'll eat any of that tonight.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: