
Chapter 116: House of Wastor

A week had already passed since I arrive here at Harwinds Empire and I just go travel from one place to another every freaking hour I dont know why but Wyrande always invites me to travel together with her and Cap.Myera going from one place to another but, we're riding her mythical creature every time and its a fucking Indragon! a dragon who dwells from storm and we're riding it every time just to go from another place and the fuck! I don't swear a lot but this time I will freaking swear until I fill the ocean, I tried to find a time to present our products to the Harwinds people but this Wyrande always stopped all of my attempts I was never been block like this before and I'm not mad cause I her blocking my plans I'm mad cause she is flirting a lot with Cap.Myera right on my sight!

We're riding her Indragon the three of us and this dragon had green scales, long & sharp teeth, big claws, a wingless elongated dragon, and FUCK! we're riding this creature every time I don't know she we're going to stop riding this creature and please stop flirting on my sight!...wait...I and Armaros flirt much than that right....ehh.....I just realized something...I'm kind of shameless wanting them to stop from flirting but its an act between me & Armaros also this flirting is just one-sided! Cap.Myera don't even flirt with her only her! I don't want my loyalist to feel uncomfortable and the two of them suit each other...nah I will not give my sword to her not...yet..maybe...if Cap.Myera love her as in then I will support them and find a way to fulfill her duty and her love with her.

Right now I'm in the middle of the back of this dragon and the two of them are in my front rinding at the neck of the dragon Cap.Myera at the right and Wyrande at the left what I am witnessing right now is Princess Wyrande giving flowers no a pot of flowers to Cap.Myera, ' If you like a flower you pluck it, if you love a flower you water it daily ' that's what their religion say and its wonderful what wonderful saying does Princess Wyrande love her or just like her I don't want Cap.Myera to be in a relationship without love only liking its not okay or stable let us say, Cap.Myera always receive a pot of flowers each day and Its romantic I believe hehe I kind of like and hate seeing Princess Wyrande flirting with Cap.Myera but I want them to continue it.

" Myera, here take this pot of flowers again its the sign of love from me I hope you water it daily okay, especially when you have a water spiritual power." Princess Wyrande said as she gave the pot right to Cap.Myera hands and wink at her this woman..wait..how old is she? at the same age as Cap.Myera or much younger for years maybe but not decade for sure.

" Wyra thank you very much for the pots of flowers but I'm not planning to have a garden when I return to Acun, so I kindly ask not please stop this right now or tomorrow its kind of exaggerating..." Cap.Myera with her awkward grin together with her finger scratching her forehead while the pot is on her other hand and Princess Wyrande laughs patting or smacking Cap.Myera on the shoulder it hurts I believe especially when the person doing that have such sturdier body poor Cap.Myera but I know my sword is great enough to handle such pain right.

I grin at Cap.Myera when she glance at me while Princess Wyrande still smacking her at the shoulder together with her laughter.

" Princess Wyrande, are we still not near to our destination?" I asked its been almost an hour now and we're going to one of the three islands of Harwinds its above and its just small but not tiny Wyrande said she want to introduce us to her twin brother.

" We are near already Empress Amaris, and please tell Cap.Myera to accept my love~ she should water these pots and plant it later to the ground then as it grow maybe it would a forest of my love for her, right~" Princess Wyrande replied the fuck with that idea I know its not impossible still a lot of spiritual or magic power would be used to make a pots of flowers to be a forest or something and I look at Cap.Myera she was frowning her eyebrows then when Princess Wyrande look at her she Immediately cover her face with the pot of flowers on her hand.

" Its not my decision Princess Wyrande and I believe Cap.Myera already said something to you so please kindly don't make her uncomfortable." I said and Princess Wyrande clicks her tongue as she cross her arms and stands up at the back of this Indragon as it fly like a freaking story the fuck!

" I knew that, but Empress Amaris is receiving flowers or a pair of lotus from every person here at Harwinds Empire every time they saw you and my people from all class even try to search for you and give you just a pair of lotus together with, letters or let us say love letters." Yeah its already been a week and the people of Harwinds are kind of open to me they always gave me flowers a pair of lotus together with letters I thought Princess Wyrande ordered it but she's not ordering someone I believe did the Harwinds people just act on their own...

" Its not love letters okay, its just letters from the people of Harwinds that gave me a pair of lotus and just a sign for me that I am welcome in your empire." I clarified to her yet Princess Wyrande shakes her head and goes wrap her arms around Cap.Myera waist ohh this girl! then she glare at me the hell you looking at me like that.

" I don't know why but my people immediately want to show their love to you they're courting you the hell did you do Amaris, if my people loving you then I will love Myera as mine so allow me to have her this instantly." This bitch had the audacity to fucking request such nonsense you want my sword my loyalist to be yours! is it my fault that your people love me or something! no Cap.Myera is much high value than your people love's for me!

" Oh oh oh we're here! right we're here! now we should go go go!" Cap.Myera pointing her fingers at somewhere else and I immediately took a look and a floating town can be seen walls around of it together with towers at every corner with there upturned roofs & 3D sculpture as their exterior design also I can see soldiers riding their beast flying at the sky all around the town.

" We're here now and Empress Amaris, I want you to meet my Brother~ his handsome but...I will tell this to you, Armaros is much handsome than any man I knew." Princess Wyrande said and another Indragon came out from nowhere or maybe from the very not to of the base of this town at its head a man standing right there with his brown skin, his curly short hair, his fit body, wearing a long white cotton shirt and trousers together with a short coat, and he was holding a staff with beads like chains around of it.

" ' I heard you sister, and Welcome Empress Amaris Herean to one of the towns of Harwinds Empire, I am Crowned Prince Warther Wastor its a honor to meet such great person right in my eyes.'( Harossian )" Prince Warther said and thank goodness I immediately told Cap.Myera about the beliefs of this empire please don't misunderstand but the two of them are decided to be the emperor & empress cause theyre twins together with a same mythical creature to tame, they're going to be the emperor & empress of Harwinds Empire but they're not commiting incest okay the Prince already had a fiancee but that fiancee of him would never be called empress, cause only the his sister would be.

" ' Its nice to meet you too Prince Warther Wastor, and its a honor too for me to meet the next emperor of Harwinds Empire.'( Harossian )" I greeted him back but Princess Wyrande immediately go towards me and keeps shaking me! the fuck why I stated to her eyes and she Lee clicking her tongue.

" ' I am gonna be the Emperor, and my brother would be the Empress same as you okay, remember that.'( Harossian )" Princess Wyrande said and her brother immediately smack her head with the beads on his staff ohh it hurt! I can feel it by just the sound of how it hit her as in.

" ' Please don't listen to my sister and yes I would be the emperor also I believed the empress need to take some rest you been riding for an hour right?'( Harossian )" Oh thank goodness Prince Warther is much better to be with than his sister Princess Wyrande I immediately nods my head then while the two of them keep glaring at each other we go enters the town and the people & the soldiers immediately gathered also clearing the path for us.

As we climb down those Indragons the people around had a smile on their face together with bowing their head and waving their hands at the same time while, for the soldiers here had their hands saluted on their head also some monks can be seen with their fist & palm salute while their stick at their arm or at the back.

" ' Feel open and comfortable here Empress Amaris, we are just repaying how you and Acun treat my sister together with the Harwinds people for over a month, so don't worry the Acun & Harwinds are not enemies anymore.'( Harossian )" Prince Warther said as I look around waving my hands at them this is my first time on their empire but how they treat me is great truly great and I look at him holding a pair of lotus on his hand together with a letter then he gave it to me.

" ' Thank you very much Prime Warther and your much better than your sister.'( Harossian )" I replied to him and the people starts to come at me holding a pair of lotus and letters one by one while we're walking at the road going towards a palace or a temple then a couple of minutes passed I was like holding hundred pairs of lotus together with hundred letters I used my magic to stored the letters and hold the remaining flowers.

" See, my people truly loves you now give me Cap.Myera." Princess Wyrande said as she keeps circling around me I'm getting annoyed now so stop!

" Sorry if my people starts to gave you these things one by one when I took the lead." Prince Warther so he was speaking the common language too.

" No need to say sorry and I'm glad your people are open to me also Princess Wyrande you can't have Cap.Myera and thats all." I said and Prince Warther chuckles as her sister push Cap.Myera towards me how strong is this bitch.

" Let me guide you to your chamber Empress Amaris and Cap.Myera." We followed him while Princess Wyrande go somewhere else being called by some of commanders entering the temple only the three of us remaining talking with each other until we arrived at our chamber.

Cap.Myera immediately sleep at her bed and I go outside of the balcony watching the people outside monks talking to some women on saris with basket above their heads they're have spices, fruits, and more in those baskets then, I look on a fountain below and a girl was playing with the water together with her mythical beast sparrows surrounding her they're another beast capable of storm according to the information I had, then that girl would be Princess Wandris Wastor the youngest sister of the twins.

She's cute, brown skin, short hair for a girl, quite tall, and humble she's smiling just by talking with her mythical creatures I'm gonna rest I'm tired also I would propose my products starting tomorrow I swear it.

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