
Ch.39 Engagement and Plans to move forward.

After a few days, the day of the engagement was set and not many people were invited since it was a secret sort of ceremony thing. The place was decided to be my home where the ceremony or the contract signing will happen.

I told Jeely to prepare food for a feast and she was very excited that I was holding a feast she always complained that she didn't get to cater to many people.

(Victoria's Pov)

Today is the day that Jon signs the contract with Daphne and Alyssa. I couldn't sign it because of my dada. Even though he has stopped being rude to Jon I am doubtful that he will approve of me and Jon. But for now, I don't have any choice but to stay quiet on the matter.

Even though Jon has saved Harry many times now, Harry is still at arm's length with Jon. I have serious doubts that my father and brother will allow me to marry Jon if they somehow get the knowledge that he is the son of Voldy. And if they don't I have some other plans in mind.

I was getting ready for the event it was during the evening at Jon's place. I was staying at Daphne's for the day of the event. Although I was happy for all of them a part of me felt sad.

Daphne, Alyssa and I were getting ready.

Daphne wore an Egyptian blue colour long dress and she was wearing an emerald pendant and earrings. Alyssa was wearing a fern green Dress with no jewellery but she did have a silver ring on her right hands pinky finger. I wore a butter yellow short dress with a ruby pendant.

I was sitting on the bed and they were sitting in front of the mirror and Mrs Greengrass was helping them, they were still getting ready they still haven't finished their hair. Daphne was going with a double twisted bun while Alyssa was Crisscross hairstyle.

I asked them "How are you both doing?"

Daphne said, "I am fine." But her hands were fidgeting

Alyssa said "Somewhat nervous."

Mrs Greengrass was then helping Astoria and she asked me "How are you doing?"

I said, "I am fine because I am not signing a contract today."

She said, "Don't worry Victoria, they are not that ahead of you."

Daphne then said, "Mother please don't."

She smiled and said, "Hey today is a big day for all of you, so I just want you all to loosen up a bit."

I and Alyssa laughed and Astoria asked "Will, brother will also marry someone else as well?"

I said, "Honestly there is a good chance that he will."

She then said, "I will also marry brother."

We all then laughed. It really eased me a bit. After we got ready, We got in the cars and they took us to his house.

As I got into the house we all saw the decorations, there were white orchids and lavender flowers and white light decorations all around the house and Jeely came to the door and said "Welcome guests, Heir is still getting ready you all should come to wait in the hall. I have prepared some appetizers."

I then said to Daphne "You should all go I will go and check up on Jon." Jon takes a surprising amount of time getting ready. Not more than us but longer than most of the guys.

I went to his room and knocked on it and entered.

(In Evening)

I was in my room getting dressed for this day, I was very nervous. Then someone opened the door it was Coco She looked at me and said "You look good."

I was wearing a black suit with a purple shirt, a black tie and gold cufflinks and I looked at her she was wearing a yellow dress, she had tied her hair into a ponytail, she was wearing a pendant.

I walked towards her and said, "You look beautiful as well."

Coco had said that she can't sign a contract because of her dad, he was not hostile towards me but wouldn't be happy that I was marrying his daughter.

She walked up close to me and straightened my tie and said "Everyone is here, except for the wolves. They said they will be coming soon." She then placed her hand on me and she looked me in my eyes and her eyes were sad and said "Today is a big day for us."

I grabbed one of her hands and said "I am sorry that I can't we can't sign a contract as well."

She said, "The way we feel about each other is more than enough for me, I don't need for you to sign a contract to prove that."

I then smiled and said, "Well, if it's all the same to you." I then got on my knees and she said "No, Jon don't."

I said, "You know I won't stop." She then started to cry a bit and I showed her a small silver ring with a ruby on it and said "Victoria Potter this is a promise ring and I promise you that I will always love you and cherish you for the rest of my living days. I also promise you that I will marry you someday. Well, if you want to that is." I got up

She smiled and hugged me and said "Yes, you dumb idiot."

I then put the ring on her left hand's ring finger and she looked at it and said "Hmm couldn't find a diamond huh, cheap stake."

I then smiled and hugged her and then we went downstairs and by that time everyone was there. I went to the Hall and Thomas said "Quite a nice place you got there."

I smiled and said, "Yeah, took some serious money to build this place, so let's get this thing done so that we can talk about the other stuff."

He said, "Yeah, of course."

Florian and Thomas went ahead to the table, Florian then took out two contracts.

The contracts had the standard stuff like loyalty and fealty, children baring and other standard stuff found in the common wizarding marriage contracts.

I was standing with Daphne and Alyssa. Both of them looked nervous.

I looked at Daphne and said "Scared Daph?"

Daphne looked angrily at me and said "You wish... I am scared."

I started to chuckle and said, "It's amazing to see you all flustered."

She slapped me on the chest and said "At least stop for today."

I said "Ahh, but it is so fun."

Alyssa started to chuckle and I asked "How are you holding up?"

She smiled and said, "Right now I am enjoying this."

I said, "I am glad and let me tell you, you look very beautiful as well Alyssa."

She smiled and said "Thank you, Jon. I wanted to say that I am looking forward to us."

I then looked at her and smiled and after that Florian and Thomas signed it. We then went ahead and signed it as well.

I then looked at both of them and said "This is it, now it's official."

And with that, I was now engaged to Daphne and Alyssa. They both looked happy and I was also happy.

Everyone then started to celebrate and started to drink and eat and dance. I had hooked up a new music system at first every werewolf was like eww muggle music but after a few minutes, everyone started to dance. I must say Alex loosened up after a few drinks. Many werewolves were enjoying themselves.

I was with the girls and they were talking and they saw the promise ring that I gave Victoria and they all thought that it was cute and all of them looked at me and I got a weird feeling that they might want a ring of their own as well.

Then Florian came up to me and said "Well, now that is done let's talk in the study room."

I said to the girls "You enjoy yourselves I will come back later."

We then went into the study and Florian and Thomas looked around and Florian said "You really did make a good place Jon. The room feels big because of the lighting."

I then said, "Well, I like an open room." We all then sat down.

Then I poured them some scotch and Florian liked it and said "Which brand is it?"

I said "The Macallan Sherry Oak 12 Years. I will try it once I am old enough but for now, butterbeer would do."

Then Florian took out a contract and Thomas read it and signed it and said "Thank you for helping me and my people, we will always be loyal to you."

And with that, we now have an army of wizards who are loyal to us and will do everything we would ask for them.

I then asked, "So what is the plan that you have in mind?"

He said "I think that there are two options that we have. The first is to start a war with Fenrir but that can result in a lot of casualties and the other plan is that I or my representative challenge him for the Alpha position."

Florian then asked, "Can't he just refuse?"

He said, "No, a challenge for the Alfa position can't be refused."

I then asked, "Well, the duel is a better option, so do you have a representative or are you hoping to defeat him yourself."

He said "I would love to do that but I am not so good in combat, I am more of a strategist. So I was hoping that Alex can be my representative."

Florian then asked, "So what are the rules to be the representative?"

He said, "There are a few rules, the representative can be someone of your own blood or someone you sired or someone who is related to you."

I asked, "Does the representative has to be a blood relative?"

He said, "No he just has to be related to me or my blood in some way."

I then asked, "Can we check him first as to how good he is?"

He then leaned back and said, "What do you want to do?"

I said, "Well, we are taking a big risk, so we just want to make sure that he is up to the tasks."

He asked, "So how will you test him by having a duel?"

Florian said, "That wouldn't be so awful now would it?"

He then smiled and said, "So you want a duel with him?"

I drank from the glass and said "Not him, me."

Thomas was surprised "You, but you are just 13 and you want to fight a grown werewolf? and that's not even the main problem. The main problem is the underage magic."

Florian said, "We don't need to worry about that, I believe fudge would be more than willing to turn a blind eye to this."

I said, "And even if he does come for me, I will pay the fine, and he take my wand and give it back to me before the school starts."

He leaned forward and said, "But still do you seriously want to fight Fenrir?"

I then smiled and said, "Thomas I have been dancing with much more dangerous stuff than Fenrir. You don't know what your son in law is capable of."

He then laughed and leaned back on the sofa and said "I am starting to like you, even more, Jon when do you want to have the fight?"

I said, "4 days from now, we have a duel."

I then got up and said, "Now if you will excuse me I have a party to attend to and I don't want to spend the rest of the night with you guys."

Florian said, "You are getting a lot more lippy."

I smiled and said, "Well, I am growing up. You don't expect me to stay an obedient boy do you?"

Thomas then laughed Florian said "Get out of here."

I then exited the room. I then went towards the others and enjoyed the rest of the night.


The segment with Cotton 🐍

Greetingssss readersss, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Thank you for voting and commenting on the chapter.

Alyssa Bell will look like Devery Jacobs.

I would like to ask you guys how would you like for the MC to deal with Fenrir. I am open to suggestions.

I was thinking like a duel between Mc and Fenrir for the Alpha and Mc can act as the representative of Thomas. But if you have a better suggestion I would like to hear that as well.

And Jon wouldn't be able to use protego diablolica or many other powerful dark spells, I had a question does the lightning charm falls under the dark category?

Thank you to all the people who voted.

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